Olivia profile picture


Well now, this is all very exciting.

About Me

So yeah, got a new job, all going well. Thanks for asking. Really freakin' cold in my house though. Going to go put the heating on and possibly make some soup. Ok, reheat some soup. Yes out of a tin. Shut up.

My Interests

Snowboarding, Flying, Motorbikes, Inebriation, other things...

I'd like to meet:

Actually, I'd like to meet friends from school again. Most of them have completely fallen off my radar.


Darwyn! they're on here. they rock. check it, homey...


Fight club, snatch, lock stock, swordfish, gone in 60 seconds... guns and cars....


CSI, House, QI...


I currently judge books by their covers. It's working out well for me right now.



My Blog

quiz thing

NameOlivia GraceBirthday16th of JanBirthplaceTruro, Cornwall. Yarrrrr oi be a farmer at 'eartCurrent Loacationlearn to spell location! I'm in Green Park, LondonEye ColourBlue, or blueish grey, I'm tol...
Posted by Olivia on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 04:18:00 PST

The things that I think about at work

Here's one for you. Get it into your head that you're a vegetarian, a moral vegetarian, i.e. one who thinks eating meat is a moral wrong. If this concept is foreign to you because you're a big ol' car...
Posted by Olivia on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:49:00 PST

Favourite Quote

Wer was hat, nun ja, der kann das Leben so nehmen, wie's wirklich ist, der kann das sein was sie jetzt einen Realisten nennen; wer aber nichts hat, wer immer in einer Wueste Sahara lebt, der kann ohne...
Posted by Olivia on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 03:31:00 PST