I am all about doing things. I love the cultures of Hip Hop, Jazz, Rock, R&B and especially Reggae. I just do things, and follow through on my passions. I want to develop a huge network of people who are passionate about what they do and then together we are going to change things.
I love SNEAKERS (F a tennis shoe, gym shoe or other). I hunt them down, rock them well and I do own a pair of those shells.
I co-founded F.O.K.U.S. the summer of 03 with my sister, Alma, because we felt that Michigan was missing something. It could have been a New York City flavor, a stronger arts world, more things to do on campus. It was just something, so we watched "Hooked" and as I left her crib, we said let's do this. A couple of brainstorming sessions and random names and logos eventually birthed F.O.K.U.S. - Fighting Obstacles Knowing Ultimate Success in August 2003. Visit the website at www.onefokus.org
The no-frills red and white cereal box version of what F.O.K.U.S. is about- we just do things and make sure everyone has fun.
The expensive -wait for it goes on sale- breaking pockets version of F.O.K.U.S.:
The goal of FOKUS is three pronged. The first is to create a diverse community using the arts as the common medium. We all feel and have recognized that the arts have successfully created bridges between individuals and communities. The second is to increase the participation in the arts because we feel that having creative expression in our lives and many times we move away from the arts as we grow older. The third prong is to increase the appreciation in the arts because we feel that having creative expression in our lives can enhance the way we feel and supporting other artists encourages and helps creativity to develop.