Jon profile picture


Jammin' on the one

About Me

I'm transplanted Philadelphian living in Los Angeles, CA and trying to make it in the entertainment industry. I went to NYU and somehow graduated without turning into a pretentious a-hole. I'm currently one of the moderators on "Havoc on the 101" which you can catch every night from 11pm-3am PST on Direct TV channel 101, and I've been known to do sketch comedy.

My Interests

Movies, Writing, Comedy, Music, Television, Football, Baseball, Jameson w/rocks.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to give me a job or buy a screenplay.


Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Metallica, Ronnie James Dio, Iron Maiden, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Morbid Angel, Anal Cunt, Burglar, God Bless The Bomb, Napoleon/BoneApart, bunch of other stuff


Anything that has "Ernest Goes To" in the title


Heroes, Friday Night Lights, Lost, Big Love, Deadliest Catch, South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy when it was still funny, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares,whatever is on comedy central that doesn't have f'in Mencia in it, Big Medicine (LOL @ FATTIES!), Miami/LA Ink, Ice Road Truckers, The show where they build houses for poor people and then everyone cries, and of course HAVOC ON THE 101 (11am-3am PST, DirecTV channel 101!)


A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, Portnoy's Complaint by Phillip Roth, American Psycho by Brent Easton Ellis, Live From New York by Tom Shales & James Miller, , The Kid Stays in the picture by Robert Evans, Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chambon, Anything by Woody Allen,


My Grandfather, Shane Black, Alejandro Jodorwosky

My Blog


STOP POSTING ABOUT THE HUMANE SOCIETY IN OC CLOSING AND HAVING TO EUTHANIZE ALL THE ANIMALS!!!!!!!Seriously, stop. I'm tired of being bombarded by this, you people are worse than DJ Rossstar. I usual...
Posted by Jon on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST

I hate people

I hate going out now. I used to like it, and I looked forward to doing new things. I used to plan something every night and actually look forward to things such as shows that week or movies opening ...
Posted by Jon on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:58:00 PST

Wanna save the world? Watch movies.

I watch a lot of movies. Pretty much whenever I'm doing anything, something's going in the DVD player or VCR (I still have tapes.) It's been this way since I was a kid. But unlike other pretentious ...
Posted by Jon on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST

I'm allergic to your cat

I'm allergic to cats. I'm not allergic to anything else. If I'm coming over someone's house, I tell them this, in case they have a cat. If they have one, usually they have the common courtesy to vacuu...
Posted by Jon on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 08:19:00 PST

Jaywalk Warrior!

"Fuck tha police comin' straight from the underground" - N.W.A  So I got nailed with a $114 ticket for Jaywalking.  If you're not familiar with jaywalking, it's when you cross the street wh...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Unless youre one of those commie pinko types or youre Ross and Craig, who went to the wrong place, you probably watched fireworks on the 4th of July. This timeless institution has been a staple of s...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I heart Porn: my trip to the Erotica-LA convention

So my last blog detailed my experiences at a Friday the 13th Convention. Well, in addition to horror movies, I also like Pornography.. so, I attended the Erotica-LA convention on June 11th. It was an ...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Friday The 13th Convention!

So those of you who know me know that I'm a big fan of horror movies. If you've seen a box for a movie in your local blockbuster's horror section, it's a good bet that I've seen it. I've seen some ...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The greatest thing ever

When I first moved out to LA, I was young and naïve, my head was full of so many crazy ideas as to what I was going to do now that I was finally living independently. One of those crazy ideas w...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the scat blog

Ok, Im about to dedicate an entire blog to bowel movements. This is one of the low points in my life, but I feel this is something that should be said. I was watching TV at like 3AM after I got sic...
Posted by Jon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST