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The Journo-Dancer

The opposite of poverty is not wealth, it's justice. -- Leonardo Boff, Brazil’s leading Liberation

About Me

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
HEY. HEY. It's ma birthday on June 13th, people.
To celebrate, u should come to this event on the 14th below:

"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining.
I believe in love even when I feel it not.
I believe in God even when he is silent."
- Written on a wall in a concentration camp

"God gives us journeys because He already knows our destination.
The journey is our place to learn the hand of God.
The destination is when we wake up and see that we were always
in the hand of God and had not journeyed out of it." - Author unknown

"When you have faith in something, it's your reason to be alive and to fight for it." - Katherine Dunham
"We have just enough religion to make us hate
but not enough to make us love one another." -Jonathan Swift

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I am a Filipino, by Dan Jimenez
I AM A FILIPINO, the embodiment of endless frustrations and inexaustible hope, a personification of a never ending aspiration, of a spirit broken into a million pieces yet not willing to give up, an offspring of shame and futile struggles, constantly seeking respect, a prisoner brutalized by enemies and abandoned by allies yet remaining defiant with unwavering dignity and pride.
I AM A FILIPINO, the caregiver of the world, the worker who never complains, the wanted undocumented alien, the voiceless nanny with a golden heart, the construction worker who disregards safety and war just so the family back home can have a better life. I am the doctor who became a nurse in search of fulfillment measured by house and cars, the teacher who ran away from school so as to teach the Prince's son for a princely sum, the soldier fighting a foreign war for a foreign flag that I may possess the prized citizenship for my family and myself. I am a seeker of a better life -- boundaries, latitudes, working conditions, language, religious intolerance and job description notwithstanding. I will do what has to be done. I ask only for a chance to prove myself, disregarding discrimination, loneliness and self-pity, knowing that pride nourishes the ego but never one's physical needs.
I AM A FILIPINO, I abhor my government of leeches and thieves, nincompoops and clowns, liars and cheaters. Governance in my country is defined by incompetence and corruption, self-serving interests and self-enrichment. My government leaders are visionless, deaf and uncaring. Changing leaders means going from overfed pigs to hungry pigs. Change has always been for the worse, never for the better. As a citizen, my government is my greatest shame, my ultimate frustration, my political damnation.
I AM A FILIPINO, I wowed the world with a string of beauties beyond compare, entertained with talents roaring from Broadway to Hollywood, boxed the lights out of champions and victoriously clashed with brilliant minds. I am gifted with grit and brains wanting for nourishment and development. I am willing and able to compete and prove my mettle. But my poverty chains me to the cellar of mediocrity and failure. So I stick with the superficial, to the endeavor that warrants nothing but a smile and a lot of skin exposure. Still the world applauds.
I AM A FILIPINO, inventor of "People Power," purveyor of bloodless revolutions, sucker for sweet promises of would-be kings. I change Constitution with every dethroned despot and march on EDSA to get rid of a mistake. I have changed leaders without the benefit of a ballot, doing an about-face three times after, realzing the folly of a quick fix and the wisdom of the rule of law. Still I keep the lessons never learned. I sleep soundly at night always believing in the righteousness of what is loud and visible and I wake up as expected to the deeper hole I dug myself into.
I AM A FILIPINO, the Catholic whose rituals approximate paganism, with beliefs literally crying out to the heavens. I self-flagellate to the entertainment of tourists and voyeurs, begging for forgiveness and salvation, trusting that the blood I shed will cleanse my soul and be worthy of God. I walk on my bended knees toward the altar hearing penitents pray for riches and forgiveness, ever so holy before the wooden cross, yet forgetting their abuse of servants and lesser mortals. Still I aim for divinity, a moral life, and peace within.
I AM A FILIPINO, I long for heroes, heroes I can touch, heroes who will inspire, heroes will lead, heroes who will live, heroes who will not die. I am tired of pretenders, of actors and actresses, of traditional politicians passed on from one corrupt generation to the other. I am tired of being resigned to dying without seeing the sun's glory over my beloved country, of being ridiculed and the butt of jokes. How I wish I can stand with the rest of the world's people claiming freedom and equality as my birthright, not something I have to die for! How I wish for prosperity, for a level field and the chance to compete, that even though I may not have a choice of my birth circumstance, I will have a choice of how I will live.
I AM A FILIPINO, skin brown as the earth, nose hardy as the mountains. I will refuse comparison with the whites, the blacks, the yellows and the reds. Neither will I compare my native tongue to languages foreign and unknown. My country is of the Orient known for pearls from endless seas, of the sun majestic at dawn and dusk, of the ancient culture and civilization filled with awe and wonder. My country is of my dreams fleeting but not yielding, of my history both real and true and of my anonymous life, significant only to my forefathers and to those I will leave behind.
I AM A FILIPINO, I will wake up the ghosts of the past that I may find the meaning of my future while wallowing through the quagmire of the present. I will venture into the unknown, trusting each step and hesitating not, in spite of doomsayers and non-believers. I will continue to search for what is ideal and human, knowing that the greatest failure is to never attempt. I will dedicate my life, my obra maestra, my greatest feat to children of my own that they will be content to be Filipino, even proud. And this I pledge as long as the earth mimics the color of my skin and my broken rosary of an arhipelago stays as one.
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My Interests

She's Free.

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(Just giving a heads up: I'm a very out-going and social person. As much as I can talk and talk, I can write and write. So be ready cuz this could take a while...) First of all, I'm terribly terribly in love with the Lord. I guess you could say I'm a very "Joy" filled person, seeing that my middle name is Joy. But the joy that I have is only because my foundation lies in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He's my everything. If there's anything I could go down in history known for, I'd want to be known as the girl who ran after God's heart caught it and kept on running. I'm a very smiley person, which is surprising because of the kind of life I've gone through and still am going through. But like I said, it's only because my joy is rooted in Jesus. I do enjoy being alone. Probably cuz growing up I've kinda felt alone, but God has always been there to comfort me. So I guess I know that I'm really not alone. I love to dance and write. I like mixing Hip-hop/Jazz with strong Latin flavor. I LOVE to Salsa! But more than anything I just love cranking up the praise and worship and just dancing for God! And if I write, my best writing deals with God and the reality of what it takes to face life, its joys, its challenges, its struggles, its strengths, its blessings, its defeat. But no matter what I write, even if it's not necessarily about the Lord. He is my inspiration and what motivates me to write. When you've found the best thing in the world, how can you help but not write or talk about it. It becomes who you are. And you want nothing but to eminate it. I'm also love my three nephews, Jon, Josh, and Matt, and my nieces Jamie and Tiff, they're the best! I love my cousins, 2nd cousins, third cousins...the Amagans, the Ferrers, the Balmanias, the Cabertos,the Halilis...whoever (Even though family isn't always what it appears to be on the outside). I really enjoy going to school. I love learning with a passion! Its an eye-opener. Some advice: be open-minded, talk to a lot of people, listen. I try to look on the bright-side of things. And it's not because I choose to avoid the "real world" and go through life blind. I just decide to look at life with a different perspective; through God's eyes. I've learned that no matter what happens, you can use it to strengthen who you are, or you can use it to break you. I'm sure you'll be able to guess what I've chosen to do. I want to be an editor of a progressive Christian magazine because I'm tired of religious people, their extremeism, and their narrow views of the world. Jesus was a radical.If you truly read the word for yourself, how can you not be? I also hope to one day open my own studio/chill spot for inner-city youth to come hang out and take dance classes. Some of my personal interests & pursuits include: dance, progressive religion, culture, politics, social, racial, and class equality, fighting against racisim and poverty, youth, sociology, magazine writing, and the Filipino heritage. I also love singing, traveling, white roses, college, movies, clubbing, red and burnt orange as wedding colors, peacocks, mini coopers, big earrings, lip gloss, Chai tea, Indian food, especially, Naan-n-Curry...I'm also a little interested, just a little, in my boyfriend Jack Stephens...j/k But above all else, I love my Jesus! And well, I think that's me in a nut shell =)

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I'd like to meet:

In general, I like meeting anyone of any size, shape, and form; race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion, age, excetera, excetera-- the whole spectrum. But for myspace, I won't add you if I don't know you. So HOLLA to ma' peeps and too bad for everyone else. FYI: I enjoy talking to people and being real with you. I get a kick out of encouraging others, having fun, and making people smile. For the most part, I pretty much like everyone I meet. But there have been few exceptions. You just never know these days. Haha.

My Blog

Unmasking the N-Word 05.21.07

Unmasking the N-Word Written by Christine Joy Ferrer [X]press Jonathan Smothers, a black, multiracial student at SF State, has grown accustomed to using the word "nigga" as slang. Yet, he admitted he ...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Mon, 21 May 2007 12:37:00 PST

Blinded By Subconscious Racism 05.21.07

..> Blinded By Subconscious Racism by Christine Joy Ferrer [X]press   While the rest of the students in her class giggled, liberal studies major Michelle Rodriguez remembered sitting in sh...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Mon, 21 May 2007 12:29:00 PST

Jail Walls Can't Confine Teens' Expressive Voices 05.05.07

Jail Walls Can't Confine Teens' Expressive Voicesby Christine Joy Ferrer, staff writer April 22, 2007 12:13 PM [X]pressBefore the age of 15, Will Roy would write love poems to girls for recreation. ...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Sat, 05 May 2007 05:57:00 PST

Guess what Ya'll???? I won! 3.21.07

So, I entered the profile/writing contest for the William Randolph Hearst Journalism Foundation and won 10th place for the profile I wrote on Terry Rollins on I'm receving a $500 schol...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:27:00 PST

None other than Rolling Stone Intern Krish de Leon 03.01.07

Fame, Scrutiny finds former SF State Studentby Christine Joy Ferrer, staff writer February 10, 2007 12:48 AM Krishtine de Leon, 24, a former SF State student and section editor for [X]press, has perpl...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:42:00 PST

Living on the Edge 02.16.07

SF State Students Living on the EdgeCampus minstry accepts those on the fringe, smites barriers. Written by Christine Joy Ferrer The EdgeSF State students Jackie Sicard and Tia Kilpatrick are part of ...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

Community Seeks Bridges Across Divides 02.11.07

Community Seeks Bridges Across Divides  - Christine Joy Ferrer across-dividesIt's 3:30 in the afternoon, a group of children, between the ages...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:38:00 PST

Couples and Singles Alike say Down with Valentine's Day 02.09.07

Students Shun Valentine's Day "If I ever see another white teddy bear or another cupid, I'm gonna die," said Macka Harper, 25, a proud-to-be-single, microbiology student. Many Americans know Valen...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 05:00:00 PST

Professor Crusades for Global Justice 02.01.07

The edited down version was published in SFSU's Golden Gate [X]press. Professor Crusades for Global Justice (Unedited) - Written by Christine FerrerZita Cabello-Barrueto's coffee cup shattered to the...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:42:00 PST

Crazy semester...02.01.07

So, I'm on my school newspaper, Golden Gate [X]press this semester. It's so much fun, but oh so much work. I have a story due every week. My first piece was published this week on this professor whose...
Posted by lilLaDyTiNe on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:56:00 PST