Playing Guitar Writing Music, Pit Bulls, and studying about the end times, and the mysteries of The Kingdom
SABAOTH SAYS; There is a Woman with stork like wings whose name is Mysterion, and she works her work of blasphemy under the authority of this Dark Seraphim named Abbadon. And no; this Abbadon is not the covering Cherubim named Lucifer whom I seen fall like lightening, but he is the power of Lucifer, and shall be The False Messiah. Now this Mysterion; who is the religious spirit who disguises herself as my Holy Spirit, and is the Mother of all Prostitutes. She is a filthy religious Whore whom shall be drunk with the blood of my Prophets! I gave this Whore of mine time to repent, but she would not! So she to fell into the realm of this Earth, and by her hand was the death of all my Prophets of old, and then nailed me to a Tree. Anathema, my blood for yours! And now; this filthy whore of mine who disguises herself as my Holy Spirit, and she calls herself a Prophetess while leading my servants astray, and she seduces them to bow down to the love of money, fame, and sexual sins as they pray for a brand new Jet; IN MY NAME! SABAOTH SAYS; KIBROTH-HATTAAVAH! I shall strike these Dogs of this Religious whore of mine dead, and The Kingdom of God shall be full to the rim with Graves of Craving! Have you not known, have you not heard that my judgments shall begin in my Kingdom first! SABAOTH SAYS; unless you repent, there shall be death upon death in this Kingdom of Graves! So go ahead; my whores, bow down and pray for your Jets!
Crimson Thorn, old school Embodyment, Impending Doom, With Blood Comes Cleansing,and Tortured Conscience.
UnderWorld,Gabriel,X.X.X,and Fast and Furious.
C.S.I's, House, and MoonLight.
The Bible, and Rick Joyners The Final Quest
Christ,King David. Ezekiel The Zadodic Priest,and John the great Seer.