Sports: Tennis, Basketball, Football, Baseball, swimming, Pool, Tae Kwon Do (well at least I use to), pretty much what I can get my hands on. Activities: Play sports, Watching TV, Play on my computer, Go to the movies, Shopping, Reading, Writing(too lazy), socializing. What I Wish To Learn: More About computers, HTML, Graphic design, Animation (Flash, 3D, etc.), Shooting (Guns, airsoft, paintball.), meeting a lot of people, traveling the World, psychology, philosophy, and finding my identity.
No one in particular..
My Project Playlist says it all. Pretty much everything.classic rock, rock, metal, pop, alternative, Kanye west, Bach, Chopin, Classical music.
Too many to list.
CSI: Miami, Survivor, Simpsons, Family Guy, Brainiac, National Geographic Channel, Travel Channel, Food Channel, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Comedy Central, South Park, The Man Show, Attack Of The Show, X-play, Filter, G4 TV, Prison Break, House, Jay Leno, SNL, Conan, David Letterman, MTV2, Futurama, NCAA, MLB, NFL, NBA, ESPN, FSN , and many more!! ***I haven't had TV for a year+***
Don't read much books but I often read magazines and the newspaper.
Michael Moore.