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Mary mary quite contrary.....

About Me

Hi its Mary. I'm 22 with blue eyes brown hair but if you know me then chances are you knew that. I work at a bank for now. Not the most exciting job in the world, I admit but I find ways to keep myself occupied. Still theres only so many times you can count the tiles on the ceiling before that starts getting boring too. I have a baby girl named Julia who means everything to me. She'll be three in August and does an excellent job of keeping me busy. I'm not going to go too in depth here but if you want to know something about me, ask away.

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My Interests

I take care of my daughter and make sure that she doesn't accidentally shove some crayons up her nose or do a nose dive off the couch. I suppose thats more of a responsibility than an interest.. I like music and going to concerts if I have the money and the time. I also like going out to the pub and getting drunk enough to forget my problems but I pay for that the next day, beleive me.

I'd like to meet:

All I want is to meet someone who's going to be a genuine sweetheart who I can laugh with and be myself around.


I like music :)


Some of my favorites are Chasing Amy, Catch me if you Can, Princess Bride, Man on the Moon (I love Andy Kauffman), the Evil Dead 1 and 2 (so bad it's amazing), X-men, Saw, Saw 3, Ghost World, Eternal Sunshine, and I'm sure there's more but my brain is shutting down.


I love Fururama (If anyone is thinking of getting me a good christmas present I want seasons 1, 2 and 3. I have the fourth one already) I also like Family guy, King of the Hill, The Simpsons ( mostly the older stuff when I was still funny) I have been on a big Sex in the City kick even though those girls are all big skanks. 6 Feet Under is amazing. And last but not least there is nothing better on daytime TV that the Price is Right. I won't know what to do when Bob Barker retires He is the King of daytime TV.


I've been trying to read a lot more than I used to. I just read Sleeping with the Enemy which I think was a movie back in the 90's. Some of my favorites are 1984, Of Mice and Men, The Hobbit, I have to work on LOTR, Farenheight 451. I like a lot of the classics but I'm a bit of a Sci-fi nerd as well.


I 3 Dwight Schrute

My Blog

RIP DialAmerica

As I'm sure everyone is already aware of by now, DialAmerica is dead. It's a sad, sad day for everyone who's ever worked on 344 pm. It's Okay to cry, really. Being upset about it doesnt make...
Posted by mary on Sun, 13 May 2007 12:15:00 PST