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Jereme Rogers


About Me

.. "Hello...well i'm a skateboarder, I love 2 skate/live 2 skate. But besides all that i got something more important to talk to you guys about. You might wanna sit down for this one cause i have some very shocking news to tell you. For some it may be depressing at first, but for all it will be true. Alright here goes, your gonna die. No really your gonna die. think about that for a second, try to grasp the realism of that. It may not be today but it will come before you know it. The sad thing is that the day you die your not going to see it coming at all. Its gonna feel just like any other day, except that day is nothing like any other day. That day is going to be the closing of your life here on earth and the start of an eternity somewhere else. I mean an eternity thats crazy right. For those of you not grasping this just yet an eternity means forever/neverending. So if you think the maybe 80 to a 100 yrs that you could spend on this earth (if your lucky) is alot. while i got news for you its not. Its nothing compared to forever. So regardless if at this time you believe in god or heaven or hell or anything like that, do you really wanna risk it. I mean not getting to know god now while you have a chance here on earth could cost you an eternity in hell. Dont risk that. For those of you skaters out there I got love for all of you so it would be tight if we all got to kick it in heaven one day. I'll be there but its up to you to decide if your willing to put in the work to get there. If your interested in what I'm talking about or if your interested in getting to know God, theres an amazing book out there that can help you learn alot and help you to build a relationship with God. Its called "The Purpose Driven Life" its by Rick Warren. You can buy this book at any book store. If your a skater some of the pros you like have read this book too. Like Paul Rodriguez, Terry Kenedy, Zerred Basset is getting a copy from me too. either way i suggest u check it out but i have to go now bye.... I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Terry Kennedy, Paul rodriguez, and Jereme Rogers webisodes out now. SK8SITE.COM check the first demo.... width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

jesus christ






Eric Koston

My Blog


I don't have anything cool to write. i just wanted to write something because i liked the word blog. and i never wrote a blog before.
Posted by Jereme Rogers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST