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Be happy now - though you may die tommorrow, you can only live today!

About Me

Nobleman : Latin

Creative, versatile and imaginative you appreciate beauty in all forms. You have great inner strength and courage and have the ability to accept large responsibilities or challenging situations with patience and humility. Others admire these qualities and follow your lead. You are honest, discerning and self-disciplined and need to have a peaceful environment. Putting others before self your talents are used to make life better for everyone. Find out the meaning of your name - Click Here

Extroverted (E) 57.14% Introverted (I) 42.86%
Intuitive (N) 58.06% Sensing (S) 41.94%
Feeling (F) 51.52% Thinking (T) 48.48%
Judging (J) 51.52% Perceiving (P) 48.48%
ENFJs are motivated by external human situations, primarily by other people; their talents, their needs, their aspirations and their cares forming the world in which an ENFJ lives. They thrive when able to make things right for others, to enable and empower their co-workers, friends and family through valuing their human strengths and abilities. When gifted with the added ENFJ ability to intuitively adapt their feelings to the way they are affected by others, the ENFJ has a positive drive to find co-operative pathways leading to the best possible outcome for all, including themselves. Success for an ENFJ comes through involvement in the process of making things happen for people; through the accomplishments and satisfactions of those they have helped to enrich the human world with greater value, and through finding that their efforts on behalf of others have fulfilled their own life as well.

Click on any of the four letters above (E-N-F-J) to take a free MBTI personality test!!
Your 1st Match: ENFJ
The Giver-You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
Your 2nd Match: ENFP
The Inspirer-You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller! You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
Your 3rd Match: INFJ
The Protector-You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. What's Your Personality Type?

People of this personality type need to be validated in order to feel worthy; they pursue success and want to be admired. They are frequently hard working, competetive and are highly focused in the pursuit of their goals, whether their goal is to be the most successful salesman in the company or the "sexiest" woman in their social circle. They are often "self-made" and usually find some area in which they can excel and thus find the external approbation which they so desperately need. Threes are socially competent, often extroverted, and sometimes charismatic. They know how to present themselves, are self-confident, practical, and driven. Threes have a lot of energy and often seem to embody a kind of zest for life that others find contagious. They are good networkers who know how to rise through the ranks. But, while Threes do tend to succeed in whatever realm they focus their energies, they are often secretly afraid of being or becoming "losers."

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul.You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.
You have great vision and can be very insightful.In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer
Your Life Path Number is 3
Your purpose in life is to express your unique self.
You are a creative and artistic person with an interesting view on life.
Witty and outgoing, you enjoy sharing your crazy ideas with anyone who will listen.
A total social butterfly, you're the life of any party.
In love, you inspire and enchant your partner. You are often an object of fantasy and desire.
While you are very talented, you sometimes lack the ambition to put your talents in play.
And while your wit carries you a long way, you occasionally use it to mask your true feelings.
Your natural abilities can bring you all the success in the world ... if you let them

What Is Your Life Path Number?

You inspire others around you with your creative energy and thirst for new experiences. You are exceptionally curious and aren't afraid of learning new things which is probably because you tend to focus on the potential positive outcome of any experience rather than dwelling on the potential negatives. You are a true explorer in the word. You want to understand and experience it all, and you're especially open to new feelings and ideas. Compared to others who of all test takers have this unique combination of personality strengths.
What are the "5 Factors?" What do the five factors represent? OCEAN which stands for:
O: Openness to experience
C: Conscientiousness
E: Extraversion
A: Agreeableness
N: Negative emotionality
These five factors have been studied for decades and make up the most widely accepted theoretical model for understanding personality.

Your Brain's Pattern
You have a tempered, reasonable way of thinking.
You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view.
For you, everything is always changing. Each moment is different.
Your thinking process tends to be very natural - with no beginnings or endings.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?
Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.
With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you
In love: You are picky but passionate
To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

What's Your Dosha?

*****Patrick's Oracle
(Mar 28, 1979)
White Planetary Wizard

Wind KIN # 114 *

Seed Tribe

Wizard Compliment


I perfect in order to enchant,
Producing receptivity.
I seal the output of timelessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of spirit.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.

* Galactic Activation Portal Day These are special inter-dimensional days and anyone born on such a day is likely to play an important part in Universalising some form of teaching, art form or music i.e. the Beatles were all born on GAP days and so was Mozart.
Tone: 10, Note: A, Name: Planetary, Function: Manifestation

You were born in the Wavespell of Red Serpent in the Year Red Moon

White Wizard – Enchants Timelessness *

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Receptivity, Integrity, Heart knowing, Jaguar, Shape shifter, Priest, Magician, Torch bearer, Shape shifter, Priest, Magician, Torch bearer, Supernatural, Alignment with Div1ine will


When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Will out of alignment with Divine Will. Issues of integrity, personal power, control. Need for approval and recognition; mind out of alignment with Heart-knowing.


To come out of the shadow: Open to Heart-knowing and limitless possibilities. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it

My Interests

There are multiple theories as to how the Universe and it's living organisms began. Science and religion both monotheistic and polytheistic have espoused numerous ideas about our origin. It seems, however, that regardless of the method, that the point of origin is the same. It all begins as oneness. All inclusive of all elements light and dark, male and female, physical and spiritual yin and yang. It is the balance without polarities - Union. Then it was set into motion creating the heavens/cosmos (the spirit)and the earth (the physical) and from their union (emotion-love) life takes form.

All of us on the planet today were formed by the union of three primary planes of existence or energies. They are the physical or material plane which forms our bodies. It is the level of chromosomes uniting and cell walls dividing.

The spiritual plane; from which the soul enters the body. It is the plane of our collective cosmic vibrations.

And the emotional plane - this is the plane in which the masculine and feminine elements of our creation (our parents)became as one. Love is the central element of unity within the emotional plane. Especially important is Unconditional Love - the unbreakable bond of freely expressed and boundless true love.

Similarly, each of us were created through the union of Yin and Yang, or the Feminine and Masculine respectively. With the spiritual plane representing the energy of the "cosmic father", the Sun (almost entirely Yang), and the physical plane as the energy of "Mother Earth" (almost entirely Yin) then the emotional plane serves as the point of perfect equalibrium between the two. This suggests that the physical, emotional and spiritual are not completely seperate from each other, but are instead distinctive points (in fact, the most distinctive points) within a spectrum like the colors of the visible light spectrum

From one end of the spectrum to the other, the seven colors (ROYGBIV) represent the relative midpoint within sections indicating highly distinctive changes from one area of the spectrum to another. You may have noticed that devices and software used in the true color image projectection use only three colors [RED][GREEN][BLUE] Often expressed as RGB, they can be combined in specific proportions to create any other color. Likewise the physical, emotional, and spirtual planes of are integrated by moving each one a step towards the others.

The Chakras, like the colors that represent them, are not just specific points along a spectrum (or pathway), but instead represents a range of frequencies with an upper and lower boundary. Thus each chakra would function between two polarities, yin and yang, with a few noteable exceptions. The Crown Chakra represents the upper bound of the entire spectrum, and as previously mentioned, Spiritual Energy is almost entirely Yang. It is therefore singular in polarity. Likewise, the Root Chakra and it's physical earth energy represent the other pole for the entire spectrum and being almost entirely yin in nature, it is also of a singular polarity. The Heart Chakra represents the point of balance and union and therefore is singular by its very nature.

The symetrical result contains both the masculine and feminine which makes it the model for an androgenous system. In our reality, however, most systems (e.g. organisms)are either male or female. In order to reflect this distinction, the sexual chakra is also reduced to one polarity as either male or female. The result is the Tree of Life structure.

I'd like to meet:

Patrick, in love you are

[50%] Extroversion* ~ & ~ [60%] Intuition

[52%] Feeling ~ & ~ [55%] Perceiving

* Note: Introversion and Extroversion are split even. In such a case the results are read favoring the dominant variable. In this case, Extroversion

Your most compatible types:
Because you're an Intuitive Feeler (NF) , you possess the kind of emotional intelligence that helps you be compassionate and understanding of people's needs. Not only are NF s like you known for having great people skills, but your type can also be quite adept at big picture thinking and creativity. Because of this mix of traits, you typically appreciate those who are supportive and practical.

The Best Personality Type for You Is
"The Healer" Your ideal mate is the idealist type. As a romantic partner, this type is usually supportive and nuturing, however, they have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to this type as they are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes them resist confronting their partners directly about problems. When this type gets angry, they usually blame themselves, rather than their partners. This type can also be stubborn and unyielding when they feel they are being criticized or mistreated. They feel the most appreciated when their partners listen to them carefully. They need to be understood. They need to hear their partners express their feelings, the more often, the better. The group summary: idealists (NF)

Your No 1 Love Type: ENFP
The Inspirer

In love, you are passionate and eager to develop a strong bond.
For you, sex should be playful, creative, and online.

Overall, you are perceptive and bring out the best in your partner
However, you tend to hold on to bad relationships after they've turned bad.

Best matches: INTJ and INFJ

Your No. 2 Love Type: ENFJ
The Giver

In love, you give your all and feel guilty when relationships fail.
For you, sex is not seperate from love and caring.

Overall, you are humorous, giving, and motivational.
However, you tend to be over-protective and critical of your partner.

Best matches: INFP or ISFP

Your No. 3 Love Type: ENTP
The Visionary

In love, you are always trying to improve and grow your relationship.
For you, sex should be a spontaneous adventure with an online webcam.

Overall, you are magnetic, inspiring, and a charmer.
However, you tend to get bored and want to change partners frequently.

Best matches: INFJ and INTJ

What's Your Love Type?

Patrick, you're looking for a Best Friend

There are many different ways to look at relationships, but for you, finding a best friend, the one person you share everything with, is the most important. Some people focus more on the romantic image of a soul mate to last the span of time, but you probably prefer the reality of making the most of every moment of every day. And who better to live those moments with than someone who's true blue through and through?

The ideal match for you is probably someone who can anticipate the next word out of your mouth and who laughs at the punch line before you even tell it. Chances are it's important to you that they'd expand your circle of friends, introduce you to new places, faces, and experiences, too. Whether this relationship is here for the short- or the long- term, you're a take-it-as-it-comes kind of person, with few expectations or fairytales to live up to. You'd take your constant companion and trusted secret-keeper over a fairy princess or Prince Charming, any day. Whether you realize it or not, there's someone out there who feels the same way about you. Like you, that someone is looking for the one person to be their best friend both in the bedroom and out.

The Ideal Relationship Test
Patrick, the thing you need most in a relationship is Deep Connection

In your ideal relationship you and you partner would be deeply and passionately connected. This sense of intimacy is really important for you. As is the need for certain rules and an understanding of who wields the power in your relationship. But regardless of how this works, your deep need for this kind of closeness will ultimately drive your relationship.

Patrick the best girl for you is the Girl Next Door

Cute, fun, and sweet, your ideal gal is just a stone's throw away she's the Girl Next Door. She's Sandra Bullock, Doris Day, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one. Naturally pretty rather than glamorous, she's unpretentious and generous. She loves animals and children, and is great with both. You're attracted to her strong values and traditional ways. Although she demands a lot of respect, she's not particularly high-maintenance. Her ideal date is more likely to be dinner and a movie than heading out for a night on the town. She's careful yet spontaneous a little bit of the Guy's Girl, a smidge of Sorority Sister (the nice kind), and just a hint of the Hippie Chick. But she's got an appeal that's all her own, which is why you can't stay away. Her winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature make you want to hold on tight and never let go.

WHITES are motivated by peace , seek independence and require kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. (Feeling good is more important than being good.) They are typically quiet by nature, they process things very deeply and objectively, and they are by far the best listeners of all the colors. They respect people who are kind, but recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle.

WHITES need their quiet independence and refuse to be controlled by others. WHITES want to do things their own way, in their own time. They ask little of others, and resent others demanding much of them. WHITES are much stronger than people think because they dont reveal their feelings. are kind, non-discriminate, patient and can be indecisive, timid, and silently stubborn. When you deal with a WHITE , be kind, accept (and support) their individuality, and look for nonverbal clues to their feelings. What Color Are You?

Your Love Element Is Wood
In love, you tend to dominate and guide your partner.
For you, love is all about sharing goals and future plans.

You attract others with creativity and vision.
Your flirting style is defined by your honesty and assertiveness.

Growth and improvement are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may focus on goals too much in relationships, but you never come out of them with a loss.

You connect best with: Water

Avoid: Metal

You and another Wood element: will be doomed to a stormy relationship

What Element Is Your Love?

In Aries, the Exalted Sun is highly action oriented. You like to do your thing, and you are opinionated and direct in doing it. Your Aries personality constantly wants to charge ahead, and insists on being the one who organizes, rather than ever allowing yourself to be led or organized by others. You can have a hard time recognizing any point of view except your own. Highly action oriented, when an idea strikes you, you are off quickly to carry it out. You constantly need new goals, new projects, and new challenges. You are a quick learner and a self-starter; enthusiastic and curious. The main challenge for an Aries Sun sign native is the control of impulses. You must avoid scattering forces; your natural impulsiveness and inability to listen to the advice of others sometimes involves you in difficulties.

Sun in the Eighth House (Ninth House Cusp) may bring financial benefit through marriage. Much of your life's energy will be applied to joint financial ventures or possibly a profession dealing with the management of other people's money - banking for instance. The use of power is highlighted in some way, this will be generated and applied within your close social relationships. Some gain through inheritance is likely. There may also be a strong desire to study philosophical, metaphysical or occult subjects. Will-power and financial ability are accentuated
Sun in the Ninth House(Ninth House Cusp) much of your energy will be applied to foreign affairs, further education, long-distance travel and the advancement of social status. The basic drive is for understanding and self-expansion. The desire to study religion, philosophy and mysticism is also stressed because the inner urge is toward discovering the meaning of life and all events. Dreams should be watched and studied. With this placing there is a danger you may lose contact, at times, with everyday affairs. There is a love of the foreign and exotic

Moon in Aries means the personality is active, forceful, courageous, independent, impetuous, and enthusiastic. The imagination is powerful, keen, and active. Feelings are assertive or even aggressive, energetic, impulsive, and easily aroused, especially anger. Subconscious impulses are to start anew, begin new enterprises, and pioneer. Instinct is to lead, be the head, hew out one's own path, and be self-reliant.
Moon in the Ninth House - Your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through some form of emotional attachment to social, ethical or religious values. You have an inherent need to expand your life through travel, study, philosophy and the search for metaphysical truths. Practical knowledge is often obtained through dreams or meditation. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by spiritual or ethical values

& The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you a truly explosive personality; dynamic, hard hitting, powerful, and magnetic. Every idea put forth in the reading of your Sun sign is intensified by the Aries Moon. Independence and self-confidence may be so intensified that they become a stumbling block in personal relationships, if they are not somewhat tamed. You do express yourself readily and forcefully, with considerable dramatic effect. You are not impressed with abstract thoughts and ideas, only actions and accomplishments. This is not to say you don't use your mind. Your mind is always active: reading, talking, discussing. When it comes to getting things done and done rapidly, your talents can fill the bill. This position provides exceptional leadership traits, but a need to develop qualities of tact and consideration for the feeling of others can impede progress.

Mercury Rx in Pisces are gentle communicators with a soft touch that is pleasing and warm. Some of them come across in an almost poetic way. Not given to bother too much with details, these individuals tend to sponge up the feelings and moods of their environment. The information they extract from their surroundings can be unusual and certainly unique. For some, it is heavily skewed in the direction of emotion and feeling. Mercury in Pisces is tuned in to all the nuances of subjects and environments. They pick up on subtleties of all kinds, so what they lack in organization they make up for with insight. When the Sun Sign is Aries, much of the brashness and directness of Aries is considerably toned down with Mercury in Pisces. Aquarius Sun people with this position are artistic and humane
Retrograde (Rx) Mercury functions in manner expressed as something other than the expected, something away from the norm. Perhaps a few of the senses will be extraordinary. Perhaps the verbal ability will be noteworthy. How about intellectual function? Ask anyone with a natal retrograde Mercury, and he will tell you that his mind and intellect are extraordinary and he will shyly admit to genius.
Mercury in the Eighth House - Your mental and communicative abilities will largely be applied to the growth and development of the mind through the study of fundamental questions of life and death, and a search for the beyond. There is an interest in scientific, metaphysical and occult subjects. Much of your knowledge may be gained through intuitive means rather than the study of books. There is an aptitude for business and other financial dealings. Your mental disposition is ideally suited to work of an investigative nature, research, psychotherapy, psychiatry, police or detective work.

Venus in Aquarius indicates an independent, non-traditional approach to romantic and social affairs. A magnetic, original, sparkling, glamorous and effervesce nature makes you socially popular, with many friends. You are likely to have a number of love affairs before considering marriage. When you do take the plunge it is likely that you choose a partner who is able to satisfy your need for intellectual stimulation, companionship and You are probably most attractive when you are acting a little aloof. You would like people to acknowledge and appreciate that you don't follow the beaten track in matters of the heart
Venus in the Seventh House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through a happy marriage and harmonious social relationships. To a very marked degree your general well-being and emotional health depend on sound and meaningful relationships - both social and romantic. Financial prosperity or social success may come through your marriage partner.

Mars in Pisces indicated that you will assert yourself in an emotional, sensitive, unassuming, co-operative, cultured, humorous, refined and caring manner. Energy levels can fluctuate day to day, much depends on your emotional state of mind. The incentive to action is governed not so much through logical assessment or practical necessity, but by intuition, 'how you feel' about a situation. Your refined and sensitive nature is well-suited to artistic, creative and imaginative endeavour - such as religious and spiritual work, music, romantic literature or humanitarian projects. Frequent periods of quite and solitude are necessary in order to recharge your energies. On occasion you can be devious, evasive, gloomy, indolent, changeable, irresolute and indecisive. Sex is synonymous with love and idealised romance. Lovemaking is passionate, imaginative and emotionally elevating.
Mars in the Eighth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative into the quest for personal success, self-knowledge and emotional security. Your energy is channelled through powerful, deep-seated but easily aroused emotions and a powerful sex-drive. There is a desire for leadership within your social and business sphere - involvement with metaphysical or occult groups is a possibility. Your deep interest in finance, big business and a keen, positive attitude to investment ensures success. You possess an intuitive sense that is well tuned when it comes to assessing prospective partners and financial opportunities.

Jupiter in Cancer gives you the opportunity to develop a kind, loving, sensitive and paternal nature, capable of sympathy and understanding. These qualities are necessary in order to expand your personality and life experiences. Your duty is to nourish, protect and instil kindness, moral principles and a love of knowledge into receptive minds. Individuals with natal Jupiter in Cancer experience personal growth and expansion through their family and domestic environment. The concept of nurturing is a strong element in this Jupiter sign position, and these individuals are often talented cooks, caterers, psychological counselors and educators. They may be subjected to emotional extremes and must carefully avoid over-reactions. Knowledge of human emotions and learning how to control the power and sensitivity of feelings are what these individuals can gain in life.
Jupiter in the Twelfth House you will find luck, ease of working and general good fortune coming through spiritual work, literature, art, poetry, religion or stage and screen work. Inspiration, support and guidance may come from an inner search for spiritual fulfilment - in the form of meditation, seclusion and introspective study. At some stage of life you may make a great personal sacrifice in order to fulfill your ideal of worthwhile service, perhaps through asylums, hospitals or public institutions. There is likely to be an interest in medicine, chemistry, healing and metaphysical or occult studies - you have a healthy respect for ancient wisdom and the more profound teachings.

Saturn Rx in Virgo means you are methodical and organized, willing to work to achieve goals. To you, theory and practice are one and the same, you immediately put what you learn into use. Usually early in life when you must sometimes cope with sorrow, disappointment, or frail health. You can become bogged down in trivialities because you are a stickler for details. Saturn gives you wisdom but not necessarily vision. You are too critical of yourself and undervalue your talents and potential for success. Don't think you have to be perfect to succeed. If you are capable of overcoming need to perfect and are able to let go of control -- you have a chance of developing an imaginative side where your practicality could become a valuable asset.
Retrograde (Rx) Saturn in the natal chart is still the planet of structure, organization, discipline, and perseverance but the function of the Rx Saturn will be expressed as other than expected. Everyone has Saturn somewhere in the natal horoscope. The person with a Rx Saturn has a built-in maturity and discipline to help him handle any of the Saturn-like problems or situations that Life may bring.
A First House Saturn (2nd House Cusp) suggests that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates to a personal ambition to attain prominence and overcome problems regarding self-expression. Your goals include personal happiness, financial security, general well-being and personal fulfilment. In order to achieve self-sufficiency much hard work is required to overcome self-limitations. Periods of gloom and discontent are certain but eventual success will come through your ability to manage others, practical ability and strenuous, protracted effort. Progress may be slow but you are sure to gain a good reputation, honour and credit through persistence, acquired ability, worldly wisdom and continual effort. A strong ego must be evolved and an agreeable social persona adopted. These qualities will enable you overcome feelings of fear and self-doubt, and to face the challenges of the outer world with courage and self-confidence - a free soul with a true sense of worth and purpose
A Second House Saturn (Cusp) suggests that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates to the acquisition of money, status and material possessions. You are required to develop prudent financial abilities, thrift, economy and a solid, conservative investment strategy. Financial growth and business expansion will require much hard work and diligent effort, however, success will eventually come through steady but slow returns. Land and property deals are favoured.

Uranus Rx in Scorpio gives that generation the ability to receive intuitively from the planetary mind new ways to substantially transform the society as it is presently operating, especially on a worldly and sexual level. In your life you will experience many drastic changes which put anything and everything in question. You will experience an unprecedented upheaval when the outdated social systems are cast off. Disruption occurs by holding on to outworn sexual standards and outmoded ideas about material partnerships. The seeds of revolution and instability may take root from within this group.
Retrograde (Rx) Uranus in the natal chart is still the planet of the unusual, the unexpected, yet the function of the Rx Uranus will be expressed as other than expected. How can that be? When Direct, Uranus is unusual, shocking, surprising and "different" in its action. Everyone has Uranus somewhere in the natal horoscope. The person with a Rx Uranus expresses a reinforced characteristic of Uranus. He is far ahead of his time.
Fourth House Uranus you will seek individual freedom of expression through an unusual home or family life. Many unexpected changes of residence and unusual experiences within the home environment are likely.

Neptune Rx in Sagittarius natives have the potential for realizing the higher levels of communicating in the areas of intellect, philosophy and religion on a planetary basis. They are infused with the vision of the rise of enlightenment in the realms of religion and philosophy, and the struggled to fine worldwide media for positive communication. On a personal level, it indicates the dilemma of expecting automatic emotional fulfilment to come from following a philosophy. It offers the choice of accepting or denying the commitment to rise above blind philosophical belief and reliance on others. Their opportunity for fulfilment lies in allowing personal experience in the real world to transform and expand their philosophical ideals.
Retrograde (Rx) Neptune in the natal chart is the planet of inspiration, dedication, sensitivity, illusion, and deception which will manifest in ways other than those commonly anticipated. The person with a Rx Neptune may not have the capability to pretend or act other than how he is in a straightforward manner. He will probably choose a career that places a premium on honesty and integrity.
Neptune in the Fifth House may indicate that your imaginative and spiritual potential manifests through intuitive creative self-expression, artistic talent, children or an association with one of the opposite sex. Strange, abnormal or peculiar events may be experienced in connection with your feelings, emotions, affections and sex matters. An idyllic, romantic love partner is much desired. May also indicate loss of child and/or relationship with an afflicted partner (addiction), or loss of partner.

Pluto Rx in Libra natives experience the call to participate in world transformation by introducing new forms of co-operation between nations. They are also given the challenge of transforming traditional ideas of partnership relationships on planet Earth. On a personal level, those born with Pluto in Libra experience their greatest fears in risking disharmony through disclosure of what they feel to be unjust. Their challenge is to be willing to discard personal illusions of balance and objectively express their power in relationships in order that a new and greater harmony can be established
Retrograde (Rx) Pluto in the natal chart is still the planet of transformation, unseen forces, and mass movements, however Pluto Rx will function in a different manner than it's usual generation-wide undertow. The person with a Rx Pluto may turn these attributes inward and work on his own personal growth and inner transformation. He may exhibit a specific talent for working with masses of people. Look for charisma!
Pluto in the Third House opportunities for transforming or regenerating yourself may come through a deeply idealistic, inspired and penetrating mind capable of understanding the more esoteric principals of life - having insights on death and the meaning of life, and a desire to uncover the secrets of the universe. You may become instrumental in some phase of social reform through your ability to communicate, write or express artistically the profound social and political issues of the day. On the negative side there can be a tendency to morbid thoughts, dwelling on death, brooding, depression and a preoccupation with the more sinister and sordid side of life.

Proud. This individual is gregarious in their approach to life. They are honest and direct and can be willful and idealistic. This person has a gift for romance. Their personality often is showy. They have an
abundance of self-confident and present themselves in a very proud manner. However, they can be somewhat ego-centered. This individual will seek the limelight and the appreciation that they feel they deserve.

2nd House
This individual is cautious with their money. However they can be very ambitious in making it. Money matters require much detail and finesse. This person may place importance on money because it represents a security factor. They
have also been known to be somewhat manipulative with it also. This individual self worth is based upon how well they feel they have managed their possessions quantity does not mean much to them. This is the type of person that has a balanced checkbook to the last penny.

3rd House
This individual, needless to say, is very cooperative with most everyone they encounter. These individuals can communicate with anyone. They have a keen sense of justice and the ability to see both sides of the story, which when another need advice, they seek this individual first. A love of music and art, this may be one form of communication in which they are able to express themselves. Versatile and
literary, this person can be the parties entertainment. They rarely are found participating in unpleasant conversations. In younger years, these individuals, perhaps relied to much upon their charm and diplomatic abilities to get them by. Their relationship with their siblings is congenial but it tends to be an off and on relationship especially if there is discord amongst the members.

4th House
This individual may have left home at a very early age, especially if that home was a source of difficult. This person has a great need to prove themselves to themselves and to others. Often they appear to
others as being quite rebellious. Their strong desire to succeed, they will not tolerate assistance from others. They are loyal and exhibit great persistence in any endeavor they pursue. Intuitive and sensitive, others may not see this in them. In their later years they may benefit by an inheritance.

5th House
This individual is idealistic in love and they are often quite lucky and indeed generous. They have a vast quantity of admirers which they enjoy. These are the people who fall in
love with love. Children and sports and many types of speculative dealings will come to their benefit. However, they can loose through these if the sports and speculations are tied into their gambling tendencies. They will teach their children philosophies and introduce them into the lands of far away. Although they are fond of children, they won't have many of their own.

6th House
This individual must have an occupation that will afford them stability and permanency. These people need a job that can allow them to attain a position of
status and respect. They are geared well for large organizations and they possess a great talent for organization and efficiency. Boring, routine jobs may come to these people and this can have an ill effect upon their health, especially with their spines and bones. There also can be an affect upon their hearts. These people have to use their energy or they will find themselves refusing to take responsibility for anything associated with this area of life.

7th House
This individual seeks relationships that not only stimulate their intellect but also those that are to be the true expression of friendship. They need people who are not afraid to be themselves, which is very appealing to this individual. There
may be instances that this person will exhibit a domineering personality and this will be reflected in their relationships through the ned to change it so that it fits their needs. This results in many ups and downs within the relationship and if this is carried on in a marriage it may result in divorce. However, if they find those who are not insulted by this need, that person will become the individual best friend and eventually the most important person in their life.

8th House
This individual needs to work or help people. They are quick to learn through their experiences. They are very sensitive and any criticisms directed towards their sexual expression is deeply
felt. With this tendency, if criticized to often, they will direct their efforts into relationships based upon a more meaningful and spiritual level. These people should make it a point to be aware of their partners assets, because they may find themselves being deceived in some manner. IF they do not. These people need to take great precaution when using drugs, alcohol or anesthetics. Second opinions should always be sought for any procedures requiring the use of surgery.

9th House
This individual will see travel as a way of expanding their horizons. They are always off to a new adventure with enthusiasm. They may be interested in the law, in this area they would best act using their individualistic nature by becoming a trial
attorney. Any philosophies that offer these people new approaches to life will be of great interest to them. They do not like to be bound by traditions and dogmatic beliefs. As far as religious beliefs are concerned, this person amy not believe in the established doctrines.

10th House
This individual must express their ego and seeks the status that they so must require. Executive positions are more appealing because this person lacks in the ability to receive orders, they are far better at issuing them.
However, lying within this individual is a desire to accomplish things all by themselves. They must learn how to distribute and delegate some of the work to others. It is hard to know whether this person is successful or not. They have a way of keeping up a facade which fools everyone. They are very generous with their attitude.

11th House
This individual has a wonderful sense of humor. They have a disposition that is friendly and charming which draws people to them, and these abilities also
helps the individual in moving towards success. Being involved in public relations is good for this person. They find themselves constantly surround by masses of people and they love it. Friends and associates are over plentiful for these people. However, even with all this attention, this individual sometimes can feel quite lonely within the crowd. They also have to be cautious, because of their nature, those whom they call friends may be something other. So discretion should be taken.

12th House
This individual's life is formed by their feelings and their subconscious emotions. These people are very strong but will refrain from showing anyone their
emotional side. They protect themselves through the use of pride. Kindness is what they offer to those who are in trouble. But this person will almost always hide their vulnerability. Many of their insecurities may stem from their relationship or non-relationship with their mother. These people must learn that being vulnerable does not necessarily mean they are weak.
Break in the New

now I lay me awake not waiting
I'm taking, making fate; replacing
broken burned-out bulbs of old
the cold and hollow things that hold
me here where I have dwelt and
felt so disconnected from myself
and from the light inside that shines
so bright they say the blind could find
a way to look into my eyes I cannot hide
the fact that I'm alive when I decide
so if I should die before the prize
is mine remind me of this line I write
for you alone have known the hell
I've sewn on earth the first to read this verse
should be the one it hurts me not to see
a love returned for none deserve the
fruits of friendship you have earned
the fire of my respect here I leave it to reflect
all the light so loving warm you bring to me


Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here,
Indigos are here to live asexamples of a new higher awareness. The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive. Indigos are souls with an intuitive awareness of past lives transcended. Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings. Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities. Parents are often at a loss as to how to raise these amazing little beings. An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. It's as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality.

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Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders and teachers who are here to help save the planet. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, to improve the quality of life on the planet, or to help save people, animals and the environment. Violets have an
inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most Violets have felt this way since childhood. As children, many Violets imagined becoming famous, or traveling the planet, possibly joining humanitarian causes such the Peace Corp. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders and teachers, while other Violets prefer to reach people through music, film or other art form. Many Violets were taught as children that their dreams and aspirations were unrealistic, so they have lost touch with their original visions. It's important for Violets to reconnect with their life purpose and vision, and to take action. Otherwise they will always feel unfulfilled. They will always sense something is missing from their lives. Violets need to learn to slow down long enough to listen to their inner voice and to connect with their higher vision.

Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing and supportive personalities of the Life Colors. They live from their heart and emotions. Their purpose for being on the planet is to give love, to teach love and to learn that they are loved. Their priorities are love, relationships, and
spirituality. Blues are traditionally teachers, counselors, and nurses---basically the loving, nurturers and caretakers on the planet. Blues are constantly helping others. They want to make sure that everyone feels loved and accepted. People are always turning to Blues for comfort and counsel because Blues will always be there for them. They consistently provide a shoulder for others to cry on. Blues are the most emotional personalities in the aura spectrum. They can cry at the drop of a hat. Blues cry when they are happy, hurt, angry, sad, or for no apparent reason at all. Even watching a sentimental commercial on television can bring on tears.

Greens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people in the aura spectrum. Greens are extremely bright. They process information and ideas quickly; jumping from steps one to ten. They do not like dealing with all the steps and details in between. A project that is
too detailed is tedious and boring for Greens . They prefer to develop an idea, organize a plan, and then delegate someone else to take care of the details. Greens are very drawn to money, power, and business. These quick-thinkers are very organized and efficient. They write lists and efficiently check off the items on the list as they are completed. Greens recognize patterns and discover solutions very quickly. When Greens are in their power, they can accomplish anything. They love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. Greens are “movers and shakers” when it comes to taking action. They are also typically the workaholics on the planet. Greens are highly competitive and enjoy challenges. They thrive on taking risks. Gambling is common for Greens , especially if there is a potential for large winnings. Being strong-willed, these powerful personalities are determined to have their own way, which they usually feel is the right way. A person is rarely able to win an argument with Greens

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet. Yellows can either
be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously. Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.

Oranges are the thrill-seekers and daredevils of the aura spectrum. They love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. They love to challenge their environment and go beyond any accepted physical limits. Oranges put their lives on the line just to feel alive;
the stakes must actually be life and death for Oranges to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. They love the adrenaline rush of excitement in the face of danger. For Oranges , thrills, cunning skill, and excitement are the essentials in life. Everything else is just passive existence. Evil Knievel and actor/stuntman Jackie Chan are well-known examples of Orange auras.

Reds are physical and sexual. They love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage and self-confidence Reds love to live in physical reality, to manipulate their
environment. Reality must be tangible to them. They must be able to see, touch, hear, taste and smell it. Reds are not abstract thinkers. A wall is a wall and there is no need for further discussion or speculation. Reality is literal, not ethereal or complicated. Reds require proof that something exists. It must have a concrete and tangible substance Reds remind us that we have bodies, that we are matter — flesh and blood. These robust personalities enjoy the physical aspect of life. They don’t try to see life as an illusion or try to escape from it into a fantasy world.

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Your first chakra is associated with your connection to a tribal force and your sense of belonging in the world. It symbolizes the physical plane of existence — both the earth and your physical body. This being true, it's not surprising that the first chakra is known
to be the source of self-preservation and survival. When this first chakra energy is disrupted, you may be more liable to feel alone in the world, be afraid for your safety, and feel disconnected from other people. You're also likely to feel ungrounded, lacking a strong connection to the earth or your body. Energetically, when the first chakra is disrupted you can feel you have no real "roots."
The Earth element nurtures all that we do, and represents solidity and grounding. Earth people are firm and resolute - we can say they are "down to Earth". They are also practical, hard working and very conservative. Those of you born under the influence of the Element
of Earth are wise, serene and prudent, firmly rooted in your morals, ethics and responsibilities. Led by logic rather than emotion, you seek to plan your life as far out in advance as possible, to expect the unexpected and control your destiny down to the last detail. Your disciplined reserve -- which can come across as true grace if you work it right -- garners you respect and admiration.
Saturn is known as the planet of restriction and limitation, but it could also be known as the planet of manifestation. Saturn is the planet that keeps us grounded because Saturn requires tangible usefulness from all that it touches. Saturn is that which denies entropy
and manifests the physical form to maintain order over chaos.

The second chakra is often called the sexual chakra, because sexual energy is believed to originate there. But the second chakra is much more than simply a sex chakra; it is the seat of creativity. This chakra is located at the sacrum, which is the densest bone in the spinal column. When
the second chakra is closed or blocked, it can make the entire person appear lifeless. A blocked second chakra can cut you off from your emotions, and you may feel removed from an interest in sexuality. On the other hand, if your second chakra is excessively open, emotions can sometimes rule your being, creating an unbalanced system overall.
Water represents emotional depth and instinctive feeling. Water is considered cleansing and regenerative. Water types are fluent, have deep feelings and often strong intuitions or psychic powers as well. Water is the element that sustains life and it is the
medium in which life was created. Those of you born under the influence of Water act with the fluidity of a river, affecting your environment with your strength and quiet charm. Creative and captivating, diplomatic and intuitive, Water individuals are the masters of subtle persuasion. Without even appearing to try, you can gain someone's trust and affection, and once you've got them they'll follow you anywhere. You make everyone feel special, noting and praising each person's unique talents.
The Moon is the undisputed master of the ocean tides. Water is its domain and it reflects both its subtlty and strength. It is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is the seat of intuition and
inspiration as well as our instincts and it sets the subtle beat for the rhythm of life.

The third chakra is associated with personal power. People who are empowered have high positive energy emanating from their third chakras. Knowing that you can move things forward in your life to order to learn, grow, and live well is closely related to having a clear
third chakra. Individual charisma is also generated in this energetic region. Conversely, people who don't trust their own perceptions or feel confident in their own decisions may experience disruptions in this chakra. When the third chakra is closed or blocked, it can lead to a lack of energy, fatigue, and a yearning to be quiet and shut down. During times when this chakra is blocked, confrontations with others can be very hard to initiate or even tolerate.
Fire , at its core, symbolizes the life force. Optimism, enthusiasm and motivation are governed by fire, as is anger and war. Fire people are quite intelligent, impulsive, fervent, and dynamic - true leaders. Fire types burn through life with your fierce charm, your
impulsive enthusiasm and your restless emotions. A natural leader, you inspire with your decisive action and dramatic expression; people can't help but be magnetically drawn to you. You're instinctual, but your mind sparks with new ideas and clever solutions. Identity, self expression, and hence self-esteem are areas of life central to Fire people and it fuels their creative and inquisitive nature and underlies their need for to be heard and/or seen.
Mars, the "Red Planet" is always associated with fire. Indeed, the eternal flame of life which shall not be vanquished is governed fanned and fueled by Mars. Passion is the fuel for this fire and all emotions that take form from it are ruled by Mars. Ruler of the
individual ego and its need for self expression, Mars is master of naked force and drive. Mars is the will to express, the passion to create, and the ambition to be.

The fourth chakra is associated with a gradual increasing of consciousness, as it sits between the lower three and upper three chakras. However, primarily, it is the center of unconditional love. When a person becomes disconnected from their heart and
the emotions associated with this region, the fourth chakra becomes closed off. This often results in both low energy and shallow breathing. At times when you're feeling a fourth chakra blockage, you might even feel that it's difficult to breathe. Emotionally, when this chakra is blocked, you're likely to feel wounded or victimized. Often this will be due to trying to work out past problems. If this kind of inner turmoil happens on an ongoing basis without relief, the overall effect can be a feeling of being stuck in the past. When the energy from the fourth chakra is disrupted, you may have trouble protecting yourself from emotional harm because you generally feel raw and emotionally vulnerable.
The Wood element represents the creative force of nature and all things green and growing. It is associated with Spring and new life, and the colors green and blue. Wood people are creative, strong and resilient - seeking growth and new creation in all
that they do. All flowers, plants, trees, and things made of wood represent this element. Your open, expansive mind makes you a compassionate and generous friend, colleague and ally. You understand the inherent value of what you and those around you possess, and your confidence allows you to act upon your beliefs.
Venus is the planet of aesthetics, appreciation, and acceptance. While Mars has dominion over our primal passions, Venus rules emotions of a higher vibration. Love, beauty, harmony and serenity are all the domain of Venus. Venus is responsible for
moving beyond the self to acknowledge the life all around and accepting that the individual is apart of a greater whole. Acceptance leads to appreciation through which we constantly grow. Above all, Venus values true love and its shared sense of oneness.

The fifth chakra is associated with sound in general. The meaning of your own personal truth is central to this chakra. The more free-flowing the energy of this chakra, the more you are able to speak your truth without fearing the consequences — or at
least without letting external forces stop you from doing it. When the throat chakra is too open, you may talk more than other people would like and may not listen closely enough. On a different level, this chakra is also associated with personal will. When the chakra is very open, your will can be excessively strong; when it is closed, your will can seem nonexistent.
Reason, logic, and all forms of communication are properties of the element Metal. Often dealing with matters of self-worth, Metal people are forceful, strong and determined - and can often be driven by a need to succeed. Metal people are
determined, self-reliant and forceful. You enjoy the good life and all it has to offer -- luxury, comfort and freedom, especially. You're like a reclusive film star: You want the acclaim, but you also want to be left alone. You create your own success, building your desired destiny with single-minded focus. Others look up to you in awe of your commanding, confident presence. As such, the nature and pursuit of "the truth" is central to Metal types. The need to impart this understanding to others is also a central characteristic of Metal people and contributes largely to the forcefulness of their personality socially.
Mercury is the only planet that also has a metal named after it so, like the Moon's reign over the seas, it only makes sense that Mercury be given domain over metal. After all, Mercury rules communication in all forms. The champion of logic and reason,
Mercury rules rational thought. In fact, our learning styles and overall intellect is also a reflection of Mercury.

The sixth chakra is associated both with light and with psychic abilities. This chakra provides a source of inner knowing, as well as an objective reflection of how things are. By being focused on a commitment to the truth and flexibility of thought, people with clear
sixth chakras usually have a sense of life's realities that surpasses usual conscious barriers. For this reason, the sixth chakra is connected with higher levels of wisdom and a level disposition. It is located between the eyebrows. When this chakra is closed or blocked, you may have trouble seeing the big picture of events that are unfolding in your life. The truth of matters can be dwarfed in details, and you may become easily confused.
Wind or Air is the element of thought and movement. It symbolizes expansive and original thinking as well as wisdom and understanding of things. Your are idealistic and philosophical. Your open-mindedness and curiosity are blanced by a sense of
knowing that underscores your self confidence in the wisdom of your thoughts. You have the ability to conceptualize beyond what is apparent or visible - hence the fluidity and independence of air - to understand the hidden or deeper meaning of things. At times, this vision combines with your strong intuiton to create a powerful conduit for psychic energy and can generate extra-sensory experiences.
Jupiter is the planet of storms. Furious spirals of wind and electricity swirl throughout the planet of expanse, wisdom, and influenced gained from outside forces. As traditional ruler of visionary Sagittarius and transcendant Pisces, Jupiter's nature is
characterized by the phrases "I see" and "I believe". Jupiter has dominion over our ideal greatness - the higher vibrations of our thoughts and ideas. The ability to see what is unseen comes from the belief in existance beyond that which can be proven and is ruled by Jupiter's benevolent force.

The seventh chakra is associated with thought. It signifies our relationship to all things and the unity of everything. This chakra also symbolizes self-knowledge and spiritual consciousness. It is located at the crown of the head, but it is connected with the
entire muscular system, the skeletal system, the skin, and nervous system. The seventh chakra is associated with a more profound spiritual connectedness than the other six chakras are. This chakra is the seat of higher wisdom and the energy that comes from it. The seventh chakra is thought to give access to the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe and is our key to opening the door to it. This chakra allows for self-expression on higher spiritual levels and is associated with the pineal gland, the gland that produces visions in dreams.
Aether, elemental Light (translated as "Void" or "Heavens" in various Eastern belief systems), it is the element of the cosmos and Creation. As such, it is manifested on the mental plane as the vibration of thought-energy. On the physical plane it is represented
by nuclear energy (energy derived from the atom as fundamental building block of the universe). On a metaphysical level it is the particle-wave - those substances, such as white light, that display characteristics of both matter (particles) and energy (wave-forms). On the astral plane it is spirit energy - the divine essence of the soul that connects us to the cosmos and to the Creator. On an esoteric and philosophical level it can be viewed as acting force behind universal will or Karma - the flow of energy that keeps the universe in balance.
Sol - The Sun is the focal point of Western astrology for a reason; it signifies our who we are. Not just our personal identities, but everyone's identity within the cosmic plan. It is the point from which the soul (sol) enters the body and it's astrological placement
indicates why it chose to be born. The sun's radiant energy and gravitational pull are the forces that created our solar system, set it in motion, gave it life and sustain it. Just as the Moon revolves around our home, the Earth, like all things in this galaxy, revolve s around the Sun.

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The Sun rules the will power and ego of an individual. It is the core of the potential and uniqueness of an individual. The Sun signifies who you are and what you are about. It represents the main direction or course of ones life and the focus you want your life to take, and your determination to accomplish what you set out to do. It is your personal honesty and integrity, and the ability to command respect and authority, to impress and influence others. The Sun signifies father, courage, power and authority, finances, ambitions, boldness, politician, commanding power, dignity, generosity and kind heartedness. It also rules optimism, administrator, general success, royalty, real love and personality of the native. When afflicted the reverse results.

The Moon's energy is emotional, responsive and reactionary. It can sometimes be oversensitive and lacking in control. The moon rules desire as opposed to ego, need as opposed to reason. It describes how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions -physical, emotional, and mental. The Moon represents your residence and domestic environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important females in ones life. The Moon signifies softness, charming eyes, steady mind, generosity, menses, infants, love, pleasures, breasts, family life, beauty, watery places and passions.

Mercury, much like the winged messenger of the gods, comes in on feather-light wings and commands us to speak. Communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury's domain, as are logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes.This Planet implores us to express ourselves often -- and well. Mercury is about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalize things. Speaking, writing, books, online communications and learning are all within Mercury's domain. This Planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury's energy is both dexterous and perceptive.

Venus rules your social attitudes and behavior, and your aesthetic tastes and inclinations. It denotes female relationships and social interactions at every level. Venus determines your values. It describes romance, marriage and other partnerships, capacity for humor, and the pursuit of pleasure. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, signifies harmony, union, life partner, vehicle, ornaments, sex appeal, business, happiness and well-being. Also signifies beauty, modesty, virtue, sincerity, artistic disposition, conjugal happiness, refined and polished nature. Relations with opposite sex, attraction, love, passions and generosity are also governed by Venus.
Mars rules physical energy and efforts. It describes the strength and direction of the Physical force that drives your ego, fires your emotions, and encourages your mental endeavors describes male relationships and associations, risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges you are likely to encounter. Mars has sudden, explosive and disruptive actions. It is the significator for brother, energy, courage, ambitions, desires and self-confidence. Practical nature, accidents, cuts wounds and operations are also ruled by Mars.
Jupiter rules your potential for growth and expansion on many levels like physical, intellectual, spiritual, cultural, and the accumulation of material assets, power, and status. It describes your optimism and aspirations. It represents your father and his position in society. Jupiter is the significator for children, education, religion, prosperity, fame, gain, good marital order, providential help, political power, good luck, finances and long journeys.
Saturn rules responsibilities, restrictions and limitations of life, and the lessons you must learn in life. It does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, and good fortune but it does demand that these things be given structure and meaning. The mighty Saturn is more a friend than a impartial hard task- master, serious and conservative. Signifies longevity, makes one careful, thoughtful, laborious, violent, envious, accumulator of wealth, prudent, contemplative, reserved, economical and patient. Its transit over the natal planets is of great importance
Uranus Uranus rules personal as well as societal freedom. It indicates originality of thought and expression. Uranus rules the revolutionary events that upset established structures. The personal implications of Uranus in your life are described by its house position and the aspects it makes with other planets in your natal chart. However, like all generational planets, when in Retrograde its expression becomes personal and manifestations are more internal. It describes areas of unpredictability, and where you or your life style may be different than those around you. It relates to the unusual or unique. Friends and associations to which you belong are also indicated, as is your potential involvement with science and technology, computers, and the media.
Neptune rules those who are oppressed or abandoned by the society. On a higher level it rules visionaries, and those who are glamorous and charismatic. It represents spirituality, mysticism, and ideals. Neptune's significance in any sign is described as generational or historical. On a personal level, Neptune's house position and the aspects it makes with other planets in your natal chart will describe spirituality, abstract thinking, illusion, disillusionment, and other areas of your life where things aren't always what they seem. It rules derangement, guilt, persecution, and describes the potential for experiences related to confinement, abandonment, and addiction or physical intolerance.
Pluto governs complete transformations, death, the underworld, volcanoes and deep spiritual matters. The presence and direction of Pluto's energy are never obvious until it is used. Pluto's influence in any sign is interpreted as generational or historical. In your personal life, Pluto's significance is interpreted from its house position and the aspects it makes to other natal planets in your horoscope. Pluto rules intense energy, and describes the areas in which you consciously or subconsciously seek to exercise power or control. Pluto is also linked to your karmic responsibility.
MARS Aries - Cardinal Fire - Assertion of the will, development of identity. Honorable, impulsive, courageous, competitive. Needs a mission or battle to fight. Independent, dislikes restraint. Can be egocentric, individualistic, impatient.
VENUS Taurus - Fixed earth - Appreciation of the physical, need for stability, security, sensual pleasure, perseverance. Love of fine food, clothing and beautiful surroundings. Earthy and practical. Can be stubborn, possessive and jealous.
MERCURYGemini - Mutable air - Transmission of information. Love of language and ideas. Need for variety of experiences, mobility, change. Can be superficial, quixotic and moody, unable to follow through on projects.
MOON Cancer - Cardinal water - Deeply sensitive, strong needs for emotional security and nurturing. Rooted in the past, collector of souvenirs. Sensitive, gentle, moody. Can be hostile if hurt or disappointed, manipulative, oversensitive.
SUN Leo - Fixed Fire - Expression of the creative self. Needs to be admired by others, to be playful and creative, to love life. Dramatic, larger than life. Generous of spirit. Can be demanding, insensitive, egotistical.
MERCURY Virgo - Mutable earth - Need to perfect the self. Focused inward to seek purpose of life. Detail-oriented, methodical, perfectionist, discriminating. Need to be of service. Can be negative and stingy with resources with a tendency to nitpick. Concerned with health issues.
VENUS Libra - Cardinal air - Relating to others, achievement of balance and harmony. Love of beauty more aesthetic than sensual. Tactful, charming, idealistic, diplomatic. Can be self-indulgent, indecisive and overconcerned with the opinions of others.
PLUTOScorpio - Fixed Water - Probing into emotional depths. Passionate, strong-willed, emotionally courageous, instinctive. Need for deep, bonding relationships, dislikes superficiality. Control issues, can be manipulative and jealous.
JUPITER Sagittarius - Mutable fire - Expansion of self, optimism. Adventurous, the explorer, the seeker of Truth. Love of travel, other cultures. Needs freedom from social restraint. Exuberant, friendly, jovial. Can be unreliable, overextended, unable to commit.
SATURN Capricorn - Cardinal earth - Issues of building one's environment. Setting goals, the building of something solid and lasting. Practical, rational, focused, self-sufficient. Can be overly serious, cool and distant, resulting in isolation and bitterness.
URANUS Aquarius - Fixed air - Unique expression of self unencumbered by social requirements. Idealistic, fair, humanitarian. Treasures integrity and rationality, dislikes messy emotions. Can be impersonal, dogmatic, coldly rational.
NEPTUNE Pisces - Mutable water - Yearning for transcendence of ego. Imaginative, creative, sensitive. Vulnerable to outside influences, intuitive. Ego boundaries not well-defined, tendency to addictions. Can be childish, irresponsible, submissive.
1st House (Ascendant) - The individual personality:
Known as the House of Self, the first house symbolizes the natural projected self and describes self-awareness and the experiences most necessary for its development. As the house of the self, it rules such physical aspects as appearance, body type, and self image. As the window to the soul, the first house is a filter that colors everything that passes through it, effecting input and output alike. On one hand it represents the way inwhich we are most comfortable expressing ourselves to the world and, likewise, indicates the traits in us that most people will experience in their first impressions of who we are. Now, on the other hand, the first house also effects how we percieve our experiences. The ways inwhich a particular event effects us and what role we may play in that event are all influenced by the characteristics of the sign on the cusp of the first house. The planet ruling the sign on the first house cusp is known as the Ascendant Ruler and is of particular importance in the natal chart. The strength of the placement by house and sign and the number and quality of aspects to the Ascendant Ruler directly effect the prominance of the Ascendant sign on the native.
2nd House - Values and Possessions:
The second house and its occupants tell us about the material circumstances, the acquisitive urge and how we deal with possessions and material means. The second house describes both inner and outer resources. We draw on emotional and mental inner resources in dealing with the situations with which life presents us. These assets form our sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Our outer resources are our finances and physical possessions: movable property that we own (as opposed to real estate). These assets form our sense of security. Some of us identify with what we own; others with what we are. They both, however, are what we value, and we attract to us what we value. Thus the second house is where we build in true value and our power of attraction. Traditionally this house also symbolizes our strongest desires, and the manner in which we meet our obligations. Isabelle Hickey said that this house indicated "that which the life is dedicated to redeem", and is thus related to ones peace of mind.
3rd House - Communication:
The third house and any planets occupying it tell us the manner in which we communicate on an everyday level and the relationships which determine our daily life. The third house represents understanding through information, and what we know as a result of interactions within our community. "Community" here means neighbors, siblings, short journeys, letters, news and rumors. This house rules our rational thought and conscious mind, memory, speech, early education and environment, writing and communication, dexterity and taken-for-granted skills, explorations, investigations, inquiry, and research of all kinds. Planets in the third house describe the quality and quantity of our mental and nervous energy.
4th House - Roots and Origins:
The fourth house rules the home, our family as a child and as an adult, the nurturing parent and our early experience of being nurtured, our most personal and intimate life, real estate and property, and our heritage and ancestry. Our emotional foundation and subconscious self-image based on early childhood experiences are established in the fourth house. Here is where we send down roots and establish a base of operations, find our limits, and generally secure ourselves. It is the end of any searching we might have done in the Third house, and thus rules the latter part of life. A planet here indicates the need for a stable emotional base in order to fill the needs of the house it rules. The more planets in this house, the more one tends to be subjective, personal, private or introverted.
5th House - Pleasure and Creativity:
The fifth house shows our needs in love and where we release fourth house energies and emotions. The more emotional we are, the greater the need for constructive channels of expression. All forms of self-expression, anything we create or do purely for its own sake, children of the mind and the body, love affairs (insofar as they represent fun and self-expression) or their lack, theater, dramatics, hobbies, speculation, play and amusement, are all indicated by this house. This is also the house of hidden karma resulting from the misuse of the will or love principle in past lives. Sexuality and eroticism are at home here, along with play in general and all types of creative expression. This house also describes how we relate to children, pleasure and simple fun.
6th House - Work and Routine:
The sixth house describes the circumstances surrounding us in our daily lives, including the work environment and daily routine. This includes our behaviour towards subordinates. Bodily hygiene and care also belong here, as well as tendencies to certain acquired illnesses. The sixth house represents the last personal stage in development, and is thus a critical one. This is the house of work and health or the lack of either, hygiene and nutrition, service, servants and servitude, daily routine, employment by others, and small animals and pets. Whereas fifth house activities are done for their own sake, sixth house work is done out of necessity or in support of other, more self-expressive activities. When our work becomes an end in itself, however, or we lose track of its purpose, it becomes pointless, and the result can be physical or psychological illness.
7th House - Relating:
The seventh house rules intimate one-to-one relationships of all kinds (including marriage, business and counseling relationships), open enemies and conflicts, lawsuits and the lower courts. Planets in the seventh house indicate areas in our lives that need relationships to bring them out, and the houses ruled by seventh house planets are those "areas." Individuals with too much projected energy feel a void in their lives, and may encourage others to be dependent, or even pick fights rather than be alone. The purpose of the seventh house is to bring about greater self-awareness through relating to what we experience as being outside of ourselves. This may in fact be energy within us that we have rejected out of fear or the need to experience it more objectively or externally.
8th House - Life Cycles and Joint Resources:
The eighth house asks us to enlarge or sacrifice our ego boundaries in order to enter into relationship or union with another or others. To do so, some aspect of our personality or ego must die. Usually it is some thing, not some one, that dies, and with the passing away of that limiting aspect of our personality we experience a releasing freedom. The eighth house rules personal evolution, growth, transformation and change, death, rebirth, sex, possessions of a relationship, legacies, inheritance, taxes, rituals, initiations and the occult, the astral body and reincarnation, and the severing of ties to that to which we are attached. Many planets here signify a person whose life can be characterized by change. Such individuals may find continuous states of affairs monotonous, and periodically bring about changes or crises to feel truly alive.
9th House - Philosophies & Foriegn Lands:
the ninth house is where we search for truth: experiences that broaden the mind and help us form our philosophy of life. Here we expand our consciousness, synthesize meaning from facts and experience, adjust personal attitudes to collective ideas, and understand how things are integrated into systems. This house rules higher education, religious and ethical understanding, spiritual visions, in-laws, long journeys, law and the higher courts. Here is what remains of the purification that took place in the eighth house: its seed or essence. "Religion" comes from the Latin "re-," back + "ligare," to bind, hence, "to bind back," and thus refers to all things that last or endure, such as the truth.
10th House (MC) - Occupation and Calling:
This house is of particular importance, since it affects not only our choice of profession and our sense of calling - it also has a bearing on our general development, what we become. This continues throughout our lives. The tenth house represents our ability (or lack thereof) to establish ourselves in and contribute to the outside world: our social image. It rules role models, guides and authority figures that have assisted us in exteriorizing ourselves in the world. Here is our career or profession, the dominant parent who guided us into the world, and our orientation toward society based on his or her example. Here are people in power over us (such as bosses and employers), our honor and reputation, and how we play out these roles in relation to others (our being a father, guide, or disciplinary figure). Planets in the tenth house show by the houses they rule which areas in our life depend on our reputation or professional role for the fulfillment of their needs.
11th House - Friends and Acquaintances:
The eleventh house is where we find our identity within a group; it symbolizes one-to-many relationships as distinct from Seventh house one-to-one relationships. It rules friends, groups, our social circle, membership in societies and organizations, ideals and aspirations shared by the groups to which we belong, and in general, situations in which we have to change our behavior to get along with more than one other person at the same time. Planets in the eleventh house show the kind of friends we attract to us, or the kinds of energy we experience in relation to groups. Many planets in this house indicate that we live a large part of our lives in connection with our friends or groups, and often need group support to accept or value what we are doing.
12th House - Beyond the Conscious-Self:
This house represents those spheres of life in which the individual no longer plays a part, where we step back for a greater whole or lose ourselves in one. The twelfth house is thus where we build inner strength to overcome limitations, sorrows and fears, and where the individual adapts to the collective. It signifies self-undoing: where we stand in our own way, where we are not free to let ourselves become and be who we essentially already are. It also represents that which is hidden, karma, limitation, confinement, prison, betrayal, sacrifice, hospitals and institutions, nuns and priests, secrets and secret enemies (who may just be rejected aspects of ourselves), initiation, ultimate understanding, and charity given or received.

You are the Star card. The Star is the light of hope. Shining in the night, sending light into darkness, the stars provide direction to sailors and are a field on which to dream. Humanity used to look up at the sky and desire to be there, to find out what it all meant, and now we have been a distance into space and have elementary ideas of the makeup of all the different stars. This kind of achievement adds further fuel to our hopes. The eternal, slow-moving stars that will be long shining past the end of our own existence provide hope of immortality, and the vast space they suggest and the very mystery they hold provide us with excitement and knowledge yet to be discovered. Image from: Danielle Sylvie Taylor http://members.limitless.org/~morpheum/gallery.html
Which Tarot Card Are You?

You scored as XIX: The Sun. This is the happiest card in the deck. It is full of joy and optimism, everything is right with the world. We are as innocent children playing in the fields without care. The Sun brings success, well-being and happiness in all spheres - material, emotional, spiritual -wherever our desires lay.When this card appears in a Tarot spread it indicates success, joy and happiness. Obstacles will be overcome, goals achieved.When badly aspected, it can indicate a stagnation through over-indulgence, too much of a good thing.

XIX: The Sun


II - The High Priestess


XIII: Death


VIII - Strength


XI: Justice


IV - The Emperor


XVI: The Tower


0 - The Fool


X - Wheel of Fortune


III - The Empress


I - Magician


VI: The Lovers


XV: The Devil

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
The Magician
You scored 70 change, 83 wellbeing, 80 wisdom, and 59 truth
The magician represents the conscious mind. With focus on an idea or goal, the conscious mind sets into action these ideas and brings them forth to the material world. The magicians hands are stretched forth, one to the sky holding a wand, and the other pointing to the ground below. This is suggestive that as is "as above, so below". The table in front of him has all the tools to make this possible. The wand, cup, sword, and pentacle, which are representative of all the suits to the tarot cards. The mage has an undergarment of pure white, showing his pure wisdom and is held shut by the serpent around his waist. The outer garment is red, symbolic of desire and passion, which has no belt holding it shut so it can be removed if necessary. The flowers in the garden represent things as well. The red roses are symbolic of desires, and the white lilies represent pure thought, untainted by desire. This card is under the vibration of the number 1.

some extra words:

taking action doing what needs to be done, realizing your potential, making what's possible real, practicing what you preach, carrying out plans, producing magical results, using your talents acting consciously knowing what you are doing and why, acknowledging your motivations, understanding your intentions, examining the known situation concentrating
having singleness of purpose, being totally committed, applying the force of your will, feeling centered, setting aside distractions, focusing on a goal experiencing power making a strong impact, having vitality, creating miracles, becoming energized, feeling vigorous, being creative

Link: The What tarot card resembles you Test written by KamikazeParrot on OkCupid

You scored as The Magician. The Magician is about creative genius and talent. He is the master of communciation either through speech or literary means. Being different and an individual means alot to him.
The Magician


The Fool


The Lovers




The World


The Empress and The Emperor




The High Priestess


The Devil


The Hierophant


The Hanged Man


The Hermit




The Moon

Which Tarot Card Are You Most Like? (Major Arcana only not all shown)
created with QuizFarm.com

You Are The Star
You represent the ultimate in truth and purity.
Insightful and illuminating, you provide guidance for others.
You also demonstrate unselfish, unconditional love.
You posses many spiritual gifts, including the ability to heal.
Your fortune:
Your future is looking brighter by the day.
The near future will be a time of both hope and healing.
Luck is about to come your way, perhaps the best luck you have ever seen.
Life is about to get a lot easier and much better!
What Tarot Card Are You?



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