"Do? Why, I can do anything. I have no restrictions."
the present! (mwa ha ha ha)
the past. (ha ha ha)
Adam's Current Music Picks:
Adam's Current Video Picks:
Adam's Unnecessary Profile Things:
280 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing -
You are Jesse Custer Preacher 75% Elijah Snow 70% Jack Hawksmoor 65% Yorick Brown 60% Rorshach 60% Rich Fell 58% Milk 55% Cheese 53% The Killer 45% Jeff Smax 43% Absolon Mercator 30% You are nerdy, intelligent,
witty, nerdy, and play drums
in a weird local band.
Click here to take the "Which Comic Character are you?" quiz, foo!
Seriously, I can't stop playing with this...
(that's what she said)