Descendents/ALL, The Beatles, David Bowie, The Ramones, Bad Religion, Dolly Parton, Flaming Lips, Elliott Smith, Jawbreaker, Leatherface, The Pavers, The Decemberists, Johnny Cash, Kenny Rogers, Dead Kennedys, Armchaiur Martian, Drag the River, The Cure, Foo Fighters, Guided By Voices, Pixies, Green Day, Husker Du, Misfits, others that I forget...
Let's see:Barry Lyndon, ANYTHING by Wes Anderson (with The Life Aquatic being on the bottom of the list), original Star Wars Trilogy (with Empire being the best. By far. If you say Jedi, you have no soul), The Passion of Jean D'arc, Goodbye Lenin, The Hobbit Cartoon, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Evil Dead Trilogy, The Last Temptation of Christ, Kill Bill 1&2, Lost in Translation, Chasing Amy, Apocalypse Now, and there are probably tons of others that have just completely slipped my mind...
MYTHBUSTERS, Simpsons, Cutlery Infomercials, Televangelists, the Soup, Best Week Ever (yeah, so I can't help but jump on the insta-nostalgia bandwagon). Anything that Amanda's watching
The Naked and the Dead, If I Die in a Combat Zone - Box Me Up and Send Me Home, Catcher in the Rye, that book of John Updike poems that Greg gave me but subsequently crumbled apart, The Divine Horsemen, In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio, LOTR trilogy...others that I forgot.
Spider Man, Wolverine, Cyclops, Omega Red, Magneto, Han Solo...