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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 21, which doesn't really mean anything cause I don't really drink. I am a christian, which means I believe the one and only truth, and if you think thats narrowminded, well, it is. Right now I pretty much just work and save for the college I'm going to next fall. As far as what I like to do. I like to do outdoorsy stuff. I like tryin stuff I've never done before. For instance I want to try surfing when I move to oregon. I like pretty much anything with a motor in it cause my patomobile is way to slow. I like to work out and as a result I like to show off my muscles. I like spending time with my friends, and I really enjoy getting to know people. People are really interesting when you get to know their individual personalities. Thats about all I got.

My Interests

Hiking, fishing, riding atvs, driving around, music, playing and listening, church, bible studies, people.

I'd like to meet:

I love to meet other christians. They usually have the coolest stories.


I like music that'll put me in the mood I want to be in. Whether it's something to relax and fall asleep too, or somethin to get my blood pumpin in the morning. I also like alot of techno/eclectronica. Stuff thats mellow. I like music from around the world. Not all of it, but some. Rock and underground hip hop are pretty cool too.


Anything funny, And I mean funny. I am easily amused so i like alot of movies. creative movies are good. Smokin aces, Fight Club, Snatch, Hot Rod, Dumb and Dumber, Just to name a few.


I used to like tv alot. Now I find alot of whats on too ofensive to enjoy. I do like that smallville show though. I'm a nerd.


I don't really read. I prefer to write even though people take what I right too seriously or not seriously at all.


Jesus, and then probably my mom. I don't know how she managed to not go insane. Scratch that. I don't know how she didn't go more insane.

My Blog

Once Upon A Time.

     Once upon a time, time stood still frozen in place. A cold moment in my life where light was just a dim glow at the end of a long dark tunnel. It seemed to take forever for th...
Posted by Joshua on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:54:00 PST


Peace finds me at last, torn from the beginning Sorrow leaves me at last, always sad never crying I sat in silence thinking too much Forever contemplating, never acting Lonely I stared at an empty mir...
Posted by Joshua on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:07:00 PST

How much longer?

Long I have waited to release my rage and escape this place of meaningless anger. My cage, my rage, my fear, my anger, my hate. I can't break it, I can't shake it. It's like an earthquake inside my br...
Posted by Joshua on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:51:00 PST

Who do you see?

Who do you think you see, when you sit ther looking at me, do I even cross your mind or do you stare through blankly. Who do you think you hear when you listen to the words of my heart. Or do you even...
Posted by Joshua on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST


For all who read my last blog. That is not how i feel inside. I just like to write deep stuff like that from time to time. The process of salvation from the perspective of a tortured soul was an inter...
Posted by Joshua on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:34:00 PST


My eyes find me blind. My ears cry for the feal of a friendly tone and life is wasted on me because of it. My life is a chaotic shift from one misery to the next. Everywhere I turn are more ...
Posted by Joshua on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:28:00 PST