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I am here for Networking

About Me

When I was a kitten, my dad & mom would let me listen to the radio while they were at work so that I wouldn't be too lonley or bored. Mostly, I listened to classical music back then, but as I got older, my dad taught me about blues and rock 'n roll. He is a musician. I think my girlfriend Changa is his biggest fan. Everytime that he starts to sing while he's playing his guitar, she runs over to him to listen at his feet. She is such a daddy's girl, but I LOVE HER...Changa and I have been dating for about 2 1/2 years now. She has soft fur and big yellow green eyes. I think she is beautiful. She is much younger than me, about five years. I was born in the late summer of 1997... but I can't be sure of the date. I was born under the crawl space of my human uncle's house and it took them a while to find me. I thought that we lived in a cave until one day when I went exploring with my brothers and sisters. We followed a light that led us to a sunny, grassy backyard but there, we also saw HUMANS...they tried to catch us but we were too fast and smart for them. Until one night, a couple of nights before Halloween, a few of us braver kittens were playing on the lawn and chasing bugs. We were having so much fun, that we didn't see the humans who had arrived. My dad was quick and he caught me to take home to mommy.She was so happy and surprized to see me. I was really afraid though because I had never been in a car, or a house, or with humans, or away from my cat family. I cried all night. Mom took good care of me and played with me a lot, after a while I felt comfortable in my new home and was happy again. Plus the food is SO much better here, I mean I missed my brothers and sisters but I didn't have to share anymore! I'll share with Changa but not until I've had my turn at it first; then we can take turns. However, if one of us takes too long at the bowl, sometimes we'll bat each other in the head to make the other hurry up.I have a pretty good life. I don't even mind putting up with mom getting me dressed up and taking my picture if it means that I get rewarded with a can of Fancy Feast. Livers & hearts is my favorite flavor. Mmmm...Pink Food. Wait, I think I hear a cap popping open now! I need to go investigate.

My Blog

TAG! A fun game for kitties...

Ok, here are the rules: If you have been tagged, you must compose a list of 6 fun or unusual facts about yourself and then tag 6 kitties to do the same! After you finish your six points and list t...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:02:00 GMT