Hmmmmm what do I put here. I'm 25, originally from London but now living in Newcastle. Am currently running my own web design business, so if you want a website let me know! If you wanna know more about me just ask
Hmmmmm what do I put here. I'm 25, originally from London but now living in Newcastle. Am currently running my own web design business, so if you want a website let me know! If you wanna know more about me just ask
Football, music, designing stuff, drawing stuff
I'd like to meet Jose Mourinho - I would love to poke his f*cking eyes out with a pencil.
For all my fellow web designers, I would love to meet whoever came up with the W3C and slap him around the face with a wet fish until he cries. Knob.
Would also like to meet Noel Edmonds, Bobby Moore, Harry Hill, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Buckley, Hulk Hogan, Roy Walker, Carmen Electra... there's loads of people I'd like to meet.
Mainly rock but some hip-hop type stuff as well. I love Idlewild, RHCP, Goo Goo Dolls, Audioslave, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Prodigy, Semisonic, Propellerheads, DJ Shadow, Adam F, GLC, Beastie Boys, Muse, Greenday (prefer their old stuff though), Jeff Buckley, Jimi Hendrix, loads more but too many to mention.
Mmmmmm food! My current favourite foods include boiled eggs, Domino's Sticky Dippers, Honey Nut Cheerios, Swedish Meatballs and Kinder Happy Hippos
Not really into movies, I find most of them pretty boring. I do like some though, including Shawshank Redemption, Clockwork Orange, American Psycho, Enter The Dragon (WATAAAHHH!!) and anything tasteless, such as Team America, Beavis n Butthead Do America, South Park The Movie, etc.
Mmmmmm television. I watch loads of crap. My favourite programme is Catchphrase, although it's been shit since they got rid of Roy Walker :(
Books are BORING
Julian and Noel...
Heh heh heh heh heh
Skip to the end...
Timmy Mallett...
Harry Hill...
Football Heroes
Bobby Moore
Rui Costa