The Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights (ALAP) is a service and support organization dedicated to protecting the rights and addressing the professional needs of the Los Angeles playwriting community. Founded in 1992, ALAP has a large and diverse membership of area playwrights ranging from beginning and student writers to established professionals. ALAP is a project of Community Partners, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Among the events ALAP sponsors are an annual Reading Festival, in which area theatres present rehearsed readings of members plays; the Playwrights Expo, which brings together Los Angeles playwrights and dozens of representatives of local and national theatres; Dramapalooza!, a smorgasbord that combines a Director-Dramatist Exchange with our popular Monologue Slam and two symposia in a full day of theatrical fun; the In Our Own Voices series, in which member playwrights read from and share their work with other writers and theatre professionals; symposia and panel discussions; and networking and social events. ALAP also presents the C. Bernard Jackson Award, to recognize individuals and organizations which nurture, develop, and support Los Angeles playwrights.
Our bi-monthly New Works Lab, in which a local theatre company (we rotate among some of the best groups in Los Angeles) does a non-public table reading and moderated discussion of a member script, helps members develop their plays in a safe environment and at the same time introduces them to groups with an interest in new writing.
ALAP's HotLine, bi-monthly NewsFlash and the email lists keep members posted on upcoming events, discounted or free tickets to shows, and requests for scripts from theatres and playwriting festivals. The Membership Directory is a networking resource which allows members to update their credits on a regular basis, and the Script Catalogue and Production Archive harness the power of the internet to showcase member work for potential producers.
ALAP is an all-volunteer organization, and welcomes members' ideas and help. Yearly dues are $40 ($20 for full-time students with copy of valid ID), and are tax-deductible.
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