Tara profile picture


About Me

My name is Tara Braden and i am 19 years old. I like to hang out w/ my friends, ride four wheelers, and spend time with my daughter. I love hanging out with a retard and her sister and a couple of drunks and their cousins. (retard=Chrissy..lol.) I live in the Big O'le Town of St. George, but u can ALWAYS find me in Rosinville and Harleyville... I have never been happier than I am right now.. My best friend Chrissy is always there for me when I need someone to talk to or to just let loose and act like a fool.. I have the prettiest little girl in the world and I wouldn't change having her for anything. Yeah my life has gotten a lot more complicated since I had Rylie Jo but now because of her I have more joy in my life than ever before. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me even though I have to raise her alone.

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What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Mt. DeW
Beverage (alc) ? GoLdSlAgGeR
Color ? PiNk
Food ? SuBwAy
Item of clothing ? JeAnS
Meal of the day ? LuNcH
Feature on yourself ? ???
Quality in a guy/girl ? SmIlE
Phrase ? ~*I aIn'T yOuR fuCkIn' BuDdY*~
Song ? HeRe WiThOuT yOu
Musical Artist/Band ? PrEtTy RiCkY
Sport ? NoNe
Movie ? PiPpI & ThE cRoW
TV Show ? NoNe
Radio Station ? CaT cOuNtRy 107.5
Type of Chocolate ? HeRsHeYs
Eye Color ? HaZeL
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? YeS
Smoke ? YeS
Drink ? NoT aT tHe MoMeNt
Have any piercings ? YeS
Have any tatoos ? No
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend MaYbE
Had sex ? Yes
Gone streaking ? No
Gone skinny dipping ? YeS
Been to Europe ? No
Been to an island ? No
Had stitches ? No
Broken any bones ? YeS
Been stabbed/shot ? No
Slept until after 12:00 ? Oh YeA
Stayed up all night ? DeFiNeTlY
Danced like a whore ? No
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? No
Turned down a dare ? No
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? ReDnEcK bUdDy
Is the prettiest ? ChRiSsY
Is the most handsom ? HmM???
Is the loudest ? MaTt
Is the craziest ? ReDnEcK bUdDy
Is the most shy ? HeAtHeR
Is the most loving ? HmM???
Is the most understanding ? ChRiSsY
Is the most boring ? NoNe ThEy R aLl ExCiTiNg!
Is the richest ? NoNe
Is the most athletic ? ThEy R LaZy!!!
Is the most cocky ? MaTt
Is the biggest sex icon ? Ha!!!
Is the most wordly/cultured ? NoNe
Do you look up to the most ? ThEy R mOsTlY sHoRt PpL!! (sRrY cHrIsSy&JaMiE) lOl
Do you tell everything to ? ChRiSsY
Has the best clothes ? BoB
Has the best house ? We AlL lIvE iN cArDbOaRd BoXeS
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? No
Kiss someone of the same sex ? MaYbE (hehe)
Cheat on someone you love ? No
Run away from home ? YeS
Lie to your parents ? YeA
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? DePeNdS
Lie to your best friend ? No
Give a homeless person money ? YeA
Run from the police ? YeA
Bungee jump ? HeLl YeAh
Sky dive ? YeA
Cross dress ? YeA (fOr HaLlOwEeN)
Be an exotic dancer ? No
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? No
Scuba dive ? No
Go rock climbing ? No
Go spulunking (caving) ? No
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? RaPpEr
Bologna ? YuMmY
Hott ? SuMmEr
Orange ? ClEmSoN&..39;s GaY!!!
Real world ? MtV
Fuck ? YoU
Jack ? AsS
Cucumber ? PiCkLe
Hip-Hop ? MuSiC
Uniform ? MiLiTaRy
UniCORN ! ? mMmMm!!!
Rainbow ? SkItTlEs
Clown ? ScArY
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 70%
Romance - 33%
Self - Control - 34%
Kissing - 87%
Cuddling - 6%
Kinkiness - 91%
This quiz by KillianO - Taken 2957520 Times. New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.BizTake the quiz:
What kind of cigarette are you? (pics)

Marlbro Reds
Nice... You are Marlboro reds... Classic and roustic...
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

playing the piano, hanging out with my crazy friends, and just having a good time
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I'd like to meet:

Graphix Pimper
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CoUnTrY and RaP
Myspace Layouts


ThE CrOw and PiPpI LoNgStOcKiNg


Graphix Pimper


JoHnNy AnGeL
Myspace Layouts


Mom, Grandma *R.I.P*, and My big bro
KnOwn as: TaRa
Lives in: A hOuSe
FIRST BREATH: 01-20-88
SchOOl: WoOdLaNd
Hair cOlOr: BrOwN
Eye cOlOr: BlUe-GrEen
Fears: SnAkEs
Cheated On sOmeOne? No
Been cheated On? YeS
Fallen Off the bed? YeS
BrOken' sOmeOnes heart? YeS
Had yOur heart brOken? YeS
Had a dream cOme true? YeA
DOne sOmething yOu regret? YeP
Cheated On a test? YeP
Wearing? ClOtHeS
Listening tO? MoM SnOrInG
LOcated? OfFiCe
Chatting with? No OnE
Watching? ThE PuTeR
ShOUld really be dOing? SlEePiNg
Brush yOur teeth? YeS
Have a b/f Or g/f ? NoPe
Have ne piercings? YeS
Drive? YuP
Drink/SmOke? NoT aT tHe MoMeNt/YeA
GOt a pager? NoPe
Play any spOrts? NoPe
WhO is yOur best? ChRiSsY
WhO do yOu hate? ToO mAnY pEoPlE
WhO is the shyest? HeAtHeR
WhO is the mOst talkative? JaMiE
WhO is the cutest? BoB
WhO laughs the mOst? MaTt
WhO have yOu knOwn the lOngest? HeAtHeR
WhO have yOu knOwn the shOrtest? MaTt
WhO dO yOu miss the mOst? JeFfErY
WhO dO yOu gO tO with yOur persOnal prOblems? LiL' bIt
Hugged? JaMiE
Kissed? CaN't SaY
IMed? No OnE
Talked On the phOne? ChRiSsY
Yelled at? MoM
Fell in lOve with? SoMeOnE i ShOuLdN't HaVe
What dO yOu want tO be when yOu grOw up? I dOn'T wAnT tO gRoW uP, I'm A tOyS r Us KiD!
What has been the best day Of yOur life? ThE dAy My DaUgHtEr WaS bOrN
What cOmes first in yOur life? My DaUgHtEr RyLiE
What dO yOu usually think abOut befOre yOu gO tO bed? ToO mUcH tO nAmE
HOw many times have yOu fallen in lOve? TwIcE
MOvie: PiPpI LoNgStOcKiNg/ThE cRoW
SOng: HeRe W/oUt YoU
StOre: WaL-mArT
Relative: BrEtT (bRoThEr)
Ice cream flavOr: VaNiLlA
COlOr: PiNk
Name fOr a girl: RyLiE
Name fOr a bOy: HaYdEn
AbOrtion: HaTe ThE tHoUgHt
SmOking: Up To ThE pErSoN
Eating disOrders: StUpId
Suicide: StUpId
Summer: AwEsOmE
TattOOs: KeWl
Piercings: LoVe 'Em
Pierced nOse Or tOunge? ToUnGe
ChOcOlate Or flOwers? FlOwErS
10 acquaintances Or One best friend? OnE bEsT fRiEnD
Happy Or sad? HaPpY
Mexican Or Italian fOOd? MeXiCaN
Pepsi Or cOke? CoKe
Lights On Or Off? OfF
Happy Or sad? HaPpY
Spring Or fall? SpRiNg
Left Or right? RiGhT
HOt or cOld? HoT
(FOR A DATE) walking on the beach and looking at the sunset OR a dinner and movie? WaLkInG oN tHe BeAcH
COlOr Or black and white phOtos? CoLoR
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Take the quiz: "What alcoholic beverage are you?"

Budweiser Beer
You're the first choice of many people. Maybe a little too common and not too unique, but hey you're always faithful right?
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... unique
Quiz created with MemeGen !Take the quiz:
Wut Kind Of Drink Are You

PARTY ANIMAL!!! you love to have fun and lots of it, thats why vodka fits you the best
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!