MUUUUUUUUUSIC! Playing, Listening, Writing about it... Just everything about music turns our crank!
We want to meet and chat it up with all of our heavy and occasional users. Even if you just go to the site and take a quick look, it'd be great to chat it up with you!
Soooooo many bands. Go to the site and check out some of our reviews. The stuff you see up there is what we listen to...that is if we give it a good word. ;)
We like movies too. :) But not as much as MUSIC! :D
Family Guy...but really...TV sucks these days, what with the abundance of fucking reality TV...uhg!
I (Kiel) like books. Chuck Palahniuk, Ken Kesey, The Darma Bums by Jack Kerouac, Jhonen Vazquez....Books are good. So's reading in particular! So go read some reviews on the site!
Musicians that are good at what they do and aren't complete dickheads, Record labels that sponcor us, and of course: ALL OF OUR USERS! 3