kk profile picture


in south africa, you speak loudly to indicate you have no secrets. i understand this notion.

About Me

lookie you!

My Interests

knowing being half the battle, pandas, jack daniels, mockery, ridicule, eating, things that have cinnamon in them, sports, kohatred, KQB-ing, fried mac and cheese, cartoons, self-pity, self-aggrandizing, thesauri, flip-flops, playlists, wine, macs, politics, reading, burrito'clock, finding new ways to be pretentious, beer.

I'd like to meet:

and the ad genius behind this:

oh wait, that was me.


in a more thought out, but still not very particular order: decemberists, death cab, styrofoam, kings of convenience, stars, doves, flaming lips, elbow, prefuse 73, peter bjorn and john, the good the bad and the queen, editors, the swell season, rufus wainwright, ben harper, the books, magnetic fields, clap your hands say yeah, the boy least likely to, mates of state, sufjan stevens, album leaf, the clientele, engineers, ratatat, matt pond PA, nick drake, elliott smith, jon brion, massive attack, dntel, animal collective, damien rice, the indigo girls, wilco, petty, clapton, shins, the go find, ella fitzgerald, royksopp, architecture in helsinki, sigur ros, mazarin, handsome boy, gnarls barkley, zero 7, postal service, rilo kiley, max weinberg and the max weinberg 7, hot hot heat, thievery corp, spoon, beck, journey, reo speedwagon, and all the great hair bands.


donnie darko: director's cut, i heart huckabees, eternal sunshine, office space, big fish, top gun, once, juno, knocked up, old school, blues brothers, adaptation, closer, sideways, the life aquatic, garden state, an inconvenient truth, saved!, about schmidt, wedding crashers, 40-yr-old virgin, me and you and everyone we know, the aristocrats, dodgeball, mr. smith goes to washington


pandacam, dexter, project runway, flavor of love, charm school, the world series of pop culture, six feet under, best week ever, the daily show, big love, carnivale, the colbert report, no reservations with anthony bourdain, the dog whisperer, real time with bill maher, aqua teens, powerpuffs, family guy, law and order [ SVU and the classic ones with jerry orbach ], scrubs, football, iron chef, robot chicken, the golden girls, the price is right [ with bob barker ], da ali g show, jeopardy!, CONAN [ my perfect man ]


pride and prejudice, picture of dorian gray, AHWOSG, confederacy of dunces, catch-22, le petit prince, harry potter, sex drugs and cocoa puffs, chuck klosterman IV, killing yourself to live, cesar's way, lady windermere's fan, the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, the world is flat. plus the washington post is like porn to me, i can never stop looking at it. also, this past year i've done nothing but audiobooks. some consider that cheating. i am not one of them.


conan o'brien, colin meloy, ben gibbard, oscar wilde, my momma, donovan mcnabb, katharine graham, thomas friedman, tom brokaw, bill clinton, al gore, jim boeheim, joe gibbs, masaharu morimoto, jon stewart, stephen colbert, lewis black, al franken, and squidward

My Blog

sunday night survey

In The Past 24 Hours:1. Talk to a cute boy/girl?i did yesterday, but i was a couch potato today. i guess you can count tucker though, he's cute.3. Talked to an ex?i dont' talk to exes... at least not ...
Posted by kk on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:44:00 PST

it’s been a while.

1. What is the status of you and the last person you texted?not sleeping together.2. What is wrong with you right now?no one to sleep with? haha. chapped lips.3. Do you miss your first love?yes. *sigh...
Posted by kk on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 01:12:00 PST

you guessed it.

1. First name and middle name?kimberly ann2. What holiday is your birthday closest to?my birthday. that's holiday enough. actually the nice part about august birthdays is there are no holidays around ...
Posted by kk on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:14:00 PST

another survey cause law and order doesn’t come on til 10.

1. What is a question that people ask you that always gets on your nerves?- are you ok? smile!... fuck you! i am not here to amuse you. if you want me to smile, say something funny.2. Name something y...
Posted by kk on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:56:00 PST

survey time, again.

1. How Old Will you be in 12 Months?292. Do you think you'll be married by then?highly doubtful3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months?EUROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4.Who was the last person to...
Posted by kk on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:25:00 PST

what i do during beauty and the geek.

100. What's your profile song and why?-- hail to the redskins!!! .... cause it's football season!99. Do you have a job?-- let's not talk about unpleasantries.98. Middle name?-- ann97. Do you have a cr...
Posted by kk on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:09:00 PST

if you dont’ like surveys, do not read.

1. Do you smoke weed?if it's offered to me.2. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?has it been two weeks? yeah, i guess so. so... yes.3. Who's the last person that came to your house ?same per...
Posted by kk on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:23:00 PST


1. Who was the last person to sleep in your bed?tucker, and i realize he is not a person. still. when he takes up your side, he counts.2. What describes your relationship status?complacent3. Where are...
Posted by kk on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:47:00 PST

as i was saying...

... about the retarded stuff:)[One] Who was your last text from?jay[Two] Where was your default picture taken?nyc![Three] What's your middle name?ann[Four] Your current relationship status?bordering o...
Posted by kk on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:04:00 PST


i finally finished the second iteration of my website. as some of you know, it was a process. especially after the last time i finished and then my crappy work laptop decided to crash and lose everyth...
Posted by kk on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:56:00 PST