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I Succumb To The Solace You Covet

About Me

I am a character, i can't spell, and i really don't give a shit what you think, no you don't get it i really don't. i'm happy. my life does not suck. You can't change how i feel so don't waste your time. What you see is not what you get... sorry i'm a little more complex than that. See I'd rather hang out with a few friends and have odd debatable conversations then partying. I got over it in high school. You see there really is no point in drinking to get shitfaced. There's no point in smoking weed, i've been there i've done it i got over it. Don't get me wrong if you want to do it do it, i'm saying i find no point in it and that's my choice. I am awesome but I am not conceited. Im far from it. Im funny... I can make just about anyone laugh, but I can also be serious so it balances things out. Im not better than anyone dont treat me like I am. I smoke. I like a wide range of music. I like , is good. I like chicken. Hot wings are good. I drink a lot. I mosh. Im fast. Im speed in itself. I like to make out (don't get it twisted there's only one man). Everyone loves me. Im nice to everyone less I don't like you then I ignore you. Existence is what you make it. Im different from you. But we're all the same. Im not like every girl, I dont cry to get my way, I don't promise you what other girls promise. Im sarcastic, Im an ass but only when provoked. Im a quarter stick of dynamite. Dont fuck with me. don't fight with me i don't want to pretend to feel bad when you start to cry. Kisses carry emotion. nothing else. period.
Dis forDorky
Ais forAbstract
Nis forNice
Iis forIntense
Eis forEntertaining
Lis forLuscious
Lis forLegendary
Eis forExplosive What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

Instruments of DOOM! Beds. Pillows. Blankets. Cheesy Horror Flicks. Shelby Mustangs. Imports. Concerts. Local Shows. Fellow Musicians. Nitrous Oxide. Liquid Nitrogen. Plutonium. Bombs. Fire. Heat. (Death, Destruction, Filth and Greed.)Accents. Boats. Cheese. Dissection. Getting Trampled. Highly Flammable Materials. Mosh Pits. My *non*Homosexual Life Partner. The Ocean. Pool. RLFC. Skating. Snowboarding. Tattoos. Piercings. Rocket Propelled Grenades. Serial Killers. Sexuality. Sharpies. Silver. Eye Liner. Glitter. Colored Pencils. Yelling. Fighting. Drinking. Watching My Drunk Friends Wrestle. Intelligent Conversations. Fishnets. Forensics. Hair Dye. Duct Tape. Big Boots. Loud noises. Big Cities. Carnivorous Flowers. Culture. Language.

I'd like to meet:

Someone that can mentally knock me the fuck out. Tell me something I haven't heard already. Have a personality different from your friends. Be your own person: be intriguing. Fuck what anyone else thinks be happy. but if you want to get technical: Some guy that can raise as much hell that I can ...yeah they rock... and have to have and know how to use their brain... thats kinda nice. But really I want to meet a guy with one leg, with bi hawks one indigo one hot pink. Green eyes (or hazel) who plays bass likes to watch cheesy horror flicks by night and plays Ping-Pong by day. Who can out run me in a race. Out drink me, out play me, and out do me in ever aspect. Who has 15 strategically placed piercing and wears baggy pants and tight shirts and a mesh hat. Has glasses, little tiny oval ones hah. Likes stars and tattoos. Who can drive a stick faster than me. Reads when he's bored and likes to draw. But knows how to mosh with the best of them. Is intelligent. Knows when to give up on the pointless bullshit that swarms society, but still keeps up with what he wants. oh and you best believe he knows what he wants. Doesnt second guess anything.Females on the other hand as long as you aren't a "typical" female it's ok. Don't bring your drama around me, if i wanted it around all the time i'd still live with my mother.

Man Matt you suck look what you made me do.. SUCKA!
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: I don't know they change
Hair Color:: Red in the summer black in the winter
Height:: i'm ginormous
Favorite Color:: dark green
Screen Name:: haha no way man you gonna catch me
Favorite Band:: Deathboy
Favorite Movie:: A Clockwork Orange
Favorite Show:: MSI.Suicide City. Bella Morte. Bmore like two years ago
Your Car:: we're not gonna insult that poor thing
Your Hometown:: Haven't found it yet...
Your Present Town:: Fredericksburg
Your Crushes First Name:: Matt hahaha sucka!
Your Grade:: not really in a grade
Your Style:: uh. mix a little i don't care with fuck off and hey look at me...
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes
Danced in a public place?: yes
Smiled for no reason?: the voices make me smile
Laughed so hard you cried?: sure
Peed your pants after age 8?: i'm pretty sure i haven't
Written a song?: actually just finished one
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah.. im a dork..and by that i mean .. no im a dork
Performed on a stage?: yeah
Talked to someone you don't know?: yeah they're fun
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: um not really out of my way they were kinda sitting next to me...
Made out in a theatre?: sure.. and then i was pissed off cause i missed the movie
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: actually yeah.. i had an ex who was a jamskater...which i think makes me a loser
Been in love?: ah matters of the heart i don't wish to speak of
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Matt
Tell you, I love you?: Andrew but it wasn't in that i want to be with you way
Kiss you?: Eric
Hug you?: Eric
Tell you BYE?: Matt
Write you a note?: Matt
Take your photo?: um. Mike the photographer...
Call your cell phone?: damn .. uh Preston like in December...
Buy you something?: Kurt
Go with you to the movies?: Stevie
Sing to you?: uh man long time ago.... shit no Jen and i sing to each other all the time
Write a poem about you?: that one i don't know. i think CJ back in high school
Text message you?: Preston back in December haha i still have them too
Touch you?: hehe.. myself..
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: This morning at like 10 cause Matt work me up..
Time you cried?: Last friday...
Movie you watched?: Quills.. yeah im a sick little girl.. and the movie before that was Kids...
Joke you told?: uh wasn't really a joke it was just funny.. sex is like racquetball you bang away for half an hour work up a sweat and hope you don't take one in the eye.
Song you've sang?: Forget it by breaking benjamin
Time you've looked at the clock?: i dunno when it was like 11
Drink you've had?: i had juice last night...
Number you've dialed?: Matts....
Book you've read?: Cross ... James Patterson what?
Food you've eaten?: Goldfish
Flavor of gum chewed?: Uh Grape
Shoes you've worn?: MY ADIDAS...
Store you've been in?: uhm... Best Buy ?
Thing you've said?: to myself or to someone?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: sometimes
Whistle?: sure
Blow a bubble?: yeah
Roll your tounge in a circle?: maybe
Cross your eyes?: then i look stupid
Touch your tounge to your nose?: yeah
Dance?: i love to
Gleek?: sometimes but its kinda unsanitary
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yeah.. insomnia dumb bitch
Speak a different language?: little bit
Impersonate someone?: sure
Prank call people?: i can but i grew out of it a long time ago
Make a card pyramid?: dont have the patience
Cook anything?: i am the boss
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: pin-up girl
I wish ...: i had a cigarette
So many people don't know that ...: ahhh haha not even
I am ...: super
My heart is ...: not talking about it
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MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Akasha
Birthdate: Nov. 20
Birthplace: that's a long story
Current Location: Fredericksburg
Eye Color: i don't know
Hair Color: red
Height: they call me jolly green
Weight: hmmmmm.. if i tell you guys then i can't win at the fair anymore
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: irish and italian
Body Type: hmmmm... it's a surprise
Favorite Food: mash potatos
Favorite Drink: green tea
Baseball Team: fuck baseball...
(when) Bedtime: i'm lucky if i fall asleep
Favorite Color(s): dark green
Favorite Letter: X
Favorite Number: 5420
Candy: Nerds Rope
Favorite Animal: I like Komodo Dragons.. they're so cute
Favorite Messenger: um... that UPS guys that comes to my house hahaha
Screename: freaking stalkers
Favorite Store: There's this skate shop in London i like.. but i can't remember the name
Most Missed Memory: hanging with the boys.. beer ... football.. music... fight.. good times.
Best Physical Feature: all of me... doesn't work if something was missing
Overused Phrase: And by _____ i mean _____
First Thought Waking Up: i actually slept
Goal for this year: I dont want to talk about it
Weakness: i don't want to talk about it
Fears: Not going to talk about it
Heritage: Already said
Longest Relationship: three years
School's Name: ODU
Favorite TV Show: Tripping the Rift
Have You Ever....
Drank: yea
Smoked: yea
Dyed Your Hair: yea
Shoplifted: yea
Tried To Do The Splits: and by tried i mean no...
Tried To Do A Backbend: lets not talk about the particulars of that....
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: i do them really well
Tried To Do A Handstand: yea
Tried To Act Perfect: no..i dont try hahaha
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: yeah
Skinny Dipped: yea
Had Sex: yea
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: yea
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: yea
Been Dumped: damn that boy.
Done Drugs: sure
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yeah.. sometimes i get those
Ate Sushi: yeah dont like it much
Loved Someone: yeah.. once
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: pretty ones
Fav Hair Color: dark
Short or Long Hair: depends
Height: long as they aren't super huge
Weight: samething
Looks Or Personality: sorry guys you need both...
Love or Money: hmmm.. i think im gonna take the money and run.. less it's that guy.. that im not going to say the name of
Hot Or Cute: meh
Drugs and/or Alcohol: sure?
Muscular or Really Skinny: meh
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: hahaha
Random...: fuck you and by that i mean ..well fuck you
How Do You Want To Die?: id rather not think about it
What country do you want to Visit: Thailand
Been to the Mall Lately: nope
Do you like Thunderstorms: yea
Shower Daily: yea
Do you Sing: yea
Want to go to College: im in it
Clothes: im changing
Make-Up: workin on it
Hair Do: i look like Aeon Flux Bitch!
Phone: a pretty one
Phone Number: you can't have it
Location: my bedroom
Weather: kinda cold .. fucking cold
Website(s): this one?
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Once I sat down and thought I realized that I could never fit all the music I like into this box. I'm a very simple kind of girl, music is what builds the soul. I listen to pretty much everything, it really depends on my mood.


Horror. Comedy. 80's Movies. Anime.


Tripping the Rift. Adult Swim. South Park. A lot of Stand-up. I


Count of Monte Cristo(favorite book ever). Harry Potter (teehee). Culture. Psychology. James Patterson.


Frankkie Coldun the most influential person in my life. I never would have made it without you

My Blog

And By Sure I Mean Get The Hell On

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There's Always That One That Gets Away

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Posted by Swallowed By The Storm on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:13:00 PST

This Is How I Bleed

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Posted by Swallowed By The Storm on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:05:00 PST

With Ends Must Meet To Make The Ends Tie

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I'd Say This to *You* but I Don't Know if *You'd* Listen.

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the Tension forces us into Submission

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Don't Read if You Get Easly Angered ( im a deviant)

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