Take a lick of this (Jelly sickle sickness) (^_^) profile picture

Take a lick of this (Jelly sickle sickness) (^_^)

To much will make you sick..... (You actin like a trick biatch)...... lil RIPP smell lyk jealousy! (

About Me

"I am a daughter of adventure. This means I never experience a dull moment and must be prepared for any eventuality. I never know when I may go up in an airplane and come down with a crash, or go motoring and climb a pole, or go off for a walk in the twilight and return all mussed up in an ambulance. That's my arc, as the astrologers would say. It's a good one, too, for a person who had rather make a snap-out than a fade-out of life." ~ Molly Brown MY BabY gIrl SIYANAH, tHe AiR I breaTHe, the ReaSon wHy I gEt up everY Morning, MY CUP OF COFFEE!!!! My lil Momas! MiNi ME...MY FIRST LOVE!!!!
"Anything Worth Having Is Worth Working Hard For" My Mom, I will always be ur munchkin no matter what we go through!!! She so pUrty The ones that have always been by my side since I was in Diapers! You keep me strong n motivated to face what lies ahead of me! Ur advice never steers me in the wrong direction! I love you! Can't Get any better then MY BROTHER'S! my Girls n a 1/2! They keep me INsane! I can smell Fake people from a mile away n that aint u! These are the selected few that I will keep close to me! some of yall may be CRAZY, DRAMATIC, SLUTS, WHORES, sometimes OVER EXADURATE, BIG ASS BABYS, down right different! and thats why I love u guys! U guys have been there for me from a shoulder to lean on, feedin me when Im broke, keepin it real with me, to havin my back when some shit goes down @ the Club lol! U take my Flaws n Embrace them! Eh.... wasup with all this love crap! Stupid ZARO!!!lol. ur stuck with me 4 life! ;oP My Grubbies! True friendship is when friends walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side. These Ladies will ALWAYS have a place in my heart! We been through hell and back together, Did our DIRT together! Ain’t seen um in a minute but they know da BIZZ! I Love um like a fat kid luv cake! A REAL FAT ONE! My Ride or Die!!! Pit Bull With a pretty face!!! Through the struggles, n pain we Still smilin! It only makes us stronger! When some shit goes down, She know wasup! She can be the Biggest Pain in the ass But what can I say she's family! Ima always be here for u, n I know the feeling is mutual! Love u lil sis! [P]ilipina,Chinese. *Born n raised in San Francisco* Love Food! Crepes, Tapioca Express!!! Hmmmm... "Jennie, Jennie, WHAT BIG EYES U HAVE!" MaN the beTter to see u with." :OP I am tall dark and handsome!!! fasho, u ain't knowin. Nah, but real tip now. head to toe Description... haha. Gotta little, peanut head, long hair, and two big, gigantic a$$ big toes!!!oh and i got the most pointiest ears ever... Ne thing between that u can assess urself. Well, I, Jennited Maria Diguangco Valera Ablao solely care about family (esp. my baby girl, Yanah), friends, and eating and sleeping. although, I do hear that lovin, eatin, n sleepin can give a person Gadawnks. Sall good though... Gonna happen some Day. Well Honestly I never really think of the type of person I am. I really just live every day however it comes. Sometimes I wish I had it all planned out, but who really knows what they're doing. The one thing I do know is that I do all I can to show my family which consists of blood related, and non-blood relative loves of my life, that I'll always be here for them. Just tryin to find myself, tryin to figure out what I wana do with my life and how I can accomplish that. Im still young and all but it's hard when u have big responsibilitys like a child...(I know some of yall folks out here know what I mean) Right now my main, most important goal is to raise my beautiful, baby girl, Yanah, while showing her that I can be strong for the both of us until she is ready to stand on her own two feet. At this point she is the reason that I am living. I'm a single parent tryna make it in this world. Just tryna give my Daughter everything I was denied and then some. N I know I have all of the support I need.I love singing, and kickin it with the familia. Family is everything to me, they keep me strong and motivated when I lose hope. (randome thought..."Kareokes the shit !")no really, I love sittin on the couch with some drank, singin drunkin kareoke with my cousins! gees i sound like one of them old school filipinos. :op So, if n e of my loved ones need me... HOLLA ACHA GIRL! love u guys. ummmm, nuff for now, I'm tired! .. My lil brothers Rj and Randy ♥♥♥