They call her Breezy and since a child she has partaken in many things artistic, such as; writing poetry, short stories, movie scripts, acting as well as modeling. She also took time to develop other musical talents. By musical it is meant that she began playing the piano at age 9 and the violin at age 11. That, to add with her love for creative writing the lyrical ability over talented beats just flowed. Breezy started thinking around the age of 15 that she could pursue hip hop and r&b with her writing ability and become a ghostwriter. However, it was not until she was about 19 years old when she started to get the feeling that hip hop and her were synonymous. So, as time progressed and she began to receive noteriety on her musical ability she began to pursue it full steam.Breezy is not a rapper, she is a lyricsist/mc and a big fan of Hip Hop "add it, it equals me". Now at the age of 24 she has been for the past six years working on and giving all of her time and energy to her music career and she does not plan to put the mic down ANY TIME SOON!