Stakes is High profile picture

Stakes is High

The best fruit is at the top of the tree....

About Me

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.. " border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" " border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"I'm pretty simple. Love REAL Hip Hop and dancin! Music in general. I got a lady now ! She can move almost as good as me ! HA..... .-------------------.. " border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"

Like Paul, Michael and Matthew, Peter, James and Andrew Phillip, Simon and Judas -- I'm disciple of music


MOMENT OF TRUTHThe situation that I`m facing is mad amazin,To think that such problems can arise from minor confrontations,now I`m comptemplatin in my bedroom pacin, DARK CLOUDS OVER MY HEAD,MY HEART is RACIN,Suicide, NAH I`m not a foolish guyDON`T EVEN FEEL LIKE DRINKIN OR EVEN GETTIN HIGH!Goes all that`s gonna do really is accelerate all the anxieties I wish I could alieviate.BUT WAIT I`ve been throuh a whole lot of other sh!t before So I outta be able to withstand some more.But I"m SWEATIN THOUGH my eyes are turning red and YOI`m READY to LOSE my MIND but instead I USE MY MIND, I put down the knife and take bullets out my nine MY ONLY CRIME IS THAT I`M TOO DAMN KIND. And some scandlous Mutha F*ckers wanna take whats MINE.BUT THEY CAN`T TAKE THE RESPECT THAT I`VE EARNED MY LIFETIME and you know they`ll NEVER stop the furious force of my rhymes.SO like they say EVERY DOG has it`s DAY and like they SAY GOD works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS so I pray rememberingthe days of my youth as I prepare to meet MY MOMENT OF TRUTH******* --------------------------------------------- Hit me on Yahoo or AIM or MSN under the name Rentical Or E mail me email me

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My Interests

likes photography, Internet, movies, video games, DODGE BALL, sneakers, sports,Soft ball, animals, text messaging, friends, baseball caps, spring, fall, the color blue, web design. Jordans, Dancin, Music, Hip-hop, R&B, Old School, Cancun, your MAMA...

I'd like to meet:

Maya Angelou......... Anyone that is cool




nerd - maybe :: Rentical@yahoo.comREAL hip hop and R&B I HATE the RADIO!.. " **A KEYS**Nas, Tupac, Wu-Tang, MethodMan, Red Man,Lupe Fiasco, Groove Theory, Sade, Gang Starr , The Roots, Michael Jackson, Prince, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah , Mobb Deep, Tony Touch, Nina Sky____SO SEXY , X-TIna, Alicia Keys , Kiley Dean, Brandy, Ghost Face. Common . The Mighty Mos Def, KRS 1, Tribe Called Quest , Dela Sole, The Clispes. N.E.R.D, Earht wind and Fire.SOS BAND, James Brown, EMPD, Naughty by Nature, Public Enemy, RZA, GZA, GHOSTFACE, BUSTA,...


Usual Suspects, Coming to America, Water Boy, Anchor Man, Resident Evil 1 and 2, Dawn of the Dead, Pulp Fiction, Texas ChainSaw , Lion King (shut up), Willy Wonk the REAL one, ShawShank Redemption, American Beauty, Gladiator, Troy, Star Wars, Star Treks, Purple Rain, Harlem Nights, Trading Places, 50 first Dates, A wAlk to remember, The Green Mile, BraveHeart, God Fathers, Scare Face, Good Fellas, Casino, Heat, Old School,...


I love TV I watch it all the time. LOST, Real World, Road Rules, Big Brother, X-Files, SNL, SNG, Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, ..., Heroes, ROME


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Chris Childs for punching this bitch in his shit!

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My Blog


For years I have never known how to clear my search history. You know if you are on google or yahoo and it has everything you have ever searched for in there. Not that I have anything crazy in there L...
Posted by Stakes is High on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:50:00 PST

There it is

The "L" EAGLES !! Good season though can't front. But come on home to philly and shut the hell up!
Posted by Stakes is High on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:20:00 PST


Well my team just couldnt get it done. Good game Eagles. Thanks for all the calls and text messages from all you eagles fans that I have not heard from ALL YEAR you crawl out from under your rocks th...
Posted by Stakes is High on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST


One of the worst games I've EVER seen. Some how we can still make the playoffs !   NFC NEW YORK GIANTS NY Giants clinch a playoff berth:1) NYG win + NYG clinch strength of victory tiebreaker ove...
Posted by Stakes is High on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:04:00 PST

James Brown RIP

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Singer James Brown, the self-proclaimed "Godfather of Soul," who billed himself as the hardest working man in show business, has died at age 73, CNN reported on Monday. Brown had b...
Posted by Stakes is High on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 08:51:00 PST


With every hip-hop song offering dance instructions that's hot right now ("Walk It Out," "Lean Wit It"), there should be no wondering why. When business and bureaucracy have more influence over what w...
Posted by Stakes is High on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:08:00 PST


Aight so lets face it, hings are not going well. All the million texts messages and phone calls from all you bird fans you now are coming out of no where! Eagles are known to choke. Giants arent out o...
Posted by Stakes is High on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:35:00 PST

bye Kahunnaville

Kahunaville closes doors for goodPost Comment All three parts of the complex including The Big Kahuna Nightclub, The Deck and The Red Room are closed. The owner said the surrounding development on the...
Posted by Stakes is High on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:00:00 PST


Ok Ok Eli has not had a great Year. The Giants are pretty banged up right now. Eli looked HORRIBLE against JAX. It isnt looking good right now. But we still are the 2nd best team in the NFC. Atleast w...
Posted by Stakes is High on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:26:00 PST


Cosme Kramer !! You should say such things EVER!! Watch this link too  ...
Posted by Stakes is High on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:36:00 PST