Raphael profile picture


I Rock the Sais!

About Me

What can I say that hasn't been said a billion times before? Not much. I'm the "dark" one. The Cynic. The Pessimist. The Crazy. The Angry Young Man. Or, for those of you who ain't Polyannas, the Realist.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm a Big Dog... but I lie low unless somebody gets my back up. I don't start 'em, I finish 'em. I'm out of cliches... but those sum me up nicely.
I'm pretty anti-social and short-tempered, I admit. Most people just get on my nerves. I like to leave-alone and be left alone. If more people were like me, I think things would be better off. I know I'd be better off!
I guess I need to learn how to relax. To find my "center," as Splinter sez. I'm workin' on it. Sometimes I envy Mikey his good-natured temperment. Sometimes I think I'd like to be that way. Sometimes...
The saying goes "Ignorance is bliss"... as I grow older, I'm trying to grow wiser... kind of a contradiction, innit?
My Favorite bands, You gotta check them out!

My Interests

hockey, baseball, golf (mostly stuff I do with Casey Jones) fighting. haha

I'd like to meet:

A reporter named April... Well i've already met her, But damn does she put me in shell shock!


Lorene Drive, Elevate: I Am, The Receiving End of Sirens, Glassjaw, Mxpx, Lorene Drive, Armor For Sleep, Classic Case, Secret Lives of the Freemasons.


Master Splinter of course!