Devin ???? needs your help! profile picture

Devin ???? needs your help!

I am here for Friends

About Me

Profile Edited by MySpace Total MySpace Editor .."bold"FUN DEVIN FACTS SO YOU CAN ACT LIKE YOU KNOW ME!
I was born Jan. 2nd in Heidelberg Germany, and was almost 2 feet tall
for you non-math scholars that means i'm 21
i love God. like... alot.
I'm poison free for Christ. that means no drinking, smoking, or drugs.
i also don't drink caffeine, but not because of jesus. more because i'm really annoying when i drink caffeine.
i live in a secret place in norco, CA
i absolutely LOVE not living with my parents and recommend everyone do the same
i play guitar, bass, drums, piano, synths, programming, beat production, and generally anything i can find. i've dabbled with trombone and sax, but can't afford them, so my skills are rather poor
i genuinely love my friends. i want nothing but the best for them, and would do anything for them. even though they're mostly total wankers
i am planning on getting my bachelor's and then going to europe and teaching english to support myself while doing missionary work, but who knows. life is crazy
i'm a bit manic depressive which sucks sometimes
i'm currently single, but not really searching for a lady. i'ma leave that up to God. i don't really have a great track record when it comes to making decisions.
i like music waaaay to much. all day everyday. if you're ever looking for good new music, look at my favorites. it's mostly good bands
i write tons of music. much of it is crap, but i'm always trying
i am absolutely enamored with slang. i love the idea of people creating words, and them spreading across the world. i do my very best to collect strange words from every country and language i can
i really want to learn to speak french, but i'm terrible with languages and have no reason to speak french
i read EVERYTHING. pretty much anything you want to talk about, i can talk about. moving around alot as a kid taught me to be a little bit into everything rather than obsessed with one thing.
i haven't seen my real father in like 10 years, but i'm not really bitter. i'm pretty indifferent actually
i really enjoy blandness over excess. i prefer to search for the beauty and something good in stuff rather than have it thrown into my face
i really really want to start adbusting but i'ma wuss. anyone want to go with me?
i have all the best parts of a gay guy, with my favorite parts of manly men. i love interior design, fashion, shopping, and tegan and sara. but at the same time i think "shoot 'em up" was one of the best movies this year, love to build things, ride a motorcycle, and can't dance
i'm continually looking for someone i can have real conversations with. i like to talk about robots, time travel, and food. i also like to talk about the social, ecological, economical, and most importantly religious ramifications of our capitalist consumer driven society.
i am a total sucker for a girl in heels and earrings. sheesh. my brain just shuts off
i love l.a. but want to move to seattle at some point in my life. i'm also considering settling down in a small rural town in japan when i'm old.
that's pretty much it i think... i'll just keep adding to this as time goes on i guess. peace out
oh and if you're going to add me, send me a message telling me what's up because i don't really add people that are just adding me so they can have more people in their friends list. word

My Interests

drums, guitar, piano, synths, recording, listening, watching movies, broads, the usual.

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet anyone who wants to make music. you don't have to be talented or anything just fun.
AIM Debnlinda


stuff. in nor particular order:
i listen to on a daily basis: indie (modest mouse, built to spill, the decemberists, arcade fire, blahblahblah) hip hop (aesop rock, demigodz, planet asia, etc...) dance rock (bloc party {my current favorite} moving units, the rapture) metal (gnarly gnarly gnarly deathmetal) plain old rock (zep, switchfoot, white stripes, the mars volta yaddayadda) zoney stuff (tristeza, explosions in the sky, unwed sailor) strangeness (gogol bordello, russian folk music, irish folk music, buddy holly, LOTS of blues)


let's see. billy elliot. the experiment. fight club. my left foot. fearless. shoot 'em up. anything kung-fu, or foreign really. most american films are a bit too bombardment oriented
directors i love: robert rodriguez, darren aronofsky, christopher nolan, andy anderson.


futurama. A.T.H.F. sealab. the venture brothers. all the typical stuff that 21 year old boys like


red, white, black


Jesus. Paul. Anyone who actually gets their crap together and follows their dreams and enjoys life.

My Blog

the name game!

i'm gonna make this blog a running list of name-change ideas,here's a short update real quickAndrea:devin devin devin (haha)devin from myspacedevin of heaven (initials = doh!) *ALSO, with this one...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:22:00 PST

i gotta get the hell out of here

i need to get out of here. i don't really care where. this place just depresses me. any ideas? i've got about 70 bucks in the bank and a motorcycle.
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:21:00 PST


i didn't write this but it's the bomb diggity truth"what about the corporate vandalism we all live with everyday? The billboards, signs on buses, fliers and posters which litter walls and streets ofte...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Thu, 10 May 2007 03:29:00 PST

don't read this

i totally love that drinking, smoking, statutory rape, swearing, vandalism, and destruction of private property are all considered "normal/ok" in the christian world. since when do we care what's norm...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 05:34:00 PST

vomitorial corpulence

if you've heard the gnargnar song on my page you're probably wondering what's up with it. well here's the lyrics. you should go to their website and read al...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:54:00 PST

hardy har har

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said, "Stop! Don't do it!" "Why shouldn't I?" he said. I said, "Well, there...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:14:00 PST

raaar tom!

i now have over 300 "friends" and i'm pissed i can't organize them. because probably 290 of them are bands. who else thinks we should be able to have like folders within our friends list. i'd have gn...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST


so yeah i bought a tech deck and i love it. and according to youtube alot of other dorks are still obsessed with them. and strangely enough it got me hyped on skating so i skated for like 3 hours yes...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:54:00 PST


so yeah i bought a tech deck and i love it. and according to youtube alot of other dorks are still obsessed with them. and strangely enough it got me hyped on skating so i skated for like 3 hours yes...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:54:00 PST

buy or die

ok i got some stuff for take/sale brand new sticker still on them wrangler slim fit pants. size 32x31 they're like 30 bucks new so $10$ or something fun and entertaining. ampeg 1x15 bass amp. soun...
Posted by Devin ???? needs your help! on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 03:42:00 PST