Movies, Music, Guitar, Rockabilly, Beer, Sex, Directing, Sketching, Strong Bad, AtAT, PVP Online, Long Renders, Anamorphic Lens Flares, Other Nerd Things, BANG!
People who like to rock out.
I like chatting with other songwriters. That's always fun.
Folks who are interested in the mechanisms of film producing and financing, business plans, etc. Business talk is my achilies heel.
People who are from or have been to Bemidji. Hell, even people who have just HEARD of Bemidji get at least one gold star.
ROCK AND ROLL, Rockabilly, Cracker, Camper Van Bethoven, Johnny Hickman, Hollywood Trash (my band), Drive-By Truckers, Chuck Berry, The F-in Stones, The Bent Scepters, The Monks, The Hives, The White Stripes, Neil Young, Brian Setzer, The Stray Cats, The Reverend Horton Heat (Gotta Love the Rev!), Blew Munday, Live, Bush, The Black Crowes, Richard Thompson, Martin Sexton, Wilco, The Donnas, The Band, The Verve Pipe (listen to an album front-to-back), Counting Crows (are they uncool?), The Wallflowers (shut the fuck up).
Akira, Ghost in the Shell, The LOTR Trilogy, The Frighteners, The Indy Trilogy, Almost Famous, Fritz Lang's M, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Anything Pixar, Chasing Amy, Clerks 2, She's Having a Baby, The Empire Strikes Back, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars in general, Ray, anything Steve McQueen (cause he's a badass), Chinatown, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Battlestar Glactica, Heroes, The Office, Studio 60, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, My Name is Earl, Scrubs.
Pretty much all of the Sherlock Holmes fiction, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, F 451, Dude Where's My Country?, The Culture of Fear, 1984, The LOTR series
My Folks, My USC Friends, My GF, People who find success on their own terms.