" There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. There is no right, there is no wrong, nor God, nor Son, nor Ghost. For us there is no rest, no kingdom of Indolence, either on this earth or beyond the skies. No Isles of the Blessed, no Elysian Fields, No Garden of Hesperides. NO! NO! All these magical legends are but fanciful waking dreams, fiction of mortals of yore. Here and NOW is our day of torment! Here and NOW is our day of joy! Here and NOW is our day of Opportunity. To eat or to be eaten, to be lion or lamb, Here and now it is the war to the knife, no escape, no retreat. Choose this day, this hour, for no Redeemer lives. " Taken From Might is Right, The Survival of the Fittest by Ragnar Redbeard
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Dissection, Immortal,Destroyer 666, Drudkh, Lucifugum, Gospel of the Horns, Arcturus, Burzum, Mayhem, Enslaved,Behemoth, Grand Belial's Key, The Chasm, Belphegor, Deicide, Emperor,Tsjuder,Desaster,Order from Chaos, Entombed, Grave,Angelcorpse, Manowar, Old Antrhax, Vader, Nuclear Assault, Mercyful Fate/ King Diamond, ABSU, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Morbid Angel, Opeth, Amorphis,Testament, Vio-lence, and countless others,
Horror, Porn, Martial Arts, Comedy, Thriller, Documenteries
" That fire which never burns out, Which yet burns low, Which flickers out,Yet there remains Always beneath the ashes, Embers, Which smoulder and wait, For one to bring Dry twigs and wood.Red hot embers, Dreaming of becoming, A fizzling crackling fire Once more.And such is the fire Burning within ourselves"A lyric by Norwegian author Tor Age Bringsverd
Any Chuck Paluhniuk book, Stephen King, Velocity by Dean Koontz. The Berenstein Bears, Frog and Toad, Goosebumps, etc.
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