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God Dear

Please, dear God, make my words today sweet and tender, for tomorrow I may have to eat them

About Me

god dear --
A hard-core grave robber
† † † † † † † † Click here to get Falling Objects † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †I promote Abruzzo's learning from almost 90 years to whom are interested in natural staggering sweet smelling experiences from this unknowing land. My region boasts a heavy mountain cooking for cast-iron stomachs - a fat protein-based diet, arrosticini made of sheep, huge oiled pasta with ricotta and vegetables - or an exclusive fish cooking by Consi Grandmother, if you prefer genuineness and lightness. Consi comes from an old tradition of fishermen, she and cuttlefishes are best friends. Ask to whom tasted her! Distillers and delicious liquors will meet you after the marathon. You can try also fresh mountain hikes to Gran Sasso Square, mental acrobatics in the hills, paraplegic excursions in the green hinterland. Trees are not a safe shelter from lightning as Yes's House would be: Tonino can initiate you into the secrets of fatty food, an essential lesson of surviving. I'm not good in cooking but I can propose the best dishes and cooks. My methods of dialect teaching are nationwide recognized. First concerts, in case of musicians, musicians...

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My Interests

Interestending/Mistrust Baroque line: infinitesimal.It is this similarity between the whole and its parts, even infintesimal ones, that makes us consider this curve of Von Koch as a line truly marvelous among all. If it were gifted with life, it would not be possible to destroy it without anihilating it whole, for it would be continually reborn from the depths of its triangles, just as life in the universe is.
Searching for Landes, analysing molecules into fireworks, how music works into bodies, light, Ascension/Descension, the Fifties simplicity and conservative attitude, when temperature is falling, Wrapping Up philosophy, persimmon, sauerkraut, weisse schweizer schokolade mit haselnüssen mandeln und sultaninen, sofficini conad, sequoias, Gabon, Years 1990 While there's this there's hope

I'd like to meet:

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Herzog Kaurismaki Tarkovskij Ferreri Solondz Cronenberg Buttgereit




De Rerum Natura Platone Agostino Leibniz Koyrè Florenskij Krishnamurti Pasolini Otto Weininger Wittgenstein Foucault Hofmann Agota Kristof Oswald Wirth Talbot Nikola Tesla Verne


Ali Farka Toure

My Blog

Places of Light

Posted by God Dear on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:00:00 PST

Yesterday was such a dream

Posted by God Dear on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:07:00 PST


Bolognano is a small village placed on heights along the Orta Valley, it is at an elevation of 890 feet and its population is about 1300. It boasts Roman origins: its territory encompasses part of Ort...
Posted by God Dear on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:28:00 PST

Together, forever in love

The wedding is a golden opportunity to think about Life. The weddings are fat, baroque, garish, and sometimes a bit ridicule too. Everything is big, pompous and too much generous. This summer I had th...
Posted by God Dear on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 02:03:00 PST

Storm Picnic

The new season does not surprise me at all. The fact is  can I talk about a new season? We had a Mild Winter or, as I prefer to call it, a pathetic Spring. We didn't come out from hibernating because...
Posted by God Dear on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:46:00 PST

Time moves through Weather

Dalla sua bocca non uscì una parola magicama diede impronta di sé all'universo con un tintinnio; finalmente l'inverno parlò alla natura - che non credeva piùal tempo del risveglio...   Since I n...
Posted by God Dear on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 01:10:00 PST

The African Avenger

This is Antonio. We call him Ansiogel because of his anxiety from the dawn of time. He's my head cook and he knows Abruzzo like the back of his hand even though he's always out of pocket and he filche...
Posted by God Dear on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 05:49:00 PST

Blood Diner

Two cannibalistic brothers, Michael and George Namtut dig up their uncle Anwar's brain and, under his instruction, build a body, from parts of girls they dismember, to house an incarnation of the two ...
Posted by God Dear on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:44:00 PST

N n f s reprise

Nothing takes place suddenly; one of my great and best confirmed maxims says that nature never makes leaps. I have called this maxim the Law of Continuity. . . . This law does a lot of work in natural...
Posted by God Dear on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:32:00 PST

Natura non facit saltus

Yesterday, right opposite my home as I was opening the door, this padlock came off my key ring and fall to the ground.At once the fact reminded me several and confused scenes about the past of this li...
Posted by God Dear on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 06:03:00 PST