~* Da 1 Nd OnLyTinKeR BeLL*~ profile picture

~* Da 1 Nd OnLyTinKeR BeLL*~

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My NaMe IS ADriAnA i Am 15 YeaR$ OLD i LiVe in ReDwooD i Go 2 SeqUoi@ I Am a SopHmoRe Ima $tArT Goin 2 ReDwooD HiGh.....I HaVe 3 LiTTLe SiStERs AnD A BrOtHER......My FaVoriTe ColoR Is PiNk......My FaVorItE NumBeR Is 14......My FaVoriTe DisnEy ChAraCtEr IS TINKER BELL......MY NiCK Name iS MiSS TInkEr BeLL......If u WanA Kno MoRe HoLLa At ME AiiGHt DeN im OuT.....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



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