Hiking, fishing, riding atvs, driving around, music, playing and listening, church, bible studies, people.
I love to meet other christians. They usually have the coolest stories.
I like music that'll put me in the mood I want to be in. Whether it's something to relax and fall asleep too, or somethin to get my blood pumpin in the morning. I also like alot of techno/eclectronica. Stuff thats mellow. I like music from around the world. Not all of it, but some. Rock and underground hip hop are pretty cool too.
Anything funny, And I mean funny. I am easily amused so i like alot of movies. creative movies are good. Smokin aces, Fight Club, Snatch, Hot Rod, Dumb and Dumber, Just to name a few.
I used to like tv alot. Now I find alot of whats on too ofensive to enjoy. I do like that smallville show though. I'm a nerd.
I don't really read. I prefer to write even though people take what I right too seriously or not seriously at all.
Jesus, and then probably my mom. I don't know how she managed to not go insane. Scratch that. I don't know how she didn't go more insane.