•my g/f (Amanda), MUSIC, guitar, skateboarding, movies, skulls, halloween, mexican food, catholic art, rollercoasters, swearing, hookah, driving, green jelly bellys, riffs, beats, serial killers, ninjas, cheap cigars, breaking things, Morrissey, Deftones, Christina Ricci, a few good people... good tunes and good times•
•Morrissey, Christina Ricci, Vincent Gallo, Scarlett Johansson, Juliette Lewis & Prince•
lots & lots of shit...
lots of shit...
anything with Christina Ricci, Giovani Ribisi or Juliette Lewis•
some stuff...
•the Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, the Zombie Survival Guide, anything on true crime... other than that, i have A.D.D. so i read magazines•
•Morrissey, Chino Moreno, Amanda, Daniel Johns, Jonah Matranga, Rob Zombie, Derek Jeter, Marty McFly, & my great uncle Earnest•