Dón Estraño profile picture

Dón Estraño

Take it easy...There's no need to worry...Take your time...there's no need to hurry!

About Me

I am Donovan Worland, son of Barry and Deborah Worland, grandson of James and Imogene and R.D. and Anne. Born and raised in San Francisco, California, St. Stephen's parrish, Avenues, P.M. homie 415! I was convinced by my lovely Honeybunny to move to this beautiful suburb of Eugene, Oregon where I plan to live for a long time. My background is in massage therapy, strength and fitness training, Ryukyu Tomari-te Kenpo, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Kua Chang and Xing Yi Chuan.
I have had some college and spent 7 years studying with my teacher Dr. Guy T. Galbreath (M.D., acupuncturist, 7th dan BB, hair stylist and former Ranger) martial arts, medicine and how to not get caught up in life and left holding your dick. My massage skills were refined at the Berkeley Acupressure Institute where I focused on Tui Na and the National Holisitic Institute where I learned about shi atsu and European oil massage.
When you see me I'll probably have Dickies or Ben Davis on with a sporty pair of braces. I search for ways to fulfill myself, develop myself and empower myself so as to benefit my country and my people. I am proud to be a Californian by birth, an Oregonian by choice and an American by culture. My government comes second, my people come first! I like dominoes but hate cards. I like dance clubs but don't spit game at them. The only women in my life are close friends and I'm not looking all that hard for anything more than that. At present I am training 3 nights a week in Hsing Yi Chuan and Nei Gong complimented by Girevoy Sport, a form of native Russian weight training and conditioning. I am pleased to meet any and everyone of every walk of life because we are all in This together....

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Humans and what humans do...martial arts and physical culture, working hard and thinking soft, ska, calypso, reggae, rocksteady, soul, Americana, rockabilly, classic country and some contemporary, hip-hop, turntabilism, event promotion, journalism-especially radio journalism, tatoos, scooter, pin-ups, raunchy foreign porn, bloody foreign action and crime flicks, anime and manga, cartoons and comics, science fiction movies (unfortunately rather rarely) and science fiction writing, engineering and design, architecture, mass transit, green technologies

I'd like to meet:



When I manage to have television I watch: Adult Swim, Headline News, X-Play...ooh Morgan Webb is HOTTT!!!, Barbed Wire Biscuit, Aqua Teen, Law and Order (any), C.S.I., 6o Minutes (both...Sunday is still the better I think), Sex Inspectors (H.B.O.), Sex in the City, The Sopranos, 6 Feet Under, Family Guy,The Simpsons, Colbert Report, John Stewart Show, MacIntyre's Millions (DTMS...rocks), yeah and more news....

My Blog

Just some shit I have been thinking.

Mi' hot ladie, you know wha' I mean sah? So, for those of you that remeber me ranting about John Henry's on new years when I stumbled across Penny and Carrie, I am now and have been with that woman ...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:37:00 PST

Cool shit!

Posted by Dón Estraño on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:46:00 PST

Just some thoughts and stuff.

French election for Sarkozy fraught with fraud:http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArt icle&code=STO20070506&articleId=5581Reuters reports that Wolfowitz is has a large piece of ...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Tue, 08 May 2007 07:50:00 PST

A little bit of news...

 This story is about key army positions thinning to worriesome levels.  Christian Science Montior.http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0502/p01s01-usmi.htmlT he Turkish military is being warned not to overthr...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:18:00 PST

Scattered mind, scattered words.....

         Alrighty then, guess I did not remember something about html protocols here on myspace.  That last blog was quite shitty.  Rain, rain go away...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:05:00 PST

Nothing much just some news.

So here are some links to some stories that I found very interesting: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/frontpage/2007/0501/1177715 758677.html">17 year old woman seeking abortion sues HSE in Ireland. ...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Wed, 02 May 2007 12:26:00 PST

Not new but damn this is magic for me!!!

You have to watch this for the full six minutes to get every ounce of red hot bluebeat music and two-tone culture...note the integrated crowd and performers! ...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST

Ska, ska, ska, Jamaica ska!

Oh, man do I love access!  This is a gem! ...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:11:00 PST

Lovely, beautiful naked chicks! Yeah I said it!

Oh, but even though I got kicked to the curb by a nice, young woman I have found some lascivious joy in simple female nudes...as some of you that check up on my page may have noticed.  Here are o...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:53:00 PST

I have been in a bad way...

And the race is on....      Though I have been absent in comment on a lot of things here goes: Down and dirty with GOP in the South If  and when a Christian is forced to cha...
Posted by Dón Estraño on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:41:00 PST