Hello my name is Lisa I'm 25 and a full time mother to 2 wonderful and very handsome little boys named Danny jr and Andrew. Danny jr will be 3 in April and Andrew is 5 1/2 mos old. My husband's name is Danny and we'll be married for 4 yrs on October the 25th and almost 8 yrs all together on Decemeber the 17th. My husband is my best friend I feel I can tell him anything. My family means the world to me and I would do everything and anything for them. My husband is a contractor through Time Warner cable. Sometimes I miss working because that was the time I could get away from my very active crazy life at home but right now I'm glad that I get to stay home and take care of my beautiful boys. The friends that I have right now are really down to earth and I'm glad that we're friends. To those of you who were asking me to put up pics of Andrew I finally did. I don't have a computer at the moment so that's why I haven't commented or written back to those of u who e-mail me. Well if anybody has any questions please feel free to ask me and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. I want to say hello to Maris and Jeremy if u read this I love u Maris and I miss hanging out with u guys a lot call me sometime.Lisa
90% Compatible
♥ Lisa and Danny have been romantically-together for a long time. That alone demonstrates a degree of compatibility. Their shared faith will help form a bond between them. However, their astrological signs are not in harmony. Their common love of animals is good thing. And their views on children are similar. Overall, Lisa and Danny are highly compatible. They are capable of having a beautiful relationship together. ♥
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