SALTWATER (MARINE) AQUARIUM!!!!!! Damnnnnn marine aquariums are soooo cool.. i have corals (30), anemones (2), shrimp (2) Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, starfish (1), Clownfish (1) Orange Skunk Clown, Rabbitfish (1) Foxface, Surgeonfish (1) Brown Tang, Anthias (3) 2 Squarebox Anthias and 1 Pink Anthias, Goby (5) Engineer Goby, Blenny (2) Lawnmower Blenny, Angel (2) Snowflake or Lamarcks Angel and etc BUT TAKE NOTE.. ITS SOOOOO HARD TO TAKE CARE OF THEM!!!! BUT THEY ARE GREAT!!!!
syempre a girl, someone who is sweet, caring, understanding... chinese cutey and someone who will love me for who i am not for who they want me to be
Chinese and Korean POP Music -- ummmmmmm ok, before u make any reactions or comments or whatever you wanna call it, just wanted to make this clear, even way before Meteor Garden enters the scene and way long before F4 was a phenomenol hit group in Asia, I am already into these kinds of music.. OK!!!! hehehehe, just for the record, so that u guys know hehe
Underworld especially two towers 2.) Harry Potter -- Love em 3.) JULIA ROBERTS MOVIESand a whole lot more.... too lazy to place them all here
A lot.. it depends but i dont usually watch TV hehehehehhee
DA VINCI CODE!!!!! Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Anything written by Michael Crichton!!!