I am Donovan Worland, son of Barry and Deborah Worland, grandson of James and Imogene and R.D. and Anne. Born and raised in San Francisco, California, St. Stephen's parrish, Avenues, P.M. homie 415! I was convinced by my lovely Honeybunny to move to this beautiful suburb of Eugene, Oregon where I plan to live for a long time. My background is in massage therapy, strength and fitness training, Ryukyu Tomari-te Kenpo, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Kua Chang and Xing Yi Chuan.
I have had some college and spent 7 years studying with my teacher Dr. Guy T. Galbreath (M.D., acupuncturist, 7th dan BB, hair stylist and former Ranger) martial arts, medicine and how to not get caught up in life and left holding your dick. My massage skills were refined at the Berkeley Acupressure Institute where I focused on Tui Na and the National Holisitic Institute where I learned about shi atsu and European oil massage.
When you see me I'll probably have Dickies or Ben Davis on with a sporty pair of braces. I search for ways to fulfill myself, develop myself and empower myself so as to benefit my country and my people. I am proud to be a Californian by birth, an Oregonian by choice and an American by culture. My government comes second, my people come first! I like dominoes but hate cards. I like dance clubs but don't spit game at them. The only women in my life are close friends and I'm not looking all that hard for anything more than that. At present I am training 3 nights a week in Hsing Yi Chuan and Nei Gong complimented by Girevoy Sport, a form of native Russian weight training and conditioning. I am pleased to meet any and everyone of every walk of life because we are all in This together....
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