We come in peace...We leave in pieces... profile picture

We come in peace...We leave in pieces...


About Me

And yes, I recognize the irony that the very system I oppose affords me the luxury of biting the hand that feeds. But that’s exactly why priviledged fucks like me should feel obliged to whine and kick and scream- until everyone has everything they need. Life is like Tetris...
For a while the game is entertaining, and we seem to have mastered it and are having fun.
Then, something goes wrong -- a rash mistake, or an unfulfilled wish, and we're fighting to repair the damage, but we've been thrown off-balance, and everything is piling up.
Blocks that were once orderly and harmonious are jumbled and filled with holes, and our cup is on the verge of running over.
There's always a point at which we stop planning for the future, and realize that we don't have one -- all we can do is cling to the present and concentrate, focus our minds on what it's like to be alive, to play the game, before it's all over.
You were waiting for a four-by-one block that never came.
Sometimes we resist to the bitter end, moving blocks left and right without thought or care, just to hang on, and sometimes we accept the inevitable and pull the blocks down to us, smiling inwardly at the great joke.
The rest is silence....
"Maybe punk rock is a religion. I know I'm indebted to it for saving me..."
I'm a geek....I'm good with computers and music is my life.... I play guitar a lot and write songs.... I run a small record label of sorts with my brother and the help of a lot of our friends...Putting out records and organising shows and events... I drink and I smoke... I hope you don't mind ...as if THAT's the problem with the world today....
I get along with my parents... Apparently this is becoming quite rare...
I work and dream of someday opening my own venue and writing a book...
I love my friends...we've had some great times together... I dont get angry easily...but when I do it's heavy...
I calm down quickly though...I can never hold a grudge...
I am a source of useless trivia about almost everything... I can hold a conversation with anyone about anything....
I'm addicted to coffee...
My name is Alex.
I love conversation but hate talking about me...so msg me if you'd like to know more...

My Interests

Music, Photography, Books, Movies, Football (xaxaxa), Music Production + Any kind of art that has something to say...


I used to have this massive list here but i think I can narrow it down to: RKL, NOFX, Snuff, Bad Religion, Screeching Weasel, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Pixies, Circle Jerks, Black Flag. The rest wouldnt exist without them anyway...


The Outsiders, Stand by me, La Haine, Battle Royale, Fight Club, American Graffiti, Jacob's Ladder, Event Horizon, Ninja Bachelor Party, Animal House, Trespass, Twelve monkeys, Life of Brian,Judgement Night, Taxi Driver, 6th Sense, Napoleon Dynamite, Bad Taste, Braindead, Pet Cemetery, Magnolia, Beetlejuice, Nightmare Before Christmas, Amelie, Jeux d' Enfants, Taxi, 5th element, Captain Hook, Wedding Singer, Donnie Darko, The shining, The Exorcist, Ringu, Last Transmission, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Big Lebowski


Sports,Documentaries, Monty Python's Flying Circus


H.D. Thoreau, Douglas Coupland, Hermann Hesse, Jostein Gaarder, Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Christopher Brookmyre, Charles Xbrayat, John King, Janet Evanovic, Audrey Niffenegger's "The time-traveller's wife", Seb Hunter's "Hellbent for leather", Martin Amis' "Yellow Dog", Albert Camus' "The Plague", Donna Tart's "The Secret History"

And my guilty pleasure: loads of romantic comedy stuff by Marian Keyes, Mike Gayle, Lisa Jewell, Mark Barrowcliffe, John O' Farrel etc.

Aaron Cometbus


Bill Hicks

My Blog


Posted by We come in peace...We leave in pieces... on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 01:12:00 PST

Dit :p

50 ODD Things about you!1. Do you like cheese?Very much....2. Have you ever smoked heroin?nope3. Do you own a gun?nope5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment:yes :S6. What do you think of hot ...
Posted by We come in peace...We leave in pieces... on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:43:00 PST


"Punk rock love is fucking behind the dumpster down the street from the show. Fucking in the shower at the Hotel Carlton. Making out in the recycle bin. Looking at her tattoos while she's asleep. Taki...
Posted by We come in peace...We leave in pieces... on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 08:43:00 PST