*Mz. JeNniifer* (0fficial Myspace Page) profile picture

*Mz. JeNniifer* (0fficial Myspace Page)

MmMm Papii dale duro..lol Muahzzz!!!

About Me

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Wha's poppin? I'm jus gonna tell u a lil bout myself...da name is Jennifer but my pplz call me Jenn or Jenni..wha eva u prefer it dont matter 2 me. Born in da beautiful island of da Dominican Republic n raised in da infamous 718 for all yall slow pplz dats Queenz n BK, NYC but now restin @ wack ass Miramar, FL. Im pretty much a down 2 earth female...jus like 2 chill n have fun. Im very shy n quiet @ 1st but when i start 2 feel more comfortable round da person ill let my guard down . Also im a friendly n nice female but dont get it twisted cuz i am 1 nasty mean ass bitch if u try 2 fuck wit me. I dont like bein lied 2 str8 up its sumthing i jus cant tolerate...if u done me wrong im a very forgiving person but da moment u lie 2 me u best believe i aint tryn 2 hear wha u got 2 say. Im not lookn for a boyfriend jus dont wanna deal wit da drama A Few Things bout Me... I love 2 joke around, yes i can b serious but evryone needs 2 have a lil sense of humor/ im very sarcastic im sry but i dont kno wha i would do wit out it/ i have a serious attitude problem sum ppl jus cant handle it/ i have an obsession for chocolate/ i have a bad habit of lookn down when cute guys talk 2 me/ i hate chick flicks...der fuckin boring/ i love speed dat includes fast cars, rollercoasters, motorcycles/ Halloween is my favorite holiday/ i dont trust nobody but myself/ lol i have a potty mouth i kno im suppose 2 act like a ladi but i cant help it girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
[Marital Status] SiNgLe
[Shoe size] 8
[Parents still together] yeSsir
[Siblings] yeSsir...1 bro n 1 sis
[Pets] nah
[Color] pink, blue, red, black
[Number] 4
[Animal] dogS...i love pitbulls
[Drinks] incredible hulk (henneSSey n hpnotiq), henny, grey goose, bacardi, Brugal(dat dominican rum) tequila n aNythiNg elSe dAts g0nna geT mE fUcked Up 0r in a g0od m0od
[Soda] pepSi n wild cherry pepSi
[Book] does my cell phone manual count
[Flower] Tropical Hibiscus
[Color your hair?] yeSsir...every 6 weeks
[Twirl your hair?] nAh...wha for?
[Have tattoos?] nAh but gettin 3 done s0on
[Have Piercings?] only on my earS
[Cheat on tests/homework?] lol yesSir but only when necesSary
[Drink/Smoke?] hell yeA im d0minicAn i wAs born 2 drink/ nAh sm0king n0t mAh thing
[Like roller coasters?] yeA...i l0ve dEm
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] YeA...bac in NYC
[Want more piercings?] nAh im Str8
[Like cleaning?] lol r u fu*kin seriouS? HeLL n0
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Own a web cam?] yeA
[Know how to drive?] YeA
[Own a cell phone?] YeA
[Ever get off the damn computer?] YeA
[Been in a fist fight?] im alwayS in fist fightS
[Considered a life of crime?] been there...done dat
[Considered being a hooker?] nAh
[Lied to someone?] yeA....only 2 help someOne out n 2 mAh parentS
[Been in love?] yeA...im kiNd of still in l0ve wit him
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yeA...I mAde 0ut wiT l0ts 0f frieNds l0l
[Been in lust?] lol yeA
[Used someone] yeA but she deServed it
[Been used?] yeA...it Aint a goOd feelin either
[Been cheated on?] yeA to0 mAny tiMes :( i d0nt thiNk i cAn haNdle An0tha 1
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] lol yeA...dat Shit is toO funni
[Stolen anything?] yeA
[Held a gun] yeA
[What you currently smell like] like caNdi
[Current hair] loNg, red n curLy
[Current thing I ought to be doing] studyiNg
[Current cd in stereo] T.I. hE's s000 fiNe
[Last book you read]
[Last movie you saw] The Descent...dAt sHit wAs crAzy
[Last thing you ate] cheESeburger n frieS
[Last person you talked to on the phone] DJ EnTiCe....yeA fr0m 99 JAMZ
[Do drugs?] nAh...I actualLy like 2 stay focuSed
[Read the newspaper?] SumtimeSS
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yeA...dey coOl peoples
[Believe in miracles?] i beliEve goOd thingS hapPen 2 goOd people
[Do well in school?] yeA
[Wear hats] yeA
[Hate yourself?] sUmtiMes
[Have an obsession?] yeA wit foOd n gUys....By dA wAy did I meNti0n gUys l0l
[Collect anything?] numbas...yeA i bAg em' liKe dAt l0l
[Have a best friend?] yeA...mAh boo JenN...i lOve u mAmA
[Close friends?] nAh...i dOnt truSt peOple juS mAh hOme guRl
[Like your handwriting?] yeA
[Care about looks] letS B reAl heRe...whO dOeSnt?
[First crush] sOme guy naMe chRis...I d0nt kn0 whA i wAs thiNkin he fUgly
[First kiss] whEn i wAs 13
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nAh dAt sHit d0nt exist
[Do you believe in "the one?"] No
[Are you a tease?] dAts whA i beEn told

[Too shy to make the first move?] nAh
[Daydreamer] nAh...dOnt hAve tiMe 4 it
[Bitch/Asshole] biTch n daMn prOud Of it
[sarcastic] alwAys
[Angel] nAh bUt i plAy it 2 pErfEctiOn
[Devil] yeA...iM A bAd girL (wiNk wiNk) l0l
[Shy] sumtiMesS
[Talkative] nAh

My Interests

I like clubbin, goin 2 da beach, chilln wit friends, listenin 2 music, playin ps2, watchn scary movies, sleepin, shoppin or chilln @ home wit da fam

I'd like to meet:

I'm not realli lookn 2 meet anyone... jus on here 2 kill sumtime n prolly talk 2 sum new ppl but dats bout it. And anotha thing if u have a gurl dont fuckin try 2 holla @ me cuz i aint feelin dat shit...dats fucked up...i dont give a fuck if u fyne as hell i will not talk 2 ur dumbass...cuz if u can do dat shit 2 her then u prolly do it 2 me n dat aint happenin so fall bak. I dont got time 2 play ur bullshit games. I been der n done dat n i dont need dat drama in mah life...dis is for all u stupid assholes dat think dey playas n can get dat shit past me but wha yall dont get is dat im smarter n always 1 step ahead of u...cmon fellaz step ur game up yall r slacking n shit.


i listen 2 alot of Hip Hop, R&B, Reggae, and since im a dominicana u kno i have 2 also put down merengue y bachata...dats da sh*t rite there


Friday---Chris Tucker is so0 funny!, Dumb & Dumber, Dodgeball, Don't be a menace 2 society n u kno da rest of da title...if u dont o well, and da Player's Club, Carlito's Way(dats a good ass movie rite der)...i like comedies n action movies i also love 2 watch horror movies.


Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Real World, BET, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, The Disney Channel---wha can i say i love watchn cartoons, Supernatural, Smallville, One Tree Hill, The Fresh Prince, Living Single, Girlfriends, Prison Break, Cops(bad boys bad boys wha u gonna do lmao)da criminals on dat show r dumb stupid, Wildboyz...lmao dat show is fuckin hilariousLMAO!!! OMG is has 2 b da funniest shit i eva seen...he str8 up is da fuckin dumbest crook eva lol he breaks into da store but he cant get his ass out lmao


First Name: JeNnifEr aka JeNni
Middle Name: EliZabEth
Birthday: 1~4~85...yeA im aN 80's bAby!!
Eyes: hell0 lo0k @ mAh freAkin picS n u'll c
Hair: i jUs dYed iT rEd
Fav color: iN mAh cAse iTs c0lors...rEd, blAck, piNk, blUe
Day/Night: nigHt
Fave Food: d0uble quArTer p0undEr meAl @ mIckEy d'S
Do you ever wish you had another name? n0...i l0ve mAh nAme
Do you like anyone? yeA...hE's s000 sExii
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? mAh b00...JeNn (sHe's mAh cl0ne l0l)
Who's the loudest? n0 c0ntEst dEr...JeNn...dAmn d0miNicAns l0l
Who have you known the longest of your friends? agAin dAt w0uld b JeNn....dAmn i neEd nEw frieNds
Who's the shyest: meEE...d0nt lo0k liKe iT hUh?
Are you close to any family members? yeA...aLL oF dEM
When you cried the most: whEn i m0ved 2 fl0ridA
What's the best feeling in the world: hAvin aN 0rgAsm l0l
Worst Feeling: whEn sUm0ne liEs 2 mE dAt sHit piSses mE 0ff
Let's walk on the: streEt
Let's run through: uR bAckyArd
Let's look at the: fiNe asS gUys
What a nice: asS hE hAs...mMmhMm
Where did all the: co0kies g0!!
Why can't you: jUs shUT uP dAmn l0l
Silly, little: go0se
Tell me: u wAnt me!
Ran away from home: l0l yeA to0 mAny tiMes
Pictured your crush naked: heLL yeA...c0untin dA dAys whEn i d0nt hAve 2 piCture iT aNym0re (yeA bAby!) l0l
Skipped school: wh0 hAsn't?
Broken someone's heart: nAh bUt hAd miNe br0ken a fEw tiMes
Been in love: nAh
Cried when someone died: wtf? yeA...iF u d0nt dErs suMthiNg wr0ng wiT u!! Seri0usly
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: i thiNk @leAst evRy0ne hAS wAnted suMb0dy dEy c0uldn'T hAve
Done something embarrassing: lmAo yeA
Done a drug: yeA...hEy i wAs expEriMentiNg
Cried in school: yeA
Your Good Luck Charm: mAh d0g tAgs
Person You Hate Most:
Best Thing That Has Happened: finally had sex...wha?!?! lol i was frustrated n i needed 2 get rid of it da best way i kno how
Ice Cream: dUlcE dE lEche...dAmn n0w i wAnt suM
WHO Makes you laugh the most: mAh br0ther sErge
Makes you smile: i d0nt d0 sMiles
Has A Crush On You: mAh fRiend tAe
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yeA...hE s00 dAmn fiNe(d0nt geT all gAsed uP n0w)l0l
Fallen for your best friend?: heLL nAh shE a femAle
Made out with JUST a friend?: mAde ouT wiT l0ts 0f frieNds...i wAs drUnk @ dA tiMe
Kissed two people in the same day?: yeA
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: heLL nAh dAts diRty
Been rejected: . yeA 0nce n n0w hE regrEts iT l0l to0 bAd so0 sAd
Been in love?: whA's wiT dA rEpeAt ?'S...i t0ld u n0
Been used?: unf0rtunAtely yeA
Done something you regret?: yeA
Cheated on someone?: yeA cuz he cheAted 0n mE 1st...pAybAck's a biTch
Been called a tease: dAts whA i beEn t0ld..hEy iM a femAle iTs iN mAh nAture 2 teAse
You touched?: mAh sElf...siKe geT dA fUck 0utTa hEre l0l pErveRts
You talked to on the phone?: mAh lil sis l0l
You hugged?: mAh m0mMy...dA only pers0n wh0 truly l0ves me
You instant messaged?: mAh h0meb0i...j0n
You kissed?: mAh bAby c0usin BAilie
You yelled at?: dAnNy...dAt psYch0tic stAlkEr 0f miNe
Who text messaged you?: agAin dAnNy...i t0ld u hE's psYch0tic
Who broke your heart?: l0ts 0f ppl dAts y I rAther keEp iT 2 mAhself den giVe iT 2 aNy0ne n riSk iT bEin br0ken agAin
Who told you they loved you?: n0b0dy
