Chris profile picture


..its ya BOI ChRiS..

About Me

Was the deal ya' name is chris ..well what is there to know about me..i live in NC,im chillin,makin videos,computer graphics, and modeling,also i love music and anything that has to do with music..i shoot and chill with my friends and of course chill with the love of my life kristin..God is so awsome..and thats really all i can say about my life..and who God has givin me to spend my life with..i couldnt have asked for a more beautiful women..who is passionate for Christ..and Loves God with all her heart..well that about sums me up..want to know more hit me up...OnE...

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My Interests

Videos,Videos,Videos,Videos,Videos,Videos,I love to make videos from documentaries to music videos. I also like to produce music, make beats, write songs, and produce artists. i just love to be around music, or being behind a camera. But besides music and videos i Like to chill with friends, han out have a good time..go see a some of prayer.. the brice show #3

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I'd like to meet:

so my list has changed now..just like my lifestyle so the new people i would liek to meet are..i'd like to meet skillet..the group Grits..Kj-52..those are basically my favorite artists i liked to meet..and i think i would like to meet johnny depp..basically cause i think he's one of the best actors out right now..but also a pretty clean actor..and those are hard to find now a days..hopefully ill get to meet all these people threw my adventures in life...


i really don't have a certain kinda a music i listen to. I listen to mostly rap, hip-hop, r&b. but i also like other types of music. cause to me music is music. Whether it's country twang or tupac on the mic. Music is just Music. It's all in how it's delivered and what is said in the song


i love Really any action, horror, or comedy. I also like a drama movie just depends on what its about. I like movies with alot of graphics,or visual effects, and good acting. But my favorite series is probley chronicles of riddick. It has everything i like good acting, action, comedy, great story line, and insane graphic design.


Don't really watch T.V but sports is always good on tv..they took away all the decent shows such as "dinosaurs" theres a throw back who knows what im talkin about..huh..huh???


The bible i would haft to say..thats the only book iv willingly read..


Jacob goff is my hero. Jacob beat a fatal sickness alil while ago.And he went through alot of stuff and is still alive today. I mean whenever i go through something i think is hard in my life or when something bad happens. I stop and think about what jacob went through and how he survived. And that drives me and pushes me forward

My Blog

Life is just getting better and better

wassup my myspace bestest friends..So let me update cha on some things..i know i know iv been slackin on 2 the brice show..2 my blog but im so busy ya'll will haft to work with me..=)
Posted by Chris on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 02:26:00 PST

V-day is wed!!!

So valentines day is comin up this wed..crazy this will be like my 3rd valentines without a gf which is cool..cause God is my valentine..which is cool cause i don't haft to buy nothing..hahaha jk..but...
Posted by Chris on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:10:00 PST

More than Awsome!!!

So today are new sanctuary opened up and what a MIGHTY!!! move of God..there was a huga turn out and God def. showed up and rocked some so excited to see what God is going to continue to do...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:02:00 PST


so i'm having a tuff time deciden what to do in my life right i really like working at the church but i know..i need to better myself in graphics and animation so i need to go to college..bu...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:26:00 PST

a day in the life of......ME!!

hello all my myspace bestest going on in my life..well alot..right now im working at the church on a new intro for the tv series that comes on sundays..and trust you me..It's much ne...
Posted by Chris on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:35:00 PST


AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everythings going good at my new job except one freaking bipolar minute he's cool the next minute it doesnt matter what i say or wha...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 01:54:00 PST


so im going through some changes in my stopping alot of stuff i us to do..such as cigs..drinking..partying..cussin..all that stuff...why you may ask..well to be honest im getting back in chur...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:42:00 PST

the day

what up my myspace bestest's ya boy 1 is a good day..its sunny out side..and i was looking over the lake i started to think about some mind started to
Posted by Chris on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:56:00 PST

day by day

whats up all my peps..not to much here i just had alot on my mond thought i might write some things down..i know i havent been doing blogs but thas about to going to start writing everyday ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:01:00 PST

ShAgGy makes another hit

the song fight being played on my page..was done at my boy justin farley's crib..producer c squared, and bricky bross, squared played that beat told me he wanted to do that song so i came up with...
Posted by Chris on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 10:09:00 PST