Music!, traveling, woodworking, cats, the Middle East, History, organizing (yes organizing is an interest) working out, being with my boyfriend Idan, football, Longhorns, reading, baking (no cooking, bad things happen!), and many many more I just can't think of...
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My favorite band right now is Blue October. I love Del Castillo (a lot like Gypsy Kings for you non-austinites) and Eric Tessmer (he's a guitar genius!)Austin is the live music capital of the world and we have great local bands. I pretty much enjoy most all live music.
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I'm slowly getting myself out of the TV watching habit, but I have to watch Lost no matter what. ..
This Traveler IQ was calculated on Saturday, August 09, 2008 at 02:23AM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travel Blog 's 2,916,715 travelers who've taken the challenge.
New all time fvorite recomended to EVERYONE is David Sedaris, I haven't laughed out loud so hard from a book um...ever. I also enjoy reading political books and wierdly enough, historicals.
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