The Countess of Bella Vista profile picture

The Countess of Bella Vista

I am here for Friends

About Me

janice --
A master blogger
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

i have recently decided that i hate money. if money were a person and i saw him on the street, i would walk up to him and punch him in the face. (if money were a girl i would pretend not to see her and then talk about her behind her back.) i just don't understand money - i try to treat it nicely, but the minute i have some kind of problem, it deserts me. meanwhile it always seems ready and willing to be there for the people who abuse it and think nothing of it. i think money has issues and needs counseling. hmmm... maybe i should have some compassion... okay, i take it back - i don't hate you money, i'm here for you - whenever you're ready... scratch that, i don't have anymore time to waste, so ready or not - i'm coming after you and we're going to work this thing out. we have to - i've got things to do.

if someone had taken me aside 5 years ago and told me that in 2007 i would be absolutely loving life living in australia, going to hillsong, surrounded by a worldwide circle of absolutely amazing friends i would have said "will i be married?" Because really, that is the most important thing, is it not? And according to the life plan i created for myself I should have been married 3 years ago at the latest. sometimes i wonder if God really knows what He's doing, but then i remember that same grand lifeplan i created had me working some bearable job and maybe, just maybe if i worked hard and someone else was too sick to make it (fingers crossed) leading worship on some sunday mornings. what a wide-eyed dreamer i was, eh? thankfully, God had a little more in mind. at this exact moment, i am working two bearable jobs and not leading worship at all, but somehow i'm living a life better than any i ever imagined and dreaming bigger all the time, but these dreams aren't just dreams - they're possibilities and i'm all about seeing them happen.

so this is me putting it all out there - music is the thing. it's what i was born to do and it's what i'm going to do. what exactly that's going to look like - i'm not sure, but there's only one way to find out. so watch this space. before 2007 is over, i will have my album out there and i will have a band. so if you're a friend of mine, be a pal and hold me to this - because if procrastination was a sport i would be a record-holding Olypian gold medalist. so ask me how i'm progressing from time to time and pin me down to an actual answer because if vagueness was a defensive art i'd be an untouchable stealth ninja with invisibility powers and the ability to fly. seriously. sometimes i'm not even sure where i am or what i'm doing. but i am sure that i'm tired of living at this level. and how funny is that - i'm living beyond anything i previously imagined and yet, i want more.

and i know there's more. because as i mentioned previously, i'm still not married. which honestly, i am SO THANKFUL for. because if i were married i wouldn't be able to date all these hot aussie boys... wait a minute... something is wrong with that sentence... but what?? oh yeah, now i remember - i'm not dating anyone; hot, aussie or otherwise. no one's asking and i'm honestly okay with that because i'm pretty darn picky. which is the real reason i'm thankful i'm not married - as my self-worth has risen over the past few years, so have my standards and i shudder to think what kind of schmuck i may have settled for a few years back. i tell you what - whoever does win this is going to have to be flipping amazing because i'm worth it (sorry schmucks, you had your chance). so until captain oblivious wakes up or someone even more incredible catches my interest, i soldier on.

and on that happily single note, i think i'll close this thing out. but if you find you've come to the end of this and you're still craving a bit more janice (which is understandable) there are a few options for you:
1. you can revisit my past "about me" glories in my blog section
2. you can visit my website
3. you can check out my other myspace page
4. you can sit outside my house.
but i warn you now, should you choose option #4 i will have to sneak up behind you and tape an "i'm a crazy, crazy stalker" sign to your back. i can do it. i'm a stealth ninja.

My Interests

music, food, sleeping, kittens, puppies, people who love God, people who love me, people i love, books, musicals, applesauce, ice cream sandwiches, acoustic guitar, fl studio, God's promises, my future, captain oblivious, the mandolin, building favouredchild, grace, sunsets over water and any combination of any of the things mentioned above.
just in case you were wondering...
Name: Janice
Birthday: January 21st
Birthplace: Kaiser Hospital in Bellflower, California
Current Location: AUSTRALIA!!
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 168cm (that's about 5'7 in American)
Right or Left Handed: Right
Piercings: Seven

My Weakness: procrastination
My Fears: oversleeping and missing something important, ventriloquist dummies

Top 3 Goals @ the moment:

#1-get my album released
#2-finish the 2nd Captain & Majmun book
#3-find another good pair of sunglasses

Top 3 Goals for life: #1-get on with it
#2-get married and be an awesome wife and mother
#3-help make life better for others... somehow

Last 3 Books I read: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" J.K. Rowling
"All Creatures Great and Small" James Herriot
"Godless" Ann Coulter
Last 3 Movies I saw:

Knocked Up
The Polar Express
Shrek 3

Top 3 CD's right now:

"Albertine" Brooke Fraser
"As Cruel As Schoolchildren" Gym Class Heroes
"Mr A-Z" Jason Mraz

I'd like to meet:

My husband.
So if you happen to see him, let him know where I am, would'ya? And Celine Dion. I love her and I am not ashamed.

My Loyal Subjects
I know heaps of awesome people

The Contessa (My Twin)

My Thriller (Build-A-Bear)

Jazzy Wazzy (The Baby)

The Mr. & Mrs. (My favorite couple)

Freakaduck (My Brahma)

My Scarf-Stealing Wombat

My Brother From Another Mother

Megalicious (My Super Strong Friend)

Spring Vegetable

My Favorite PA (She's in the circle)

The One I Miss The Most

Former Housemate/CoWorker... Forever Friend

My Girl Toesie

My Baybee

The most delicious Danish


Take a look at the coolest people on the planet


grrrrl singer/songwriters rule - alanis, tori, lisa loeb, fiona apple, brooke fraser, jennifer knapp, nichole nordeman, missy higgins, natalie merchant... pretty much chick + instrument = i like


Beauty and the Beast, Singin' In The Rain, Moulin Rouge, Ever After, The Incredibles, Last of the Mohicans, X-Men 2, Friday, Coming To America, Guys and Dolls and the best movie EVER: Fried Green Tomatoes


there was a time when i spent pretty much every waking hour watching tv. these days i pretty much shun it, i figure it's already taken more than it's share of my life. but i do enjoy falling asleep while watching some of the old series i have on dvd: punky brewster, daria, seinfeld, reba... hmm... that reminds me... must get more reba.


are my weakness. i love them. some of my all time favorites: The Bible (NIV version), A Wrinkle In Time, Where the Red Fern Grows, Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry, Captivating, Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia, Farside Galleries, the Harry Potter books (please don't judge me) and the books of James Herriot.


My mommy.

My Blog

i know...

so i've been pondering hope for awhile... what it is, where it comes from, etc. and over the course of my studies one of the ideas that occured to me is that there is a progression where hope is the 2...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 04:26:00 PST

2nd old "about me"

It's 2007. And I'm still single. Things are not exactly going according to plan. But my life is just kinda like that. Which is fun sometimes because it keeps things interesting. But other times, it's ...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:58:00 PST

Day 7... peace out verizon

so i've been here a week now. most of my time here has been spent working on my website (which is up and pretty much done except for one page) and re-recording all the vocals for my CD.  That who...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 01:45:00 PST

Day Three: chimichanga

so... three days down, about a million to go... i did accomplish my goal for yesterday, to find a cheap phone and prepaid plan - i actually paid a little more than i wanted to, but it got me onto the ...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 12:02:00 PST

DAY ONE: home again, home again...

jigetty, jig. so here i am, back in america, back in cali, back in my old room.  it's 3am here, but i'm still wide awake and on myspace, hmm... that's probably not going to be great for getting o...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:39:00 PST

what am i worried about?

So the past few weeks have been really good.  Not good like in a "wow, that was fun! Can't wait to do it again." sort of way but good in a "I don't think I would wish thi...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Thu, 24 May 2007 07:57:00 PST

deja vu

So I sprained my knee the other day.  I wish I could say that I did it while doing something cool like stage diving during my Elevate pre-service gig, but no& I was walking and I sprained my knee...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 02:07:00 PST

a rose by any other giver...

So almost three (maybe 4) weeks ago I was given a rose and then asked to coffee a few days after that.  Can you guess how that made me feel?  If you guessed deeply and horrifically...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:58:00 PST

my old ABOUT ME

A few things you need to know...   Last night I went into the city to a restaurant that we'll call "amamagaw" (some names may have been changed to protect the guilty). I ordered a teriyaki chicke...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:55:00 PST

should i be offended? pt 2

so the other night, i was hanging out with some friends and we were playing "imagine if".  for those of you not familiar with this particular game it basically involves random questions and votin...
Posted by The Countess of Bella Vista on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 04:56:00 PST