A master blogger
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
i have recently decided that i hate money. if money were a person and i saw him on the street, i would walk up to him and punch him in the face. (if money were a girl i would pretend not to see her and then talk about her behind her back.) i just don't understand money - i try to treat it nicely, but the minute i have some kind of problem, it deserts me. meanwhile it always seems ready and willing to be there for the people who abuse it and think nothing of it. i think money has issues and needs counseling. hmmm... maybe i should have some compassion... okay, i take it back - i don't hate you money, i'm here for you - whenever you're ready... scratch that, i don't have anymore time to waste, so ready or not - i'm coming after you and we're going to work this thing out. we have to - i've got things to do.
if someone had taken me aside 5 years ago and told me that in 2007 i would be absolutely loving life living in australia, going to hillsong, surrounded by a worldwide circle of absolutely amazing friends i would have said "will i be married?" Because really, that is the most important thing, is it not? And according to the life plan i created for myself I should have been married 3 years ago at the latest. sometimes i wonder if God really knows what He's doing, but then i remember that same grand lifeplan i created had me working some bearable job and maybe, just maybe if i worked hard and someone else was too sick to make it (fingers crossed) leading worship on some sunday mornings. what a wide-eyed dreamer i was, eh? thankfully, God had a little more in mind. at this exact moment, i am working two bearable jobs and not leading worship at all, but somehow i'm living a life better than any i ever imagined and dreaming bigger all the time, but these dreams aren't just dreams - they're possibilities and i'm all about seeing them happen.
so this is me putting it all out there - music is the thing. it's what i was born to do and it's what i'm going to do. what exactly that's going to look like - i'm not sure, but there's only one way to find out. so watch this space. before 2007 is over, i will have my album out there and i will have a band. so if you're a friend of mine, be a pal and hold me to this - because if procrastination was a sport i would be a record-holding Olypian gold medalist. so ask me how i'm progressing from time to time and pin me down to an actual answer because if vagueness was a defensive art i'd be an untouchable stealth ninja with invisibility powers and the ability to fly. seriously. sometimes i'm not even sure where i am or what i'm doing. but i am sure that i'm tired of living at this level. and how funny is that - i'm living beyond anything i previously imagined and yet, i want more.
and i know there's more. because as i mentioned previously, i'm still not married. which honestly, i am SO THANKFUL for. because if i were married i wouldn't be able to date all these hot aussie boys... wait a minute... something is wrong with that sentence... but what?? oh yeah, now i remember - i'm not dating anyone; hot, aussie or otherwise. no one's asking and i'm honestly okay with that because i'm pretty darn picky. which is the real reason i'm thankful i'm not married - as my self-worth has risen over the past few years, so have my standards and i shudder to think what kind of schmuck i may have settled for a few years back. i tell you what - whoever does win this is going to have to be flipping amazing because i'm worth it (sorry schmucks, you had your chance). so until captain oblivious wakes up or someone even more incredible catches my interest, i soldier on.
and on that happily single note, i think i'll close this thing out. but if you find you've come to the end of this and you're still craving a bit more janice (which is understandable) there are a few options for you:
1. you can revisit my past "about me" glories in my blog section
2. you can visit my website www.favouredchild.com
3. you can check out my other myspace page
4. you can sit outside my house.
but i warn you now, should you choose option #4 i will have to sneak up behind you and tape an "i'm a crazy, crazy stalker" sign to your back. i can do it. i'm a stealth ninja.