I am interested in music, internet, computer, piano, guitar, drums, movies and many more...
Anyone and especially my long lost friends!!! msprm name="flashvars" value="cy=fr&il=1&channel=360287970196693152&sit e=widget-a0.slide.com"
I dIe fOr rNb aNd pOp mUSiC.. by: fReShMeN,BriTnEy sPEarS,sHakiRa uShEr..PLUs OnE. jOjO. aLiCia kEyS. bOyZ2mEn. fRanKie J. jAvIEr.. AnoTHeR lEvEL.. eAsT 17. nU fLaVoR. kEiTh sWEat. bBmAk. bRanDy. tAmIa. nAThaLIe, cRaiG dAvId, ,tOto ME & YOU
MEet jOE bLaCk, mOnster InC.,SixTh SeNsE, FiNaL DeSTiNaTiOn, LorD oF tHe RiNgS, ThE gRuDgE1&2, yOu gOt sErVeD, tUpAc rEsSuReCTiOn sToRy, SpIdErMaN, HaRry POtter, A wAlk to reMembEr, MAn in thE Iron MaSk,wInDstrUcK, ThIrTeEn gOiN oN tHiRtY. SPoNgeBob SquArepAntS tHe mOviE. ChArliE's AnGels. LEgAllY blOnDe. sASsY gIrL. pAy iT fOrWaRd,I Am sAm, (JuLia rObERtS mOviEs)- NotHinG HiLL, rUnAwAY BriDE etc…
OnOcEnte dE tI.. tElE nOvELaS (bOtH cHinO/ kOrEan aNd sPaniSh nOvelaS)dEspErAte hOUsEwivEs,cHArmEd. sMallvillE. gilMoRe giRls. OpRah. sUrvIvoR. aMaziNg rAce. sEvenTh hEaven. wiLL aNd gRacE. jUst sHoot mE,SpOngEboB SqUarEpaNts. iNvAdeR zIm. tHe siMpsOnS. C.S.I, naRuTo. sUpErGalS. mYx. piLipInAs gAme KNB. riPLeY's bEliEve iT Or nOt, nAtiOnAl gEogRapHy,fEaR fAcToR. PiMp mY RiDe. MTV DiSmiSsEd. MTV cRiBs. MTV oNe bAd tRiP. MTV rOoM RaiDeRs. MTV bOiLiNg pOiNtS. MTV rOuGe. MTV BoLaHaN. MTV jAmS. AXN nOw sEe tHiS. aNd1 MiXtApE ToUr. MTV tHe AsSiStAnT. AXN 30 sEcOnDs tO fAmE. MTV wHaTeVeR tHiNgS. mAgiC's BiGgEsT sEcReTs FiNaLLy rEaVeLeD. MeEt My FoLkS.. ScaRiEsT pLaCeS oN eArth.
FoOD fOR thE sOuL,eNcyCloPediAs,dictionary,