Oh please, let's do this. Drum n Bass, some old Hip Hop (NOT rap), basically walking around anywhere interesting and fun. (here's my "if i had the money " answer) i'd walk the earf. boolyacka. i like music, but only the music i like if that makes sense. same with movies and video games. i'd hate to say those are the things i'm into, cause i'm really not. but the ones i like, i love. i like alot of tv and movies, which makes me sound illiterate and ignorant. i like drum n bass, hip hop and music from any video game where the music grew on me, which makes me sound like a kid, and i like to go away as often as i can, or go out to manhattan any weekend i can, which makes me sound mainstream and probably irresponsible in the ways of workaholism, but i assure you i have much fun and enjoy my life as much as i can. i love my good friends to holy hell, and enjoy any day i can be with them. if you had friends like mine, you would too. my family's ok too, ha ha! (just kidding, they are great). but generally i like nice AND interesting people, i like being outside whenever weather permits, i like to bbq, i hate when summer winds down, i'll play anything with mario in it, i love nyc and it's very own drum n bass, i'm trying to like my car (but i don't have the knowledge or money to like it to my liking, ARGH!!!) and if you mixed mario music with dnb, i love you too. (i did it, and i love myself). stupork!
Count Dracula, Bill Sephiroth, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bigfoot, and Kevin Kelleher. 2 out of 5 ain't bad. i also like mega-dudes, anyone who can high-five like a ben carrick. any pure blooded jungleist, Sweet, sweet country girls with big wonderful butts, sweet, sweet city girls with round smile inducing butts, and a handful of sweet, sweet suburban girls with those good ol' "you can take home to momma" butts. and space girls with the meen green hiney butts, the choice of a new generation. i basically meet friends through friends, so meet my friends, ha ha. i'm too lazy to form new friendships. unless you're Bill Sephiroth......Blooster.
i guess i already covered it? drum n bass. old school hip hop(and some new, i'm just never really subjected to it anymore) but i'll sound like a general dude and say people play aesop rock in front of me, and i like it. but jungle is pretty much the only music to make me love music. and to reiterate, yes, i DO download and listen to alot of the music from all of the video games i grew up with, and some of the good ones from nowadays. my ipod has over 1800 songs on it. maybe 1/3 is drum n bass. maybe 100 songs are normal songs. you do the math. laugh all you want, but i assure you of this one thing- no matter how much of a hard ass you are, you will hear a song in my car that makes you say, "oh shit, what game is that from, i know this one!!" nobody can resist. join us......... oh, and road trips are fun as hell, mwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
heh heh heh. really, who can name all of their favorite movies? i just saw drunken master, and i instantly loved it, which is weird as i usually don't like kung fu movies like all of you bandwagon jumpers, ha ha! start with the new......advent children: ffvii (didja see THAT one coming?), Face off, Con Air, both pirates of the caribbean movies, ZOOLANDER!!! Ghostbusters 1 & 2, Pulp fiction (but i HATE reservior dogs, go ahead and condemn me you bitches!) terminator 2, back to the future 1 2 3, SUMMER SCHOOL!!(shoop) sleepy hollow, riding bean, roger rabbit, street fighter 2 (cartoon movie OR live action movie with raoul julia as m. bison, all star wars, happy gilmore, tremors, dirty dancing, from dusk till dawn, anything starring me and my friends, thornman vs special bluff, mario paint movies, gummo,blade movies... and the list goes on- to be continued. Ploost-Nuste
Seinfeld, simpsons, futurama, used to like dragonball z, pee wee's playhouse, nip/tuck, lost (thanks kurt), house (thanks, whoever made me watch it once. i think cristina?) CROMARTIE HIGH SCHOOL, and i wish i had good channells like g-4, showtime, hbo 1 through 7,000, and porn. lots of porn. a man has to stay educated. poolz.
I don't really read books. sound unintellegent? fah-q!! just kidding. i don't really like to read novels, i like my fiction to be visual. i used to be creative in my youth, so i never learned to dig on other people's descriptive creativities. but i DO like to read magazine articles that pique my interests. small bites, for interest or information, and i feel good and still have the rest of the day ahead of me!! so no long lists of dean koontz novels here. just honorable mentions to egm, national geographic, cosmo, fhm, time, newsday, maxim, and those in the plethora of "weird" mags, like the uk sells us! the only books i ever read were about things like encounters with ghosts or bigfoot. i like to be scared by them whether i believe them or not. but i usually do, and i find that chilling stuff invigorating. i also used to read the dictionary randomly just to clear the chain of words i've been hearing, and it'd always lead to another word that you thought of during your pursuit for the last one- it was great. you really learn alot, even from words you think you know the definition of. but wikipedia killed that. damn information superhighway!! you make it too easy!! oh, and did i mention (insert favorite book here)? i love it! let's have a discussion on it. (porn!!) somebody stop me!!! Ploughens.
Beefy, Gren Kuts, Fulgore, Ken Masters, Jabba the Hutt, Link, Buttchun, Luigi, Bret Hart, Richter Belmont, Hector Allune, Grim Reaper, Ferdinand Dudenhoffer, Ben Carrick, Bill Sephiroth, Ken Barrick, Devin Kelleher, God, Don, Bryan Adams, AC Slater, Squid, Wayne Campbell, Bill S. Preston, ESQ., Jack Nicholson's penis, Robert vaughn, and steak. Oh, and Bush. not the president, but the gross, gross thing in your mom's crowsnest. bistellyacknle.