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Ant Jones

----Live every day like its your last------

About Me

AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ Myspace Codes AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ AJCute Myspace Layouts-------bout meeee hummmm guess am a normal teenager enjoying lifeee, going out to bar and clubs just having fun really ! i go south trafford collage which is pretty crappp to be honest, av got some aweosomeee funny matess...who get me into trouble half the time......... well if ya wana no more COMMENT ME ! N ADD ME ! N MESSAGE ME! thats allll........BUT if ya an Ex-GF then ad rather u not add me at all-----
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Ant Jones
Date of Birth: 17th January 1990 ------- remeber it !
Birthplace: bethlyhem
Current Location: Bedroom
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: Blonde (but brown atm)
Height: 5,11
Heritage: m a student
Piercings: 26
Tattoos: 7.....ty
Band/Singer: well a like club music mainly
Song: hummm fantasia !
Movie: ALFIE !
Disney Movie: humm
TV show: Prison brake !
Color: silver
Food: Southern fried chips
Pizza topping: cheese an tomato yum yum
Ice-Cream Flavor: mint chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Fosters !
Soda: pepsi
Store: gawd nows so many
Clothing Brand: Ted baker or ben sherman
Shoe Brand: Teb baker
Season: summer ! :D
Month: January my bday month and sales month!
Holiday/Festival: Florida, America
Flower: am not gay
Make-Up Item: ooooo soooo many cant pik
Board game: humm
This or That
Sunny or rainy: i like both depends wot am doing
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate !
Fruit or veggie: fruit !
Night or day: hummm sleep in day, par-tay in the night
Sour or sweet: sour
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: depends if shes a moose or not
Looks or personality: oooooooo bit of both
Coffee or tea: tea tea !
Hot or cold: hot
Goal for this year: Get a quality Girlfriend like the other 1 i had for a while and not like the crappy recent ones. ha.
Most missed memory: wen my shoe fell off wen i was falling out of a plane, i loved them trainers
Best physical feature: bodyyyyy
First thought waking up: GET BK TO SLEEP YA MUPPET
Hypothetical personality disorder: wot
Preferred type of plastic surgery: humm a 3rd arm, waw :D
Sesame street alter ego: dnt noooooooo
Fairytale alter ego: get married ha
Most stupid remark: gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Worst crime: hummm robbing my cookie jar
Greatest ambition: have a wonder wife and children in a nice house and a niceee car
Greatest fear: getting ermmm getting suffacated
Darkest secret: i have 2 toes on my right foot
Favorite subject: P.E ! or ICT!
Strangest received gift: comdoms
Worst habit: clicking fingers
Do You:
Smoke: nope tut tut
Drink: o yes indeed
Curse: nope thats strange
Shower daily: indeed i do
Like thunderstorms: wot
Dance in the rain: always
Sing: in the shower
Play an instrument: nooope
Get along with your parents: not always
Wish on stars: i doooo, non hav come true! so cba n e more !
Believe in fate: i do
Believe in love at first sight: i do indeeeeeeed
Can You:
Drive: i can
Sew: yep haha
Cook: errmm only pasta
Speak another language: indeed french
Dance: ooooo yeaaaaaaa
Sing: a bit
Touch your nose with your tongue: ha nopeee
Whistle: yepppp
Curl your tongue: nopeeeeeee
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: many many times
Been Stoned/High: yepp
Eaten Sushi: noopee
Been in Love: indeed sad sad times.....
Skipped school: :O omg yea such a rebel
Made prank calls: yessssss
Sent someone a love letter: errmmmm dont think so
Stolen something: ahah yeaa bread ! :O
Cried yourself to sleep: nope nope
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? if they cant take a bluddy joke !
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? when eva i get tired
Name three things you can't live without: WOMEN ALCHOL FAMILY
What is the color of your room? bluddy el i need a change of colour
Do you have any siblings? yes indeed 1 sister
Do you have any pets? 2 kittens, n borin fish
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no i widnt, mayb if they killed sum1 in my family
What is you middle name? Michael Carlo
What are you nicknames? AJ, Ant, Jonesy
Are you for or against gay marriage? i really cudnt care less
What are your thoughts on abortion? they should b allowed just in case !!
Do you have a crush on anyone? i doooooooo
Are you afraid of the dark? noooooooope
How do you want to die? having sex !
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? popsicles ha, erm 6
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? i would indeed, i cud not live without the 1 i loveeeeeee
What is the last law you’ve broken? braking an entry
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Blonde or Brown !
Eye color: Bright blue !
Height petite
Weight not too fat not too thin
Most important physical feature: Breasts! nooo ermm legss
Biggest turn-off sum1 luking orange ! from fake tan !
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My Interests

Football Beer Women Women Women Football parties

I'd like to meet:

hummm .......


danceee, i like alsorts of music really not 2 fussed
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Alfie !!!