Gene....The Machine profile picture

Gene....The Machine

If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough!

About Me

I'm a 30 something that can't decide what to do in life, but be confused. It's no wonder that my limbs are slim, but I have a pooch. I get upset and happy in one sentence. I love to travel, but hate to fly. I enjoy being around people, but rarely leave my house (when I'm in town). My friends love me and they hate me. It's quite funny cause I love all my friends and don't hate any of them...just people that aren't my friends. I have two passions in wife and my computers. It's strange cause 7 years ago, I didn't have either and I was more "put together" than I am now.

My Interests

Why is it that my profile edit page says "Interests", but what you see says "General". So my "interests" are: BMW's, Apple Computers, The Female Psyche, Traveling to the Carribean Islands, The Power of Money and people who use double negatives in a

I'd like to meet:

People that aren't afraid to get wet in life. I dive in head first, but tip toe to the pool. Odd huh?


LADYTRON is my new obsession! I'm also a HUGE fan of William Orbit, Shpongle, Phuture Primative, Wicked House Tracks and almost ANYTHING 80's.


Scent of A Woman, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Space Balls, Back To School, LOTR Trilogy, Forest Gump, Zoolander, Most Horror flicks, Silence Of The Lambs, Snatch and a load of others.


Family Guy, Forensic Files and Discovery Channel HD!!


sadly, i only read magazines....and only the good kind :)


Sting, Prince and the person that cures cancer.