Background from Google search result ..It's an odd feeling trying to summarize yourself in one paragraph. I can easily tell you that I love to cook, dance, sing, write, watch movies, and I am Tru Blu forever (Much love to all my Sorors and Frat...God Bless!). I can also say that I taught swimming for 15 years and coached teams for over 10, but does that really tell you anything about ME??? Maybe, maybe not. Let's try to go a little deeper and see if you stay to play, or run screaming for the hills. If you run, run far and run fast and don't look back. What you see may scare you. If you stay and play, get your game face on cuz this ain't no kids' game. If you play and survive...then you just may get to find out why they call me Tigger. (wink)
Ready? Here goes...
(For nothing else, I hope you smile a bit. Intriguing, yet rather frightening, dontcha think??)
First of all, I am a sports nut. My favorite sport? FOOTBALL, BABY!!
Ok, so, I will pretty much watch any sport; but my need for football is dang-near my need for oxygen!! Give me food, drink, friends, and football and you've given me pretty much the best way to spend every Sunday afternoon. I love football players!! Can't get enough of them! My sons will play and my daughters will want to play...
Ok, that makes me seem like a complete roughneck. The other side of the coin is that I am a hopeless romantic (VERY sappy). I try to keep that under wraps as much as possible, but trust that even if I don't say it, there are things that just make my heart pause and I am amazed by it's ability to tug at my heartstrings. It's one of the reasons I have to watch "chick flicks" alone. The waterworks are never-ending!!
I am a Summer-baby. Summer rules cuz the less clothing you have to wear, the better; but Winter rocks when you have a foot of snow, good food, a raging fire, and someone to cuddle with while watching movies (or, better yet, letting the movie watch you)!
My newest thing? Cooking! Well, it's not exactly new. I've been doing it all my life. I've just recently come to realize that it, like driving, is great therapy for me. I feel better on days that I'm cooking. And I'm freakin' good at it! That's why I'm applying to Culinary School. Deal with it! When I have my own spot, I'll let y'all know. Good food, good drink, great times. That's life, baby! got enough info on me now? Usually, those "Getting to Know You" surveys ask things like "What is under your bed?" Just to cover all the bases, underneath my bed lives a band of pygmies which I had rescued from a sailing ship docked in Boston Harbor. They were confused from sniffing some bad homemade crack back in the village and wandered to the shoreline. Somehow, in their confusion, they ended up on the ship. I found them wandering through Fanueil Hall after being denied entry into The Rack (no ids). They're very good at the 5-finger discount and had clothed themselves in Boston t-shirts to try and blend in. When I found them they had the serious munchies. They were good once we raided the Value Menu at McD's and are now happily living under my bed. They were hoping to go to summer camp, but CWW was full. Oh, well. I'll put them to work in my yard...UPDATE ON THE PYGMIES!!! As of 12/28/06, George, Fred, and Lika have decided to audition for the circus. (The rest of the gang thinks they're nuts!)It's my own fault. I left the remote control in their hands for a few minutes. They saw a commercial for Cirque de Soliel and thought it most fun! Yeah, they've been swinging off the chandelier and throwing each other into walls for the past couple of weeks. I've had to hide all my breakables. Dang! Whoops! There goes the wall clock. Yeah, Lika has taking a liking to being flung through the air. She gets dazed, but comes back for more. Don't think there's a brain cell left... Oh well, they always stop to eat...
Happy now?..
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