This is how you can help
1. Read and understand the "What are Human Rights?" booklet . And check out the YHR International website .
2. Sign our online Human Rights Petition to get human rights taught in schools.
3. Raise your awareness of human rights violations by visiting Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch .
4. Tell others about human rights and help distribute booklets
5. Let school officials know that you want human rights taught in schools.
6. Speak out against violations of human rights. (Either on a personal level or by contacting newspaper or elected representatives.)
7. Make a donation to Youth for Human Rights of Tampa.
8. Become a member of the Youth for Human Rights group
Your help is welcomed and very much needed. Please email us at [email protected] regarding how you would like to help.
UNITED video clip
Click on PLAY to preview it.
"Freedom of Thought"
Click PLAY to watch it now.
Click here for the "What Are Human Rights?" booklet.
L. Ron Hubbard, Mohandas Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mary Shuttleworth (Director of Youth for Human Rights International)