Alyssa profile picture


Refuse To Be A Casualty Of Casual Love...

About Me

HI. my name is Alyssa and this is my myspace, I'm a pretty chill girl. I work hard (I play harder...) and I love what I do. I volunteer a bit... I live my dream everyday which is pretty sweet. I'm in my last semester of Bible college at Wave Leadership College. Wave Church is my church, and I love it so if you're free on a wednesday night come check us out (8pm., 1000 N. Great Neck Rd, Virginia Beach, Va.). I love Jesus a whole bunch, and I love meeting new people. There's not really too much more to put in this "about me" section so I guess that's it... *****LOVE GOD, LOVE LIFE, LOVE PEOPLE***** Which Kung Fu Animal Style Are You?
You are Leopard style! The Leopard Stylist chooses the time, the place, the conditions, the style, the everything. She is in command of any situation, not by brute power but by the breadth of her skills, abilities and cunning. She never does the expected unless that is the last thing you would expect.The Leopard Stylist can attack from any direction, with any technique at any time in a hit and run fashion. She is always well prepared, well informed and always surprising. She likes to use and even create confusion for use to her own advantage. She would never attack frontally unless that is where it is not expected. As a style, Leopard requires the greatest amount of technical expertise, widest range of techniques used in the most impossible ways. She is always the attacker, never the attacked. Whatever you expect, expect 1 million other possibilities! Leopards are the most complex of the 4 Animals with the most varied and interesting strategies, habits and solutions.__________________________________________________ _________Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

Jesus, music, I'm teaching myself to play guitar, I love going to shows, movies, chillin, what else is there really... oh yeah, and I enjoy moonlit walks on the beach, star light at night, and good coffee...btw: a simile is like a metaphor, just so you know
...and no apologies: Auto Racing (of any kind or sponsorship) and Cheerleading are NOT sports!

I'd like to meet:

ummm ... G.W.Bush and ... Reinhard Bonke (I so cannot spell to save my life), a born again/ totally on fire for God Trent Reznor (can you picture that?!?!), Condoleeza Rice, and ... YOU of course! I help out with this awesome small group (we call it "cell") for college and career age (18-30) women that meets on monday nights out in VA Beach, so if you're a woman and you wanna chill with and get to know some awesome ladies from Wave Church message me and I'll hit you up with some directions!


Ah-LOT! I love music. I enjoy a lot of bands and it would be pointless to list them all here, so these are a few of my favorite things: *Favorite activity: playing my guitar and worshiping my Jesus *Favorite song: "Wish You Were Here" by Incubus *Favorite Album: Sams Town by The Killers *Favorite song to rock out to on the radio: "Earth Invaders" by Bjork ... "Fell In Love With A Girl" and "Icky Thump" by The White Stripes *Favorite sound: a bluesy-rock feel like The Raconteurs' "Level" ... and a heavy, melodic rock like Tool *Favorite vocal style: Dave Matthews *Favorite dance music: my oh so random 80's rock mix tape (Yep I said tape!) *Favorite Inspirational Song: "More" by Matthew West *radio song I detest: "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder *Favorite group activity: goin to dirty little clubs to see a punk rock show!!! *Favorite band to see live: Pennywise!!! ... and Mutemath (cuz they're amazing) ... and Metallica (are you crazy??? b/c they're freakin Metallica dude) ... and Rancid (cuz I always have great stories and/or wounds from the pit; I know, I'm a sicko) ... and Bill Mozingo Band (cuz I love to see good people living out their dreams) *Favorite place to go after a show: IHOP for some T-Bone Steak & Eggs or maybe just french toast w/ warm maple syrup *Favorite line from a song: "bandwagon's full please catch another..." from "This Ain't A Scene, Its An Arms Race" by Fallout Boy *Favorite song I can't sing along to: "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" by Pnaic! At The Disco ... and Tool's "Aenema" *Least favorite band I love: Fallout Boy *Favorite band I have to love in moderation: Tool *Favorite lead singer: Jared Leto *Hottest musician I lovelovelove but don't find attractive: Jack White (if he would just play his guitar and sing for me but I never had to look at him, it would be perfect!)*Yep, that's a lot about me & music and the things I like so ...sorry if I forgot anything...
Grunge! You're all about the music and would even
turn your back on fame just to stay true to
your roots... You reached your high in the
early '90s, but you're still making some good
stuff! Keep rocking!


Ah movies, where to begin... I love movies, and my favorite thing to do (most of the time) is stay home and cuddle up on the couch w/ a warm body (sometimes my girlie friends, sometimes my puppies, whatever the mood calls for) and watch a movie. yep, that's it; I'm pretty easy to please... I like all kinds of movies esp. foreign films and movies of the action-adventure persuasion. I'm a big dork and I will watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off a million times and never get bored... my favorite movie has got to be either Evita or Pride & Prejudice (every man should take note b/c that movie is a foolproof guide to romance)...


I really don't have much time for T.V., but when I do it is mostly LOST or Grey's or ANTM, or discovery channel, or HGTV (I love me some design shows); somtimes C-SPAN depending on the mood. Lately I've been watching the Beauty & Fashion network, but I have to turn it off when they air the Gucci spring runway collection b/c there's this one dress that I love and I can't find it anywhere so... Oh yeah, and I watch the news (legit and fake news cuz I can't resist the Stephen Colbert/John Sewart doubleteam).
You Are a Cappuccino
You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please What Kind of Coffee Are You?
Your Power Color Is Orange
You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.
You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive.
But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures.
You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you! What's Your Power Color?


The Bible, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, John Bevere's 'Driven By Eternity', I love me some Vera Kasevich, Mark Edward's 'One Day Over Coffee', John Maxwell's 'Leadership Priniples', I've vowed to finish reading 'Captivating" but I not sure if that will ever happen, I'm told I gotta read the Harry Potter series, but it's at the very end of my "to read" list, and I'd like to finish the last few books of the 'Left Behind' series... I have this huge Mensa logic puzzle book (I love it b/c it helps me unwind after a long day)... my sudoku book, I'm kind of an addict... Time Magazine and Cosmo count for books???
You scored as Elizabeth Bennet, As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.

Elizabeth Bennet


Elinor Dashwood


Emma Woodhouse


Jane Bennet


Charlotte Lucas


Marianne Dashwood


Lady Catherine

Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with


Jesus, Laura Bush, Steve & Sharon Kelly and the leadership of Wave Church, Maria Woodworth-Etter, and my mom Kung Fu -vs- Superhero... No Comparison, It's Kung Fu Sucka!
You may look like the sort who would turn the other cheek, but you'd much rather kick it. The scourge of Jackie Chan in Drunken Master" and John Liu in "The Snuff Bottle Connection", it would be a braver man than me who insulted your beard.
Tribe KUNG FU Is Unstoppable!
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My Blog


late last night i stumbled upon a man at the kitchen table and he shared with us a fantastic story about two friends' plan for retirement... but the story led my jet-lagged mind to contemplate the abu...
Posted by Alyssa on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:06:00 PST


Finally9 to 5 YAY!...
Posted by Alyssa on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:04:00 PST

Beach Blues

Ok, so I was thinking ... I LoveLoveLove the beach, not the strip with all the tourists; I love random little spots where people just don't go. I don't dislike people, I just don't like wierdos starin...
Posted by Alyssa on Wed, 30 May 2007 06:12:00 PST


YAY!!! Tax season is over and I have something that kinda resembles a normal schedule again and I love it! It feels so good to work hard and have something to show for it; in my case its 297 happy tax...
Posted by Alyssa on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:32:00 PST

Perfect days...

So I love when the whole universe comes together to smile on me. I definately had the most amazing day! I'll sum it all up in one perfect moment: I was driving to the shore drive office in a big ugly ...
Posted by Alyssa on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 03:33:00 PST

Happy Holidays!

Nope, no blog. that's it: happy holidays ... and Merry Christmas ... (and all those other things people say to friends and family and their local baristas)!...
Posted by Alyssa on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:09:00 PST

halloween shenanagins

So, tonight was halloween and I was a cowgirl. The ladies and I rocked out at the Wave Church costume carnival doin our time for school, then we went on a "haunted" hayride. it was pretty fu...
Posted by Alyssa on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:02:00 PST

does it really need a title? Ok: coming of age

Ok, are you ready for this... brace I was at work chillin like always when an intense nostalgic conviction overtook me and carried me away to long gone memories so far away as to be not mu...
Posted by Alyssa on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:13:00 PST

Memorial Day Fun

So, today was pretty much one of the most chill days this year. We had a cook-out and grilled turkey dogs at sarah's beach house. we went kayacking and yimmy took Katie out on the bay in a dingy ...
Posted by Alyssa on Mon, 29 May 2006 03:00:00 PST

Bad News Bears and Teddy-Grams?

So ... Tell me why this is the rainiest spring ever! not that I don't love to play and frolic in the cool spring rain and I tend to linger a while when walking in from the car, but why does it always ...
Posted by Alyssa on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:43:00 PST