My interests are: Photography, Playboy, Women, Politics, Current Events, Sports, Humor, Reading, Computers, Podcasts, Movies, TV, Music; I feel that laughter makes the world a better place, especially in this day & age.JaimeLouise
Playboy fans!
Plus: women who have a sense of humor; but being smart & beautiful doesn't hurt. :-D Also looking for models who are looking for different photographers to work with.
Looking for photographers to talk to & learn from.
Willing to learn from the best, such as Suze Randall or any other former or current Playboy photographer. By the way, the top 25 is subject to change!
Stephanie & Nicole!MeganThe sexiest DJ ever, Roxanne Dawn
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I like all genres; except for country. I'm not sure why I don't like country; it just doesn't appeal to me. I don't listen to free radio; recently, I bought a car plug-in, so I can listen to my favorite songs on my iPod in my car. My taste ranges from the Beatles & Aerosmith to Weezer & Green Day, from Sublime & the White Stripes to Eminem & Kayne West. Weezer's Beverly Hills song & video reminds me of my trip to the Playboy Mansion; it's my favorite video of all time.Janine
I like any movie genre: From Comedy, Airplane; Westerns, The Wild Bunch; Drama, The Godfather I & II; to Horror, A Nightmare on Elm Street; Adventure, Indiana Jones trilogy; & Comic Books, Sin City. I have a couple of new favorite movies: Borat & Talladega Nights; both made me laugh until I cried. I like the movies made in the 70's; they feel real, almost a time machine to me. The clothes, lack of special effects, & free love; sounds like fun. :-DBrandie
My favorites are: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Pardon The Interruption, South Park, The Soup, The Girls Next Door, Cops, Forensic Files, Harvey Birdman, Moral Orel, Robot Chicken, Judge Judy, Jerry Springer, Conan O'Brien, SportsCenter, College Basketball, NFL, IU basketball & football.Lena
America: the Book, Inside the Playboy Mansion, Playboy: The Celebrities, The Bedside Playboy Book, The Playmate Book, The Playboy Book, Belushi, The Dog Dialed 911, Republicans do the Dumbest Things, Democrats do the Dumbest Things, Live from New York, Idiots in Love, The Pythons, Politics Lost, Armed Madhouse, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, and the latest issue of Playboy.Sarah
I've worked with one of my heroes: Ray Iddings, a hard working man who was in Vietnam; but was injured by shrapnel, and has worked multiple jobs to feed his family all of his adult life. A tough, tough man. I wish he could have taught me more about life. Another hero: Playboy founder Hugh M. Hefner. A simple man with a simple plan: show everyone sex isn't/wasn't dirty. Unfortunately, I think he has some work to do. Just look at our President & the hypocrites in Congress. And lastly, a writer that has the biggest balls in this hemisphere: Greg Palast. Palast authored Armed Madhouse, detailing the immensive smoke screen by the Bush administration & the complicit media in the weeks/months before & after the War on Terror; and Palast's previous book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, describing the actions of the GOP to win the election in 2000 by any means necessary, which included illegal vote counting, incompetence & gross negligence by our so called elected officials. The sad part is that no one in the mainstream press reported any of this; Palast is reporting for the BBC about the US for the British people, I fear that our "news" media is sadly going the way of the dinosaur; losing out to celebrity worship.Luana