mostly sports... im a crazy...hyper active...luvs to CHEER..cheerleading is my next best sports.. i miss my GYMNASTIC days.. i miss travelling...i luv traveling...
my school mates... my lovely fwens... mrs bratpitt.. my alterego...i want to go travelin so i can meet the WORLD.. now thts cool!~ my boobut hensem kacak bergaya botak lagi bulat...
classical n instrumental music is the bomb! jazzy.. and lovey duvey hunny bunny songs!~
well...all the movies nowadays are all the same... unless the movie is about me..
have'nt been watching tv lately... been very u know busy
yumyum... books are good but i dun read much unless its a very long boring day...
i have to say my grandma..she brings the love and the joy... glamours of all... nek i love u!~