Jt'aime, c'est tout. profile picture

Jt'aime, c'est tout.

Peg. I knew I would miss you Just didn't how much, and the effects it would have on me

About Me

Call Me: BenSon
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become action.
Watch your actions they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I aM |||> a PeoPlE perSoN, OpEn MinDeD.
|||> aN aDmiRe. a LovEr, NoT a SaiNt.
I aM |||> a Volonteer, @ HoriZoN fOr HoMeLess ChiLdReN. WebSitE iS horizonsforhomelesschildren.org
|||> ViSioNist. a tHeraPisT, bUt I dON't cHarGe.
|||> A fLiRt, nOt A cHeaTeR. JusT OcCasiOnalLy vUlNerAblE.
I aM |||> God's CreAtUrE. anD JesUs iS mY sAvIoR.
I aM |||> SoMeoNe's SiGhT. A HaNd to hOLd oN tO.
|||> a ShOuldEr To CrY oN, bUt CrY tO nOoNE BuT GoD. ThE aLl MiGhTY.
I aM |||> a BestfRienD, a rEaDer, A tHinKeR, a WriTeR.
|||> cArCastiC.
|||> soMeoNe's iNflUenCe, wHo at Time iS my sOurCe oF stRenGht.
I aM |||> MeaN. oNlY bcuz I doN't LikE mAkiNg fOoL OuT oF. oR bcuz I goT TirEd oF WatChiNg yoU MakiNg YouRSeLf LooK StuPid.
|||> a bOdy AMoR fOr tHoS I hOLd ExtReMLy CloSe To HearT.
I aM |||> soMeoNe YoU hAtE, I never saY I wAs PerFecT.
I aM |||> not aN aNgEL, bUT I wilL JuMp aFtEr YoU in attEmPt to CaTcH You, iF U falL oFf tHe wOrLd TalLesT bUiLdiNg. KnowING welL ThE ChAncEs Of Us coMinG ouT aLivE iS -10,000 oUT oF 1. Just BCuz I aDorE yOu.

My Interests

arChetecTure, Gym, Late NigHts, PhotoGraph, Mix tapes, Video GaMes, holdiNg haNds, kitteNs, DogS DaNciNg, Movie Nights, iNtelLectuaLs, GraFFiti, FiNe ArT [PaiNting] sTories, TouchiNg, AffectioN, GaDgeTs, Comedy ClubS, FiNe DiNiNg, Night oUt, ChurCh, My FamiLy, Life, SpeeD, Sky Diving, My FrieNds, TattooS, VacatioN, Forest, oCeaNs, KnowLedgE, DraMa [FiLm] MusiC, LovE, worLd MusiC, cuLtures, laNguaGes, traveL, eduCatioN, DaNciNg, aNcieNt hiStory, exotiC art, MakiNg ouT.

I'd like to meet:

ChiLdhOoD FrIeNds Non-sTaLkeRs No DumMiEs GeNuiNe FuNnY AnyOnE Who BriNg SoMethiNG pOsItiVeS On ThE taBLe oR aNYoNe WhoM I caN lEarN FroM. sensitive nurturing loving adventurous conservative flirtatious kind self-confident serious responsible high energy free-spirited personN

Few Images Of some of The PpL I'D Like To MeeT


Pop Française [FrenCh PoP]
R&B Française[French R&B]


MystiC River, I'M Sam, RoaD t0 Perdiction, LovE And BaskEtbaLl, CatCh Me If YoU CaN, PatRiot by MeL GibsOn, TearS of thE SuN, We werE SoldiErs, NothiNg to LoOse, BoyZ in thE hOod, PrettY WoMan, gOd FatHers, ScarfacE, ThE Best Man, The laSt SamUrai, BroWn SugAr, NatUraL BorN KilLerS, OriGinaL SiN, SeigE By DenzeL WaShiNgtoN. TraiNing DaY, Pulp FicTioN, The ChamP, glaDiaTor by RuSseL CrOw, LeGeNd Of tHe FalLs, DiE HarD(s).


NBC: Law & Order SVU, ER, HeroeS ESPN: PTI, NFL liVE FX: Nip/Tuck, SheiLd FOX: 24, PrIsoN brEak MTV: MTV aRtiSt HitLisT ABC: DesPeraTe hOuse wiveS, BroTherS & sIsTerS USA NeTwOrk: MonK, tHe dEaD zOnE CBS: CSI CNN: CoOpEr AnDerSoN 36o CW: SuppEr NaTuraL, SmaLviLlE HBO: EntoUra.


FaV. ThE HolY BibLe.
The IntErNatIoNaL or kiNg JamEs vErsioN)


Jesus Christ Above All, The The Woman who Gave Birth To mE. My ParterNel GranD-ma, Wh0 aRe also FolLoweD by otHeRs. outSidE hErOP: MartiN LutHer KiNg Jr. Nelson MandeLa.

My Blog


BOYTOY Just WanNa point out the name Boytoy has absoluteLy not a Damn Thing To do With beeN into oLder Woman. But am I? Does age matter? No, But I have my Preference Just Like others. 2ND this name Ha...
Posted by Jt'aime, c'est tout. on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 04:54:00 PST


A Prophetic Robert F. Kennedy Quote From 1968   He gave a speech to the Voice of America all around the world 40 years ago. And despite what was going on in the country, particularly in Alabama ...
Posted by Jt'aime, c'est tout. on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 10:24:00 PST

Dying Dream

Dreams. what to dream of  is left to us to decide. I found mine since i was nine years old. thanks to news and herorical stories of our great nation. living in a third world country, n...
Posted by Jt'aime, c'est tout. on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:20:00 PST