K.L.A10 profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'd like to think of myself as a philosopher. But wouldn't we all? Having a love of knowledge is the one thing in my life that is a constant. Everything changes from one day to the next, but there in, lies the consistancy. So if there is any involvement of thought behind anything...I'm all about it.....

My Interests

Music. Movies. Writings of any kind. Laughter.

I'd like to meet:

The philosophers, musicians, artists, and comedians.


The Susceptibles, The Doors, Misfits, Decendents, Bad Religion, The Vibrators, The Damned, Primus, Steely Dan, Link 80, Knowledge, D.I., T.S.O.L., Deftones, Slim Whitman, Samhain, Stoli and the Beers, Cream, The Nobody's, The Queers, 88 Fingers Louie, Rudimentary Peni, Civil Disobdience, Brother Inferior, Leftover Crack, The Vandals, Six Feet Under, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, The Independents, Subincision, Op-Iv, The Specials, Rush, Gwar, Dead Kennedys, Filth, The Mars Volta, Naked Raygun, Electric Frankenstein, Queens of the Stoneage, Mastadon,Slayer...


If it's good, I'll watch it. I'll still watch even it's not.(Mystery Science Theatre 3000)


Will rot your brain.Or fill it with un-needed information of bears or the dark ages.


The Civil War Marvel Event. Shits off the chain. So comics or really good science fiction. Or anything history related. History is good.


My Grandfather Dow (R.I.P.),My Parents (STILL ALIVE),Mitch Hedburg. (R.I.P.)Philip K. Dick (R.I.P.)

My Blog


It's dying. The feeling inside that leads one to believe in hope. The distance from hope to now is widening daily.  Humans concentrating in areas, over-populating, expanding the weakend vein...
Posted by K.L.A10 on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 02:32:00 PST


The ground is warm. The area around me is that of a desertish terrain. Sand and mud overheated by days of relentless sun lay beneath me. Mountians vale me, the color contrast seems martian i...
Posted by K.L.A10 on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 12:41:00 PST


The blood continues to flow. Looks like a river, a reddish black river flowing from my chest. It just seems to flow on to nothing. I can't see anything beyond the 3 feet of darkness in front of me, it...
Posted by K.L.A10 on Fri, 23 Sep 2005 04:03:00 PST


"I don't want to do this, becuase I might regret my decision tomorrow morning." "But there is no way that my mind will be swayed from where it is now, to where your mind treads. I just can't do that."...
Posted by K.L.A10 on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 02:12:00 PST


Her grave goes un-kept. I haven't been around to keep it nice, like she would for me. The weeds have engulfed the base of her tombstone, almost covering up her name. Jauqeline. That was her name. Was...
Posted by K.L.A10 on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 02:31:00 PST