FOoD!!!!! I eat aLot but that doesn't affect my weight,,,,,hehheheheheehhehe,,,maybe sooner or Later if I got married,,, But it wouLd be 10 years from now,,, Niyeahhhhhh!!!
Matured, with a sense of resPonsibiLity,,,I hate pathoLogicaL Liers and I Like it more when a peRson is being tRue with what he feeLS,,, I'm a very straight forward person and I Like if d same person does it to me,,,,
WhatevER suits my moOd,,,R&B, JaZz, Alternative Rock,,, I Like d music of pearL jam especiaLLy Last kisS, smashin' pumpkins, Incubus (thanks to my friend cindy who infLuenced me a Lot about them), American ReJects and my LocaL favorite, CHICOSCI!!
Ever AfTer, HaRRy poTter, AddIcted to Love, ChiLd's PLay, Omen,,,,
HaRry PottEr Books, Sydney SheLdon, DanieLLe SteELs NoveL,,, When I was in my younger years I was a fanatic of Sweet VaLLey Kids, High, Saga,,,